Exam IV-Dr. Pinto New Material Flashcards
Class II, which division? Maxillary anterior teeth flare outward in protrusion
Division I
Class II, which division? Maxillary anterior teeth are lingually inclined retroclined or prognathic maxilla, short retrognathic mandible, brachyofacial growth pattern, or prominent chin, and deep bite.
Division II
75% of Class II skeletal discrepencies are a result of _______ ________
What % of the US population has Class II malocclusion?? (interesting!)
What are two examples of syndromes that can lead to class II malocclusion?
Pierre-Robin & Treacher Collins
Correction of _______ dimension in the non-growing patient includes surgical correction such as Lefort __ orthognathic surgery
Transverse vertical plane type: usually buccal segments normal with 3-4mm discrepancy at level of WHICH TOOTH? due to narrow arch.
Maxillary 1st Molar
Transverse Vertical Plane Types: Mandibular plane steeper than normal, steeper functional occlusal plane, palate tipped downward, anterior cranial base tipped upward
Type 1
Transverse Vertical Plane Types: Type 1-Mandibular plane ________ than normal, _______ functional occlusal plane, palate tipped _______, anterior cranial base tipped _______
steeper, steeper, downward…upward
Transverse Vertical Plane Types: Type __ Mandibular plane, functional occlusal plane, and palatal plane are FLATTER than normal and nearly PARALLEL
Transverse Vertical Plane Types: Type 2 Mandibular plane, functional occlusal plane, and palatal plane are ______ than normal and nearly ______
Transverse Vertical Plane Types: are type 2 planes usually dolichofacial or brachyofacial?
Transverse Vertical Plane Types: Type __-Palatal plane tipped upward anteriorly
Transverse Vertical Plane Types: Type 3: ______ plane tipped UPWARD anteriorly
Transverse Vertical Plane Types: Type __ Mandibular plane, functional occlusal plane, and palatal plane are all noticeably tipped downward