Exam Covering Chapters 15-18 Flashcards
Asperger’s Disorder
High functioning autism
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Communication and social interaction problems, and restricted, repetitive behaviors
Intelectual disability
deficitis in intellectual functioning, adaptive functioning, and before 18yr
Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
test’s rating of an individual’s intellectual ability
Normal distribution
bell shaped curve
Standard deviation
standard deviation from the mean
Down Syndrome
Extra chromosome that fails to separate during cell devision, substantial variation in their intellectual level
Fragile-X Syndrome
weakening of break on one arm of the X sex chromosome
abnormally high levels of the amino acid phenylalanine, normal at birth, foods with this will build up and cause brain damage
Fetal Alcohol syndrome
retarded physical development, a small head, narrow eyes, cardiac defects and cognitive impairment, mild to normal intellectual ability
Cultural-familial retardation
intellectual disabilities of unknown etiology
movement dedicated to the “genetic improvement” of the human stock
people with intellectual disabilities are entitles to live as much as a normal life as possible
placing children with intellectual disabilities in the classroom with everyone else, rather than special taught classes
Savant performance
an exceptional ability in a highly specialized area of functioning
developmental psychology
abnormal behavior within the context of normal development
Developmental Norms
behavior that is typical for children of a given age
Externalizing disorders
difficulties for the child’s external world
Internalizing disorder
psychological problems that primarily affect the child’s internal world
involves squirming, fidgeting, and restless behavior
Attention deficits
Distractibility, frequent shifts from one uncompleted activity to another, careless mistakes, poor organization or effort, and general “spaciness”
Oppositional defiant disorder
a pattern of angry, defiant, and vindictive behavior
Learning disability
students who perform substantially below their ability in a specific area of learning
Conduct disorder
persistant, and repetitive pattern of serious rule violations, most of which are illegal and antisocial
Status offenses
acts that are illegal only because of the child’s age
behavioral characteristics, activity level, emotionality, and sociability
representative sample
sample that accurately represents some larger group of people
interaction in which parents and children reciprocally reinforce children misbehavior and parent capitulation
medications that increase central nervous system activity
repeat offending
Separation anxiety disorder
excessive worry for the safety of an attachment figure, fears of getting lost or being kidnapped, nightmares with separation themes, and refusal to be alone
Anxious attachments
fearful about exploration and are not easily comforted by their attachment figures
their ability to bounce back
Emotion regulation
process of learning to identify, evaluate, and control your feelings
Life-cycle Transitions:
Adult life, Family transitions, transition to later life
Transition to adult life issues
identity, career, and relationships
Family transition
middle adult years, happy events like first child, and/or sad events like divorce
Transition to later life
retirement, grief over lost loved ones, conflicts about aging, mortality, life one has lived
Adjustment disorders
clinically significant symptoms in response to stress that are not severe enough to warrant classification as a mental disorder
Identity crisis resolution
a comprehensive answer to the question “Who am I?”
Social clocks
age related goals for ourselves (like achievements accomplished on time)
Identity crisis
psychological conflict to the transition to adult life
a time of uncertainty about themselves and their goals
Family life cycle
developmental course of family relationships throughout life
the relative contribution of genes to a characteristic
heritability ratio
variance due to genetic factors/total variance
Gene environment correlation
an association between inborn propensities and environmental experiences
misconceptions and prejudices about aging
cessation of menstruation
form of grieving in response to death of a loved one
multidisciplinary study of aging
Expert witnesses
specialists allowed to testify about matters of opinion
criminal responsibility
because people act out of free will they are accountable for their actions when they violate the law
exception to criminal responsibility
Insanity defense
mental disability should limit criminal responsibility
defendants ability to understand the legal proceedings that are taking place against them and to participate in their own defense
Civil commitment
the involuntary hospitalization of the mentally ill
base rates
population frequencies
Informed consent (1)
Clinician must tell a patient about a procedure and its risks
Informed consent (2)
the patient understands the information and freely consents to the procedure
Informed consent (3)
the patient must be competent to give consent
Outpatient commitment
mandatory court-ordered treatment in the community
Advance psychiatric directives
legal instruments to declare their treatment preferences, or appoint a surrogate to make decisions for them
embraced the philosophy that many patients can be better red for in their community than in a large mental hospital
professional responsibilities
Obligations to meet the ethical standards of their profession and to uphold the laws of the state in which they practice in
the ethical obligation not to reveal private communications