exam ch. 3 Flashcards
starches and sugars present in food
sugars like glucose
simple carbs
starches like potatoes
complex carb
Nutrients that help build and maintain body cells and body tissues
these are a small chemical unit that makes up a protein.
Amino Acids
all ten essential amino acids ex. Meat
complete proteins
lacks one or more essential amino acids two make a complete protein ex. Beans
incomplete proteins
Type of lipid, a fatty substance that does not dissolve in water main goal is to provide energy
solid at room temp, high cholesterol
Saturated fats
liquid at room temp less cholesterol
unsaturated fats
Vitamins that are absorbed, stored and transported in fat A, D, K, E
fat-soluble vitamins
vitamins that dissolve in water and easily pass into the bloodstream - Folic Acid, B&C
water-soluble vitamins
the building material for bones and teeth,
forms part of the red blood cells which transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
vital to every bodily function- 8 cups a day
any of a group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.
an inorganic substance needed by the human body for good health.