Exam 6 Flashcards
Question 1:
Every member upon completion of Probationary Firefighter School is issued a composition notebook to document their training. Notebooks shall be maintained until the end of the probationary period. Choose the most correct statement made in regards to the notebook.
A: Members shall ensure a tool list from their current unit is attached to the inside cover of the notebook
B: Notebooks shall be kept in the company office when not in use
C: Company officers shall review their notebooks weekly
D: Monthly training module receipt should be printed and stapled to the last page of training notebook at time of completion
Question 1:
Every member upon completion of Probationary Firefighter School is issued a composition notebook to document their training. Notebooks shall be maintained until the end of the probationary period. Choose the most correct statement made in regards to the notebook.
A: Members shall ensure a tool list from their current unit is attached to the inside cover of the notebook
B:✔Notebooks shall be kept in the company office when not in use
C: Company officers shall review their notebooks weekly
D: Monthly training module receipt should be printed and stapled to the last page of training notebook at time of completion
AUC 323 add 2
A- First page of the notebook….1.3
C- Each tour the member works (Company Commander monthly) (Chiefs during drills)….1.4
D- Monthly training module receipt should be printed and stapled to CURRENT TRAINING NOTEBOOK PAGE at time of completion …..1.5
Question 2:
Standing in front of a fire building, the IC orders your unit to stretch a line to the “3-4 corner” of the building. You would be most correct to know this is?
A: The front left corner
B: The rear left corner
C: The rear right corner
D: The front right corner
Question 2:
Standing in front of a fire building, the IC orders your unit to stretch a line to the “3-4 corner” of the building. You would be most correct to know this is?
A: The front left corner
B: The rear left corner
C:✔The rear right corner
D: The front right corner
When viewed from the Exposure 1 perspective, the building corners can be further identified as follows:
The front left corner is the “1-2” corner.
The rear left corner is the “2-3” corner.
The rear right corner is the “3-4” corner.
The front right corner is the “1-4” corner.
Comm 10 Add 2 5.7
Question 3:
Which of the following choices represents the CORRECT order for victim removal during an incident in the subway system?
A: Black Tag Victims, Victims requiring disentanglement/extrication, Non-ambulatory Victims, Ambulatory Victims.
B: Ambulatory Victims, Non-Ambulatory Victims, Victims requiring disentanglement/extrication, Black Tag Victims.
C: Non-Ambulatory Victims, Ambulatory Victims, Black Tag Victims, Victims requiring disentanglement/extrication.
D: Ambulatory Victims, Victims requiring disentanglement/extrication, Non-Ambulatory Victims, Black Tag Victims.
Question 3:
Which of the following choices represents the CORRECT order for victim removal during an incident in the subway system?
A: Black Tag Victims, Victims requiring disentanglement/extrication, Non-ambulatory Victims, Ambulatory Victims.
B:✔Ambulatory Victims, Non-Ambulatory Victims, Victims requiring disentanglement/extrication, Black Tag Victims.
C: Non-Ambulatory Victims, Ambulatory Victims, Black Tag Victims, Victims requiring disentanglement/extrication.
D: Ambulatory Victims, Victims requiring disentanglement/extrication, Non-Ambulatory Victims, Black Tag Victims.
B is correct – 7.1
Question 4:
Units are operating at a fire on the 3rd floor of a 5-story old law tenement. Hoselines are deployed in the following manner. Which line is deployed correctly?
A: In all cases, the first line must be stretched to the 3rd floor via the interior stairs.
B: After receiving a report that the fire is about to extend across a narrow shaft to exposure 2, the IC orders the 2nd line stretched to that exposure.
C: At this fire, the second line is usually stretched by way of the interior stairs to the 4th floor.
D: The 3rd hoseline is usually stretched via the interior stairs to a floor above the fire.
Question 4:
Units are operating at a fire on the 3rd floor of a 5-story old law tenement. Hoselines are deployed in the following manner. Which line is deployed correctly?
A: In all cases, the first line must be stretched to the 3rd floor via the interior stairs.
B:✔After receiving a report that the fire is about to extend across a narrow shaft to exposure 2, the IC orders the 2nd line stretched to that exposure.
C: At this fire, the second line is usually stretched by way of the interior stairs to the 4th floor.
D: The 3rd hoseline is usually stretched via the interior stairs to a floor above the fire.
A. In MOST CASES, the first line is stretched via the interior stairs to the location of the fire. An EXCEPTION to stretching the first line up the interior stairs may be made when FLAME is issuing from windows opening onto the fire escape and endangering people trying to come down the fire escape. In this case, the first line may be operated from the street to protect people on the fire escape. A second line should be promptly stretched to the interior of the building.
C. The second line is usually stretched by way of the interior stairs to THE SAME FLOOR AS THE FIRST LINE. IF NOT NEEDED ON THE ORIGINAL FIRE FLOOR, it is advanced to the floor above.
D. The third line in the building is usually stretched via the FIRE ESCAPE OR ROPE STRETCH via a window.
NOTE B: In some cases, the second or third lines may be urgently needed in one of the exposures. The decision as to the location to which these lines shall be stretched rests with the Incident Commander, and is based on his/her size-up of the fire situation. For example, at a fire in an Old Law Tenement it is often necessary to stretch the second or third line into Exposure 2 or 4 because fire has extended, or is about to extend, across the narrow shaft or shafts between buildings.
Multiple Dwellings 3.2.2; 3.2.11
Question 5:
When discussing Aerial Ladders, the most correct statement made can be found in which choice?
A: Each Aerial stabilizer requires a clearance of 6 feet for full extension
B: Aerial load capacity varies from 250-750 lbs at the tip depending on the degree of elevation
C: When the ground is not level and the apparatus is leaning, start with the stabilizer on the highest side first. The low side stabilizer shall be extended as necessary and then lowered to a point that levels the apparatus
D: The Rung Alignment Indicator Light must be ON before permitting personnel to climb ladder
Question 5:
When discussing Aerial Ladders, the most correct statement made can be found in which choice?
A: Each Aerial stabilizer requires a clearance of 6 feet for full extension
B:✔Aerial load capacity varies from 250-750 lbs at the tip depending on the degree of elevation
C: When the ground is not level and the apparatus is leaning, start with the stabilizer on the highest side first. The low side stabilizer shall be extended as necessary and then lowered to a point that levels the apparatus
D: The Rung Alignment Indicator Light must be ON before permitting personnel to climb ladder
Training Bulletins Apparatus L-7
A- 5’ 2”……3.1
B- 1.4
C- When the ground is not level and the apparatus is leaning, start with the stabilizer on the LOWEST side first. The low side stabilizer shall be fully extended horizontally and lowered to its maximum. The HIGH side stabilizer shall be extended as necessary and then lowered to a point that levels the apparatus….
NOTE: If the inboard stabilizer (working side) is also the high side, it must be fully extended horizontally and then lowered the distance necessary to level the apparatus for a safe operation….. 3.3
D- IF POSSIBLE, make sure Rung Alignment Indicator light is ON before permitting personnel to climb ladder….4.3
Question 6:
Mezzanine areas will be found in some taxpayers and their location, area and use will differ. All choices below contain correct information regarding mezzanines in taxpayers except?
A: Some are found in the rear of the store or building, some along one side from front to rear or along part of one side, and a few have been erected in the center of the premises.
B: The height of the ceilings in the mezzanine and the area below will be below average.
C: Access to the mezzanine will usually be via two separate wooden stairways.
D: The majority of mezzanines will not be enclosed and there will be a railing at the edge.
Question 6:
Mezzanine areas will be found in some taxpayers and their location, area and use will differ. All choices below contain correct information regarding mezzanines in taxpayers except?
A: Some are found in the rear of the store or building, some along one side from front to rear or along part of one side, and a few have been erected in the center of the premises.
B: The height of the ceilings in the mezzanine and the area below will be below average.
C:✔Access to the mezzanine will usually be via two separate wooden stairways.
D: The majority of mezzanines will not be enclosed and there will be a railing at the edge.
Access to the mezzanine may be via small wooden stairs or just a ladder. Very seldom will there be another means of access.
Txpyr 2.4
Question 7:
At an extended collapse operation, Ladder 99 was assigned to relieve Ladder 95 and continue with searches. Minutes into their search, they come across an “X” indicating the company had entered and exited the structure. Which choice CORRECTLY indicates the labeling of the quadrants?
A: Ladder 99 was spray painted in the top quadrant, the date and time in the left quadrant, 3 dead victims in the bottom quadrant, and water in the right quadrant.
B: Ladder 99 was spray painted in the bottom quadrant, the date and time in the top quadrant, water in the left quadrant, and 3 dead victims in the right quadrant.
C: Ladder 99 was spray painted in the left quadrant, the date and time in the bottom quadrant, water in the right quadrant, and 3 dead victims in the top quadrant.
D: Ladder 99 was spray painted in the left quadrant, the date and time in the top quadrant, 3 dead victims in the bottom quadrant, and water in the right quadrant.
Question 7:
At an extended collapse operation, Ladder 99 was assigned to relieve Ladder 95 and continue with searches. Minutes into their search, they come across an “X” indicating the company had entered and exited the structure. Which choice CORRECTLY indicates the labeling of the quadrants?
A: Ladder 99 was spray painted in the top quadrant, the date and time in the left quadrant, 3 dead victims in the bottom quadrant, and water in the right quadrant.
B: Ladder 99 was spray painted in the bottom quadrant, the date and time in the top quadrant, water in the left quadrant, and 3 dead victims in the right quadrant.
C: Ladder 99 was spray painted in the left quadrant, the date and time in the bottom quadrant, water in the right quadrant, and 3 dead victims in the top quadrant.
D:✔Ladder 99 was spray painted in the left quadrant, the date and time in the top quadrant, 3 dead victims in the bottom quadrant, and water in the right quadrant.
D – Correct – section 4 pgs 2 & 3 – Company designation in the Left Quadrant, Date and Time personnel left in the top quadrant, Personal hazards in the Right Quadrant, Number of live and/or expired victims in the bottom quadrant…
Question 8:
Large capacity ammonia refrigeration systems are provided with an emergency ammonia mixer for the purpose of mixing ammonia with water. Officers in command of fires shall order the use of this device when there is excessive pressure developing in the refrigeration system due to the proximity of the fire. Which statement below is correct regarding this procedure?
A: The mixer is designed to mix the ammonia with water and discharge it into sewer lines.
B: Volume of water to be supplied depends on the capacity of the system and is indicated by the size of the pipe from the siamese or inlet to the mixer. (Pipe 1 ¼ inch to 2 ½ inch requires a volume of 200 to 250 gallons of water per minute)
C: The ECC with the unit supplying the water shall determine the necessary pressure to provide the required volume of water.
D: Control valve boxes shall be opened by a Fire Department alarm box key. Before water is started, the ammonia valve shall be opened fully.
Question 8:
Large capacity ammonia refrigeration systems are provided with an emergency ammonia mixer for the purpose of mixing ammonia with water. Officers in command of fires shall order the use of this device when there is excessive pressure developing in the refrigeration system due to the proximity of the fire. Which statement below is correct regarding this procedure?
A:✔The mixer is designed to mix the ammonia with water and discharge it into sewer lines.
B: Volume of water to be supplied depends on the capacity of the system and is indicated by the size of the pipe from the siamese or inlet to the mixer. (Pipe 1 ¼ inch to 2 ½ inch requires a volume of 200 to 250 gallons of water per minute)
C: The ECC with the unit supplying the water shall determine the necessary pressure to provide the required volume of water.
D: Control valve boxes shall be opened by a Fire Department alarm box key. Before water is started, the ammonia valve shall be opened fully.
B. …requires a volume of 100 to 700 gallons of water per minute.
C. THE OFFICER ON DUTY with the unit supplying the water…
D. AFTER water is started,…
Regulations Ch 11: 11.5.17
Question 9:
You are 10-84 at an EMS run in apt 14D on the 14th floor where you soon discover what you think is a deceased person. As you look around, you notice the window is open, blood on the floor, and furniture turned over with large sums on money scattered all over the floor. You quickly determine that the scene is considered a crime scene and notify P.D. Since this is now considered a crime scene, you followed which correct FDNY procedure?
A: Refrained from patient care in order to preserve the crime scene
B: Washed hands in sink because one of your FFs had sneezed on their hands
C: After assessing patient covered corpse with a sheet
D: Notified the Fire Marshals
Question 9:
You are 10-84 at an EMS run in apt 14D on the 14th floor where you soon discover what you think is a deceased person. As you look around, you notice the window is open, blood on the floor, and furniture turned over with large sums on money scattered all over the floor. You quickly determine that the scene is considered a crime scene and notify P.D. Since this is now considered a crime scene, you followed which correct FDNY procedure?
A: Refrained from patient care in order to preserve the crime scene
B: Washed hands in sink because one of your FFs had sneezed on their hands
C: After assessing patient covered corpse with a sheet
D:✔Notified the Fire Marshals
AUC 317 sec 5
A- Patient care should never be compromised in order to protect the crime scene.
B- Do not wash hands in sinks or use toilet facilities
C- Refrain from covering any corpse except in public view
D- Fire Marshals to respond to voucher currency at any operation where large amounts of currency are discovered
Question 10:
Two members discussing trenching operations at taxpayer fires agreed on all statements below except which incorrect choice?
A: The width of the trench should be at least three feet wide. A trench cut may be made in any direction.
B: Trenching does not take the place of ventilation holes. Although a trench may serve as an additional ventilation source, it’s main purpose is to prevent the fire from passing that point at which the cut is made.
C: It is essential that units trench a large roof area of a taxpayer when fire has seriously involved a major portion of the cockloft to reduce the possibility of extension and possible loss of the building.
D: The Roof Sector Supervisor can start a trench cut where he/she sees the necessity for it. Immediate notification to the Incident Commander of the operation is mandatory.
Question 10:
Two members discussing trenching operations at taxpayer fires agreed on all statements below except which incorrect choice?
A: The width of the trench should be at least three feet wide. A trench cut may be made in any direction.
B: Trenching does not take the place of ventilation holes. Although a trench may serve as an additional ventilation source, it’s main purpose is to prevent the fire from passing that point at which the cut is made.
C:✔It is essential that units trench a large roof area of a taxpayer when fire has seriously involved a major portion of the cockloft to reduce the possibility of extension and possible loss of the building.
D: The Roof Sector Supervisor can start a trench cut where he/she sees the necessity for it. Immediate notification to the Incident Commander of the operation is mandatory.
It is not practical to trench a large roof area of a taxpayer where fire has seriously involved a major portion of the cockloft. Emphasis must be placed on ventilation holes.
Txpyr 5.6
Question 11:
A sharp Engine Company Officer was conducting a drill with members of her company on water loss procedures and made the following statements. Which one regarding short stretching was CORRECT?
A: If you stretched six lengths of 1 ¾ and end up with a short stretch, a rolled-up length of 1 ¾ can be added to the front of the stretch.
B: If you’re adding 2 ½ hose to the front of a 2 ½ hose stretch, disconnect the OST and connect the 2 ½ directly to the main stream tip of the nozzle.
C: Water shut down at the pumper will be required when adding hose to the front of the stretch.
D: When adding 1 ¾ hose to the front of a 1 ¾ hose stretch, the tip is removed from the original nozzle, and an extra length(s) is added by connecting the female butt to the shut-off
Question 11:
A sharp Engine Company Officer was conducting a drill with members of her company on water loss procedures and made the following statements. Which one regarding short stretching was CORRECT?
A: If you stretched six lengths of 1 ¾ and end up with a short stretch, a rolled-up length of 1 ¾ can be added to the front of the stretch.
B: If you’re adding 2 ½ hose to the front of a 2 ½ hose stretch, disconnect the OST and connect the 2 ½ directly to the main stream tip of the nozzle.
C: Water shut down at the pumper will be required when adding hose to the front of the stretch.
D:✔When adding 1 ¾ hose to the front of a 1 ¾ hose stretch, the tip is removed from the original nozzle, and an extra length(s) is added by connecting the female butt to the shut-off
D- In order to charge the new lead length(s), open the shut off from the original nozzle, which is acting as an in-line gate. NOTE: The Engine Officer will ensure that this shut-off does not accidentally get shut down….4.3
A – if 6 lead lengths of 1 ¾ hose are stretched, only lengths of 2 ½ can be added. 4.1
B – The 1 ½ x 2 ½ increaser is connected to the shut off. 4.5
C – Water Shut down is not required 4.2
Question 12:
The Marine companies carry ___ foot and ___ foot portable hook ladders with wood beams. They are painted ___ except for the hooks and for 18 inches at the base of each beam, which are painted ___.
A: 10; 14; black; white
B: 12; 20; black; white
C: 10; 14; white; black
D: 12; 20; white; black
Question 12:
The Marine companies carry ___ foot and ___ foot portable hook ladders with wood beams. They are painted ___ except for the hooks and for 18 inches at the base of each beam, which are painted ___.
A: 10; 14; black; white
B:✔12; 20; black; white
C: 10; 14; white; black
D: 12; 20; white; black
Portable Ladders 1.2
Question 13:
During hot weather, responding without Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is permissible for all of the following runs except?
A: Non-Structural fires
B: BARS Alarms
C: Class 3 Alarms
D: Class E Alarms
Question 13:
During hot weather, responding without Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is permissible for all of the following runs except?
A: Non-Structural fires
B: BARS Alarms
C:✔Class 3 Alarms
D: Class E Alarms
Non-Structural Fires and Response to BARS Alarms, Non-Fire responses, ERS no contact, and Class E Alarms, and CFR responses
AUC 310 sec 7.2.2
Question 14:
All company officers should know that, in a high rise office building, the HVAC system shall be placed in the non-circulating mode by?
A: Closing all outside air supply dampers; Closing all mixing dampers; and Opening all exhaust dampers.
B: Opening all outside air supply dampers; Closing all mixing dampers; and Opening all exhaust dampers.
C: Closing all outside air supply dampers; Closing all mixing dampers; and Closing all exhaust dampers.
D: Opening all outside air supply dampers; Opening all mixing dampers; and Opening all exhaust dampers.
Question 14:
All company officers should know that, in a high rise office building, the HVAC system shall be placed in the non-circulating mode by?
A: Closing all outside air supply dampers; Closing all mixing dampers; and Opening all exhaust dampers.
B: ✔️Opening all outside air supply dampers; Closing all mixing dampers; and Opening all exhaust dampers.
C: Closing all outside air supply dampers; Closing all mixing dampers; and Closing all exhaust dampers.
D: Opening all outside air supply dampers; Opening all mixing dampers; and Opening all exhaust dampers.
Explanation: Acronym: OO CM OE Open Outside supply Close Mixing Open Exhaust HROB 3.3.3
Question 15:
Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding operations in buildings with Sprinkler Systems?
A: If a building is equipped with both a Standpipe and Automatic Sprinklers, the first supply line must be stretched to the Sprinkler Siamese to achieve a quick knockdown.
B: If a sprinklered building is not equipped with a standpipe system, the first line stretched should be a handline and the second line used to augment the sprinkler system.
C: Sprinkler systems should always be supplied with 3 ½ hose.
D: If the first due Engine is supplying both the sprinkler and standpipe systems, the second and third due engine companies must stretch additional lines to augment both systems.
Question 15:
Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding operations in buildings with Sprinkler Systems?
A:✔If a building is equipped with both a Standpipe and Automatic Sprinklers, the first supply line must be stretched to the Sprinkler Siamese to achieve a quick knockdown.
B: If a sprinklered building is not equipped with a standpipe system, the first line stretched should be a handline and the second line used to augment the sprinkler system.
C: Sprinkler systems should always be supplied with 3 ½ hose.
D: If the first due Engine is supplying both the sprinkler and standpipe systems, the second and third due engine companies must stretch additional lines to augment both systems.
Explanation: ENGINE OPERATIONS CHAPTER 10 A - The first supply line must be stretched to the standpipe Siamese. 10.3.3 B – 10.3.4 C – 10.3.2 D – 10.3.3
Question 16:
At an isolated building, when roof access and egress via conventionally positioned aerial ladders would be endangered or impeded by a serious fire condition, officers should consider the following points. Which one is incorrect?
A: Use one of the aerial ladders by having it placed to the least exposed sidewall of the building.
B: This position may require placing the apparatus on the sidewalk.
C: Members should ascend and descend at close intervals.
D: This use of the aerial ladder requires that it initially be placed in the cantilever position with the tip close to the building so that when placed under load it will ether not touch or barely touch the wall.
Question 16:
At an isolated building, when roof access and egress via conventionally positioned aerial ladders would be endangered or impeded by a serious fire condition, officers should consider the following points. Which one is incorrect?
A: Use one of the aerial ladders by having it placed to the least exposed sidewall of the building.
B: This position may require placing the apparatus on the sidewalk.
C:✔Members should ascend and descend at close intervals.
D: This use of the aerial ladder requires that it initially be placed in the cantilever position with the tip close to the building so that when placed under load it will ether not touch or barely touch the wall.
C. …at WELL SPACED interval.
Aerial Ladders 3.6
Question 17:
Which of the following is not considered a “Permit Required Confined Space”?
A: Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere
B: Contains material that could potentially engulf a person
C: Is shaped in a way that a person could be caught or asphyxiated by inwardly tapering walls, or floors that slope upward, tapering into a larger cross section
D: Contains any recognized serious health or safety hazard
Question 17:
Which of the following is not considered a “Permit Required Confined Space”?
A: Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere
B: Contains material that could potentially engulf a person
C:✔Is shaped in a way that a person could be caught or asphyxiated by inwardly tapering walls, or floors that slope upward, tapering into a larger cross section
D: Contains any recognized serious health or safety hazard
Is shaped in a way that a person could be caught or asphyxiated by inwardly tapering walls, or floors that slope DOWNWARD, tapering into a SMALLER cross section
A permit space is designated by the owner of the space, who issues the permit. They may be recognized by the warning sign which OSHA requires to be posted at the entry to the space reading: Danger: Permit Required Confined Space-Do Not Enter or similar wording
Training Bulletins Confined Space sec 1.2
Question 18:
What code should be transmitted after a single Truck Company removes two victims from a stuck elevator?
A: 10-31
B: 10-29 code 1
C: 10-29 code 2
D: 10-27
Question 18:
What code should be transmitted after a single Truck Company removes two victims from a stuck elevator?
A: 10-31
B:✔10-29 code 1
C: 10-29 code 2
D: 10-27
Explanation: Elevator Emergency Code 1: Occupied Code 2: Unoccupied 10-31 - Assist Civilian 10-27 - Compactor or Incinerator Fire (has not extended from compactor or shaft.) Comm 8 10-29
Question 19:
Which of the following statements concerning air and light shaft fires at an old law tenement is correct?
A: In recent years, due to inspection activity, shaft fires have originated much more frequently at the base of an open shaft than in an apartment.
B: While awaiting hoselines, members may extinguish fire around shaft windows with water from pots and pans.
C: In most cases, the draft created in the shaft will accelerate lateral extension into the exposed building.
D: The engine company after completely extinguishing fire in a room exposing the shaft, must direct the nozzle stream into the shaft and extinguish the shaft fire.
Question 19:
Which of the following statements concerning air and light shaft fires at an old law tenement is correct?
A: In recent years, due to inspection activity, shaft fires have originated much more frequently at the base of an open shaft than in an apartment.
B:✔While awaiting hoselines, members may extinguish fire around shaft windows with water from pots and pans.
C: In most cases, the draft created in the shaft will accelerate lateral extension into the exposed building.
D: The engine company after completely extinguishing fire in a room exposing the shaft, must direct the nozzle stream into the shaft and extinguish the shaft fire.
A. …shaft fires have originated much more frequently IN THE APARTMENT than AT THE BASE of an open shaft
C. …the draft will DELAY lateral extension…
D. The engine company, after KNOCKING DOWN fire in a room exposing the shaft, must direct the nozzle stream into the shaft and KNOCK DOWN the shaft fire before continuing through the apartment for additional KNOCK DOWN AND FINAL EXTINGUISHMENT.
Note: Cross Ref Ladders 3 Glossary: “Knocked Down” To have visible flame under control without complete extinguishment.
Ladders 3 4.2
Question 20:
You are working in L-100 during the 9X6 tour when you receive a ticket for a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4 sty Brownstone. Upon arrival behind the first due engine, you see heavy smoke issuing from the 3rd floor windows. The Engine transmits the 10-75, and your members operated according to Brownstones procedures. Which one of your members operated incorrectly?
A: After giving roof access to the Roof FF and ensuring no LSR rescue is needed, the LCC raised the Aerial to the top floor window just over the main entrance since this is the safest window to gain entry
B: The OV FF assisted the LCC with rescues from the Aerial Ladder
C: With no rescues in the front of building, the OV FF immediately made her way to the rear and ascended the fire escape and teamed up with the Roof FF to VEIS the fire floor
D: 1st option for the Roof FF to access the roof is L-100’s Aerial Ladder
Question 20:
You are working in L-100 during the 9X6 tour when you receive a ticket for a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4 sty Brownstone. Upon arrival behind the first due engine, you see heavy smoke issuing from the 3rd floor windows. The Engine transmits the 10-75, and your members operated according to Brownstones procedures. Which one of your members operated incorrectly?
A:✔After giving roof access to the Roof FF and ensuring no LSR rescue is needed, the LCC raised the Aerial to the top floor window just over the main entrance since this is the safest window to gain entry
B: The OV FF assisted the LCC with rescues from the Aerial Ladder
C: With no rescues in the front of building, the OV FF immediately made her way to the rear and ascended the fire escape and teamed up with the Roof FF to VEIS the fire floor
D: 1st option for the Roof FF to access the roof is L-100’s Aerial Ladder
A- Generally, the window over the main entrance opens into one small room (on all floors). The other two windows open into a large room which originally, and in many cases still is, connected railroad fashion to other rooms deeper in the building. It is best to select one of these windows for VEIS, instead of the window over the main entrance……2.6.D
B- Correct…..2.6.E
C- Correct…..and if not needed for the fire floor, proceeded to VEIS the floors above ……..2.6.E.5
D- Correct……adjoining building is often difficult and undependable 2.6.F.1
Question 21:
If a building’s duplex UHF radio repeater system fails, consider utilizing the “Reverse Channels” of the Post Radio or FDNY mobile UHF radio to transmit an emergency message. Which Reverse Channel description is correct?
A: Channel 14 is the Reverse Channel for (Building Radio Repeater) Channel 11
B: Channel 22 is the Reverse Channel for (Building Radio Repeater) Channel 12
C: Channel 18 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 14
D: Channel 20 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 15
Question 21:
If a building’s duplex UHF radio repeater system fails, consider utilizing the “Reverse Channels” of the Post Radio or FDNY mobile UHF radio to transmit an emergency message. Which Reverse Channel description is correct?
A: Channel 14 is the Reverse Channel for (Building Radio Repeater) Channel 11
B: Channel 22 is the Reverse Channel for (Building Radio Repeater) Channel 12
C: Channel 18 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 14
D:✔Channel 20 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 15
Channel 17 is the Reverse Channel for (Building Radio Repeater) Channel 11
Channel 18 is the Reverse Channel for (Building Radio Repeater) Channel 12
Channel 19 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 14
Channel 20 is the Reverse Channel for (Subway Radio Repeater) Channel 15
Comm 13 5.2
Question 22:
In the era of mass shootings and Emergency Response Groups, Hemostatic agent dressings for hemorrhage control are an important new addition to our CFR equipment. While discussing accountability at roll call, the senior firefighter made the following statements. Which is the only one that was CORRECT?
A: Restock is on a one for one exchange basis.
B: Each company will carry 6 dressings.
C: Engine, Ladder, and Squad Companies carry the dressings.
D: When depot restock is necessary, company officers shall request the restock directly from tech services.
Question 22:
In the era of mass shootings and Emergency Response Groups, Hemostatic agent dressings for hemorrhage control are an important new addition to our CFR equipment. While discussing accountability at roll call, the senior firefighter made the following statements. Which is the only one that was CORRECT?
A:✔Restock is on a one for one exchange basis.
B: Each company will carry 6 dressings.
C: Engine, Ladder, and Squad Companies carry the dressings.
D: When depot restock is necessary, company officers shall request the restock directly from tech services.
A – 5.1
B – Each Engine and Squad will carry 5 dressings. 4.1
C – Engine and Squad companies carry the dressings 4.1
D – Requests are made via EMAIL to the Pharmacy 5.3
Question 23:
Fire extension at a wood frame private dwelling is a major concern for operating members. When discussing fire extension with her members, a company officer made the following remarks. Which one of them was incorrect?
A: Although balloon framing is very common in Queen Anne homes, many of the older and larger 2 ½ - 3 story peaked roof private dwellings are built of balloon frame construction.
B: In this type of construction, the 2”x4” exterior wall studs are continuous and extend from the sill (located on the top of the foundation wall), to the top floor ceiling, where they are capped with a top plate.
C: A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate. If a sole plate is found, treat the building as balloon construction.
D: In platform construction the exterior wall studs extend only from the floor to the ceiling of each individual floor.
Question 23:
Fire extension at a wood frame private dwelling is a major concern for operating members. When discussing fire extension with her members, a company officer made the following remarks. Which one of them was incorrect?
A: Although balloon framing is very common in Queen Anne homes, many of the older and larger 2 ½ - 3 story peaked roof private dwellings are built of balloon frame construction.
B: In this type of construction, the 2”x4” exterior wall studs are continuous and extend from the sill (located on the top of the foundation wall), to the top floor ceiling, where they are capped with a top plate.
C:✔A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate. If a sole plate is found, treat the building as balloon construction.
D: In platform construction the exterior wall studs extend only from the floor to the ceiling of each individual floor.
C. If NONE is found treat the building as balloon frame construction.
Private Dwellings Ch 4: 3.1; 3.3
Question 24:
A Flanking strategy is the application of water from inside the fire building to control the main body of fire via a non-frontal attack. From the choices listed below, select the most correct procedure for the Flanking strategy.
A: A small opening is made in the adjoining wall to the fire room as close to the interior wall as possible, so as not to create a flow path
B: Initially, the hole in the wall should be large enough for the entire nozzle to be placed into the opening allowing the stream to be directed at the ceiling of the fire room
C: With the fire apartment door left open, and once access is obtained to the adjoining apartment, the door to that apartment must remain closed and the hoseline stretched to this adjoining apartment from the apartment below via an exterior window or balcony using a utility rope
D: With the fire apartment door left closed, and once access is obtained to the adjoining apartment, the door to that apartment must remain closed and the hoseline stretched to this adjoining apartment from the apartment below via an exterior window or balcony using a utility rope
Question 24:
A Flanking strategy is the application of water from inside the fire building to control the main body of fire via a non-frontal attack. From the choices listed below, select the most correct procedure for the Flanking strategy.
A: A small opening is made in the adjoining wall to the fire room as close to the interior wall as possible, so as not to create a flow path
B: Initially, the hole in the wall should be large enough for the entire nozzle to be placed into the opening allowing the stream to be directed at the ceiling of the fire room
C:✔With the fire apartment door left open, and once access is obtained to the adjoining apartment, the door to that apartment must remain closed and the hoseline stretched to this adjoining apartment from the apartment below via an exterior window or balcony using a utility rope
D: With the fire apartment door left closed, and once access is obtained to the adjoining apartment, the door to that apartment must remain closed and the hoseline stretched to this adjoining apartment from the apartment below via an exterior window or balcony using a utility rope
A- A small opening is made in the adjoining wall to the fire room as close to the EXTERIOR wall as possible, so as not to create a flow path
B- Initially, the hole in the wall should be ONLY large enough for the MAIN STREAM TIP of the NOZZLE to be placed into the opening allowing the stream to be directed at the ceiling of the fire room
C- Correct
D- With the fire apartment door left closed, and once access is obtained to the adjoining apartment, the hoseline will be stretched via the fire floor public hallway into the adjoining apartment to operate into the fire apartment
Multiple Dwellings add 3 sec 4.2.4
Question 25:
Of the following choices, which is correct in regards to the zones established at a radiological emergency?
A: The Department uses 2 mR/hr as an action level.
B: The Hotline is established at 2 mR/hr.
C: A warm zone does not encircle the source of radiation, rather, it is a small defined location used for decontamination or as a Casualty Collection Point (CCP), where the radiation levels are as low as possible.
D: Utilize Safe Refuge Areas (SRA) located in the Cold Zone until adequate resources are able to remove patients from the scene to designated hospitals.
Question 25:
Of the following choices, which is correct in regards to the zones established at a radiological emergency?
A: The Department uses 2 mR/hr as an action level.
B:✔The Hotline is established at 2 mR/hr.
C: A warm zone does not encircle the source of radiation, rather, it is a small defined location used for decontamination or as a Casualty Collection Point (CCP), where the radiation levels are as low as possible.
D: Utilize Safe Refuge Areas (SRA) located in the Cold Zone until adequate resources are able to remove patients from the scene to designated hospitals.
The Department uses 1 mR/hr as an action level.
The Hotline is established at 2 mR/hr.
A warm zone does not encircle the source of radiation, rather, it is a small defined location used for decontamination or as a Safe Refuge Area (SRA), where the radiation levels are as low as possible.
Utilize Casualty Collection Points (CCP) located in the Cold Zone until adequate resources are able to remove patients from the scene to designated hospitals.
ERP Add 4 4.4.2 B, C, 5.1.5
Question 26:
In order to safely mitigate gas related emergencies, firefighters must be familiar with the methods the utility companies use to provide gas service to customers. Which description below is correct regarding these various methods?
A: Head of service valves control the supply of gas to meters installed on the outside of buildings.
B: If an exterior gas service valves is present, a curb valve/service valve is also required.
C: Service regulators are usually located after the gas meter on medium and high pressure systems to reduce gas to low pressure (1/4 psi).
D: Peck vents are installed on systems supplied by medium or high pressure to vent excess gas to the exterior if the service regulator fails. There should normally be no odor of natural gas at a peck vent.
Question 26:
In order to safely mitigate gas related emergencies, firefighters must be familiar with the methods the utility companies use to provide gas service to customers. Which description below is correct regarding these various methods?
A: Head of service valves control the supply of gas to meters installed on the outside of buildings.
B: If an exterior gas service valves is present, a curb valve/service valve is also required.
C: Service regulators are usually located after the gas meter on medium and high pressure systems to reduce gas to low pressure (1/4 psi).
D:✔Peck vents are installed on systems supplied by medium or high pressure to vent excess gas to the exterior if the service regulator fails. There should normally be no odor of natural gas at a peck vent.
A. …INSIDE of buildings.
B. …NO curb valve/service valve is required.
C. …BEFORE the gas meter…
Natural Gas 4.4.1 & 4.4.2
Question 27:
Which statement is incorrect regarding Low Rise Fireproof MD’s (LRFPMD)?
A: 1st arriving Ladder Company ensures elevators are recalled and searched
B: Emphasis will generally be placed on venting the attack stair bulkhead after approval of the IC
C: If the hallways in these structures are small, that is, every apartment door is within 50’ of every stairway on that floor, then 1” 3/4 hose can be stretched from the pumper when compatible with fire conditions
D: If no outside operations are possible, then the OV/Chauffeur team shall proceed to the fire floor to team up with their officer and assist in the search of the fire floor hallway and fire apt
Question 27:
Which statement is incorrect regarding Low Rise Fireproof MD’s (LRFPMD)?
A:✔1st arriving Ladder Company ensures elevators are recalled and searched
B: Emphasis will generally be placed on venting the attack stair bulkhead after approval of the IC
C: If the hallways in these structures are small, that is, every apartment door is within 50’ of every stairway on that floor, then 1” 3/4 hose can be stretched from the pumper when compatible with fire conditions
D: If no outside operations are possible, then the OV/Chauffeur team shall proceed to the fire floor to team up with their officer and assist in the search of the fire floor hallway and fire apt
Explanation: Multiple Dwellings A- 1st arriving Ladder recalls the elevator. The 2nd arriving Ladder shall ENSURE all elevators are recalled and searched ....7.2 B- Approval of the IC ...7.4 C- 7.6 D- 7.7.2
Question 28:
While operating at a CO Emergency in a private dwelling where meter readings of 600 PPM are discovered, and one occupant of the building was seriously injured as a result of CO poisoning, you would be correct to take all of the following actions except?
A: Inform occupants that we have detected a “potentially dangerous” level of CO.
B: Begin evacuation of the affected area and ventilate.
C: Request the utility company to respond.
D: Have BFI notified through the Borough Dispatcher.
Question 28:
While operating at a CO Emergency in a private dwelling where meter readings of 600 PPM are discovered, and one occupant of the building was seriously injured as a result of CO poisoning, you would be correct to take all of the following actions except?
A:✔Inform occupants that we have detected a “potentially dangerous” level of CO.
B: Begin evacuation of the affected area and ventilate.
C: Request the utility company to respond.
D: Have BFI notified through the Borough Dispatcher.
Inform occupants that we have detected a “potentially LETHAL” level of CO.
If greater than 9ppm but less than 100 ppm, inform occupants that they have a “potentially DANGEROUS” level of CO.
When a “fatality” or “serious injury” associated with a CO incident is discovered, the Incident Commander shall have BFI notified through the Borough Dispatcher. This is in addition to all other required notifications. This a recent update!
HM 4 4.1.5 A, 4.4.2, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 5.1.2
Question 29:
What is a “ventilation-limited fire?”
A: A fire in which the heat release rate and fire growth are regulated by the available oxygen within the space.
B: The transformation of materials into their basic compound when subjected to heat. Contents will continue to off-gas and add to the flammable fuel load within the compartment as long as the material is subjected to elevated temperatures.
C: The appearance of the fire building’s ventilation points showing the flow paths of heat and smoke out of the structure as well as any air movement into the structure.
D: A fire in which the heat release rate and fire growth are regulated by the available fuel within the space.
Question 29:
What is a “ventilation-limited fire?”
A:✔A fire in which the heat release rate and fire growth are regulated by the available oxygen within the space.
B: The transformation of materials into their basic compound when subjected to heat. Contents will continue to off-gas and add to the flammable fuel load within the compartment as long as the material is subjected to elevated temperatures.
C: The appearance of the fire building’s ventilation points showing the flow paths of heat and smoke out of the structure as well as any air movement into the structure.
D: A fire in which the heat release rate and fire growth are regulated by the available fuel within the space.
B: This is “Pyrolysis’”
C: This is the “Ventilation Profile.”
Vent Glossary - Vent-limited fire
Question 30:
The Halligan tool has a variety of uses when operating at any type of building, particularly an old law tenement. Which use of the Halligan described below is correct?
A: To remove metal gates often found on fire escape windows use either the fork or adz end of the tool to pull the gate loose at the side opposite the locking device.
B: To loosen the bulkhead door from the upper hinge, open the door slightly and put the adz end of the tool between the door and the door jamb. Close the door on the tool loosening the hinge screws.
C: An alternative method to loosen the bulkhead door from the upper hinge, is to place the fork end of the tool between the door and the door jamb. Then apply outward or downward pressure.
D: To open windows to gain access from the fire escape place the fork end of the Halligan in the corner of the window and push down.
Question 30:
The Halligan tool has a variety of uses when operating at any type of building, particularly an old law tenement. Which use of the Halligan described below is correct?
A:✔To remove metal gates often found on fire escape windows use either the fork or adz end of the tool to pull the gate loose at the side opposite the locking device.
B: To loosen the bulkhead door from the upper hinge, open the door slightly and put the adz end of the tool between the door and the door jamb. Close the door on the tool loosening the hinge screws.
C: An alternative method to loosen the bulkhead door from the upper hinge, is to place the fork end of the tool between the door and the door jamb. Then apply outward or downward pressure.
D: To open windows to gain access from the fire escape place the fork end of the Halligan in the corner of the window and push down.
B. …put the FORK END…
C. …place the ADZ END…
D. …in the CENTER of the window…
Ladders 3: 5.3.2 & Figures 5D, 5E, 5F and 5G LOOK AT PICTURES WHEN READING
Question 31:
When operating on the roof of a Brownstone, the Roof FF operated incorrectly in which choice?
A: Surveyed the rear courts and shafts of the building for trapped occupants and/or persons who may have jumped
B: When a LSR rescue is required, contact the 2nd arriving Roof FF via HT for assistance on the roof
C: When venting skylights, the Roof FF warned units below by 1) via HT, 2) breaking out a small pane of glass as a warning to the members moving up the stairs below before breaking the remaining larger sections of glass.
D: Under no circumstances did the Roof FF descend the scuttle ladder to open the door at the base of the ladder after venting the scuttle
Question 31:
When operating on the roof of a Brownstone, the Roof FF operated incorrectly in which choice?
A: Surveyed the rear courts and shafts of the building for trapped occupants and/or persons who may have jumped
B:✔When a LSR rescue is required, contact the 2nd arriving Roof FF via HT for assistance on the roof
C: When venting skylights, the Roof FF warned units below by 1) via HT, 2) breaking out a small pane of glass as a warning to the members moving up the stairs below before breaking the remaining larger sections of glass.
D: Under no circumstances did the Roof FF descend the scuttle ladder to open the door at the base of the ladder after venting the scuttle
Explanation: Brownstones A- p-16 B-Contact the LCC p-16 C- p-16 D- p-17
Question 32:
Which of the following chemical agents would cause skin blistering?
A: Organophosphates
B: Pulmonary agents
C: Vesicants
D: Choking agents
Question 32:
Which of the following chemical agents would cause skin blistering?
A: Organophosphates
B: Pulmonary agents
D: Choking agents
Nerve Agents (Organophosphates) - respiratory distress, convulsions, S-L-U-D-G-E-M
Blister Agents (Vesicants) - signs and symptoms do not appear for several hours - skin blistering
Blood (Pulmonary) Agents - victims gasping for air, convulsions
Choking Agents - victims gasping for air, eye irritation
ERP Add 2 2.2
Question 33:
If a member goes on medical leave at 2pm in the middle of a 9X6 tour, the officer should make an entry in the company journal. What should the flagging column entry be?
Question 33:
If a member goes on medical leave at 2pm in the middle of a 9X6 tour, the officer should make an entry in the company journal. What should the flagging column entry be?
LV - Leaves (starting at time other than roll call)
CJ p8 LV
Question 34:
Which general area of responsibility for the first ladder company to arrive at a fire in a private dwelling is listed incorrectly?
A: Attempt an examination of the cellar for fire.
B: Primary search of the perimeter.
C: Roof ventilation of peaked roof buildings.
D: All exterior ventilation (horizontal and vertical) must be controlled, communicated and coordinated by the ladder company officer inside the fire area to be vented.
Question 34:
Which general area of responsibility for the first ladder company to arrive at a fire in a private dwelling is listed incorrectly?
A: Attempt an examination of the cellar for fire.
B: Primary search of the perimeter.
C:✔Roof ventilation of peaked roof buildings.
D: All exterior ventilation (horizontal and vertical) must be controlled, communicated and coordinated by the ladder company officer inside the fire area to be vented.
C. …FLAT roof buildings.
Note: Roof ventilation if needed (peaked roof) is the responsibility of the SECOND LADDER COMPANY.
Private Dwellings Ch 4: 4.1
Question 35:
Members with bunker gear operating at waterfront operations, piers or bulkheads should be aware of the many hazards present. Which of the following choices is not in accordance with Department policy?
A: Members wearing Bunker Gear, with or without an SCBA, quickly become submersed in water.
B: Members operating at waterfront operations, piers or bulkheads should exercise extreme caution; personal flotation devices, where available, should be used. Safety lines should be used, particularly if no flotation devices are available.
C: Each company’s Water Safety Kit should be brought to the point of operation. Safety lines should be readied for use and attached to members operating in, over and around water.
D: At least one 35 ft extension ladder should be dedicated for the purpose of member removal should the need arise.
Question 35:
Members with bunker gear operating at waterfront operations, piers or bulkheads should be aware of the many hazards present. Which of the following choices is not in accordance with Department policy?
A: Members wearing Bunker Gear, with or without an SCBA, quickly become submersed in water.
B: Members operating at waterfront operations, piers or bulkheads should exercise extreme caution; personal flotation devices, where available, should be used. Safety lines should be used, particularly if no flotation devices are available.
C: Each company’s Water Safety Kit should be brought to the point of operation. Safety lines should be readied for use and attached to members operating in, over and around water.
D:✔At least one 35 ft extension ladder should be dedicated for the purpose of member removal should the need arise.
At least one 20 ft straight ladder should be dedicated for the purpose of member removal should the need arise.
SB 81 2.1, 3.2, 3.3
Question 36:
Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding the operational considerations for the FAST Unit at an operation?
A: The Search team should make entry to locate, package and remove the member, if possible.
B: The Removal/Resource team will stage at the entrance and be available to assist. This assistance could be to relieve, augment or supply additional equipment to the search team.
C: Always use a two-sided approach where the search team makes access via the interior and the removal team makes access via the exterior of the building.
D: When the FAST Unit operation requires the use of a ladder, avoid repositioning ladders already in place against a fire building unless it is a life threatening situation and a notification is made to the members operating in that area.
Question 36:
Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding the operational considerations for the FAST Unit at an operation?
A: The Search team should make entry to locate, package and remove the member, if possible.
B: The Removal/Resource team will stage at the entrance and be available to assist. This assistance could be to relieve, augment or supply additional equipment to the search team.
C:✔Always use a two-sided approach where the search team makes access via the interior and the removal team makes access via the exterior of the building.
D: When the FAST Unit operation requires the use of a ladder, avoid repositioning ladders already in place against a fire building unless it is a life threatening situation and a notification is made to the members operating in that area.
The FAST Unit shall remain intact and not split up when dealing with “large commercial” or “complex” buildings.
MMID Ch 2 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
Question 37:
In which of the following rescue scenarios must the primary and backup rescuers wear both the Cold Water Suit and a PFD?
A: Water and Ice rescue
B: Water rescue only
C: Ice rescue only
D: Neither Water or Ice rescue
Question 37:
In which of the following rescue scenarios must the primary and backup rescuers wear both the Cold Water Suit and a PFD?
A: Water and Ice rescue
B: Water rescue only
C:✔Ice rescue only
D: Neither Water or Ice rescue
Water Rescue:
Water Safety Units: PFD only
Water Rescue Units: Cold Water Suit Only
Ice Rescue:
Both Cold Water Suit AND PFD
Water Rescue 2: Water Rescue: 4.3.3; 4.3.5
Water Rescue 3: Ice Rescue: 4.3.5 A
Question 38:
All probies are provided with monthly training modules consisting of reading assignments and training videos, followed by a 20 question quiz found on the DiamondPlate home page. Probies get 3 attempts to pass this quiz. If after the 3rd attempt the probie can’t pass the quiz, the program will be temporarily locked and will require the company officer to contact who?
A: Administrative Division
B: Administrative Battalion
C: Firefighters Development Program Group
D: FDNY computer help desk
Question 38:
All probies are provided with monthly training modules consisting of reading assignments and training videos, followed by a 20 question quiz found on the DiamondPlate home page. Probies get 3 attempts to pass this quiz. If after the 3rd attempt the probie can’t pass the quiz, the program will be temporarily locked and will require the company officer to contact who?
A: Administrative Division
B: Administrative Battalion
C:✔Firefighters Development Program Group
D: FDNY computer help desk
via email
AUC 323 sec 2.1
Question 39:
During the initial stages of an operation, the Incident Commander (IC), who may be the first- arriving officer, may have to determine the initial attack strategy (i.e., whether to implement an interior or exterior attack) until the arrival of a higher-ranking member. In order to make this determination, a risk assessment must be performed, bearing in mind that the highest priorities are _______.
A: members safety and the life hazard.
B: any known life hazard and water accessibility.
C: size and location of the fire.
D: Verification of safe access to fire area and members safety.
Question 39:
During the initial stages of an operation, the Incident Commander (IC), who may be the first- arriving officer, may have to determine the initial attack strategy (i.e., whether to implement an interior or exterior attack) until the arrival of a higher-ranking member. In order to make this determination, a risk assessment must be performed, bearing in mind that the highest priorities are _______.
A:✔members safety and the life hazard.
B: any known life hazard and water accessibility.
C: size and location of the fire.
D: Verification of safe access to fire area and members safety.
Vacants 5.1
Question 40:
Categorizing places of worship based on architectural features can generally be divided into two very general categories that firefighters must be familiar with: older architecture and newer architecture. Which type of places of worship are susceptible to early collapse?
A: Older architecture only
B: Newer architecture only
C: Both older and newer architecture
D: Neither older or newer type of architecture
Question 40:
Categorizing places of worship based on architectural features can generally be divided into two very general categories that firefighters must be familiar with: older architecture and newer architecture. Which type of places of worship are susceptible to early collapse?
A: Older architecture only
B: Newer architecture only
C:✔Both older and newer architecture
D: Neither older or newer type of architecture
“Both older and newer architecture places of worship are susceptible to early collapse.”
FFP Places of Worship Fires 1.3.8