Exam Flashcards
Core symptoms of depression (3)
Low mood, anhedonia, anergia
Additional depression symptoms (7)
Biological- poor sleep, early wakening,appetite changes
Poor concentration and memory
Feelings of guilt, hopelessness about future
Suicidality/self harm
Obsessions e.g. death
Delusions (e.g. of sin, guilt)
Hallucinations (second person auditory is most common)
What does a depression diagnosis consist of?
Two core symptoms plus others 4 = mild 6 = moderate 8 = severe (also take into account the level of functional impairment)
What is dysthmia?
Chronic sub-threshold depressive state of greater than two years duration
Signs/symptoms of mania (6)
Elevated mood Irritability Disinhibition Overactivity Decreased need for sleep Psychotic features e.g. delusions, hallucinations
Definition of bipolar affective disorder
Two or more episodes of mania +/-depression
How are mania and hypomania distinguished?
In hypomania there are no psychotic features
What is cyclothymia?
Persistent mood instability
Treatment of acute mania (3)
Atypical antipsychotics e.g. olanzapine FIRST CHOICE
Sodium valproate
Prophylaxis of mania (3)
Lithium 1st line
Anticonvulsants (sodium valproate, lamotrigine, carbamezapine)
Atypical antipsychotics
Features of thought a) flow [5] b) content [3] in mania
a) flight of ideas, loosening of associations, pressured speech, neologisms, circumstantiality
b) delusions e.g. religious, grandiose, persecutory; obsessions; ideas of reference
Treatment of
a) mild to moderate depression
b) moderate to severe depression
a) CBT; relaxation therapy; consider antidepressants if persisting, patient has a history of severe depression
b) antidepressants + high intensity psychological treatment (CBT or interpersonal therapy)
When should an urgent psychiatric referral be made in depression?(3)
Active suicidal ideas or plans
Putting themselves or others at risk
Evidence of self neglect
Antidepressant treatment
a) first-line
b) when there is no response/partial response at 2-4 weeks
a) SSRI such as citalopram
b) other SSRI; mirtazapine; tricyclic
When should tricyclics be avoided?
When there is a risk of overdose