Exam 5 Flashcards
Name the borders of the anterior triangle of the neck
bounded by…
the anterior median line of the neck,
the inferior border of the mandible and
the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
The floor is formed by the pharynx, larynx, and thyroid gland
The hyoid muscles are concerned with…
steadying or moving the hyoid bone and larynx
The hyoid raises or depresses during swallowing?
The suprahyoid muscles are located above the hyoid. Name them.
Mylohyoid, Geniohyoid, stylohyoid, and digastric
Which suprahyoid muscle form the floor of the mouth?
The _________ is located superior to the mylohyoid muscles and reinforces the floor of the mouth.
The stylohyoid muscle splits arounggthe _______ muscle
The digastric muscle has two bellies (ant. and post.) that are joint by an _____ ________ connected to the hyoid bone
intermediate tendon
The infrahyoid muscles or _____ muscles are located below the hyoid bone
Name the infrahyoid muscles.
sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, omohyoid
The sternothyroid is ______ to the sternohyoid
The thyrohyoid appears as the superior continuation of the sternothyroid. It prevents food from entering the _____ during swallowing
The omohyoid has two bellies united by an intertendon attached to the clavicle-important landmarks that divides…..
the anterior and posterior triangles of the neck into smaller triangles
The thyroid cartilage is also known as the…
Adam’s apple
Name the subdivisions of the anterior triangle of neck
submandibular triangle
carotid triangle
muscular triangle
submental triangle
The submandibular triangle lies between the inferior border of the ______ and the anterior posterior bellies of the ______
The submandibular triangle contains the _______ gland, ________ nerve, nerve to the ________, and parts of the _______ artery and vein
submandibular gland, hypoglossal nerve, nerve to the mylohyoid, parts of facial artery and vein
The nerve to the mylohyoid is a branch of the _____ ______ nerve
inferior alveolar nerve
The carotid triangle is bounded by the superior belly of the ________, posterior belly of the _____ and anterior border of the ________
omohyoid, digastric, sternocleidomastoid
What divides within the carotid triangle?
the common carotid artery divides into internal and external carotid arteries
The ___ common carotid artery begins as a bifurcation of the brachiocephalic trunk and the _____ common carotid artery arises directly from the aorta
right, left
The internal carotid artery has ____ branches in the neck
The external carotid artery supplies structures….
external to the skull
Name branches of the external carotid artery.
superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal, lingual, facial, occipital, posterior auricular, maxillary, superficial temporal
What are the terminal branches of the external carotid artery?
maxillary and superficial temporal
The _____ ______ is a dilation of the proximal internal carotid artery-blood pressure regulator
carotid sinus
The ____ _____ is located at the bifurcation of the common carotid artery-chemoreceptor that responds to changes in chemical composition of blood (increased carbon dioxide or decreased oxygen)
carotid body
The carotid sheath contains the….
common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, and ansa cervicalis
What is the name of the largest vein in the neck?
internal jugular vein
The internal jugular vein drains blood from the brain, superficial face, and neck. It unites with the ______ vein to form the brachiocephalic vein
The _____ ________ is a loop of fibers that arises from C1, C2, and C3. The superior root is within the carotid sheath and is formed from the fibers of…. The inferior root is formed from…
ansa cervicalis,
C2 and C3
The muscular triangle is bounded by the superior belly of the _______, anterior border of the _______, and median plane of the neck
What does the muscular triangle contain?
infrahyoid muscles and viscera of the neck
There is only 1 ______ triangle. It is unpaired
The submental triangle is bounded by the ______ _____ inferiorly and by the right and left anterior bellies of the _______ muscles laterally. It contains submental lymphnodes
hyoid bone,
Name the prevertebral muscles.
Longus colli (longus cervicis), longus capitis, rectus capitis anterior, rectus capitis lateralis
The longus coli is the ______ and most _____ of the prevertebral muscles
longest, most medial
For the longus colli,
the superior oblique portion arises from the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes (TP) of ___ -____ and inserts into the tubercle on the anterior arch of the _____
The inferior oblique portion of the longus colli arises from the anterior surface of the bodies of the first 2 or 3 _______ vertebrae and inserts on the anteriro tubercles of the TP of ____ and _____
C5 and C6
The vertical portion of the longus colli arise from the anterior surface of the bodies of the first ____ thoracic and last ____ cervical vertebrae and inserts on the anteriro surface of the bodies of ___ -____
3, 3;
What is the innervation of the longus colli?
ventral rami C2-C6
What is the action of the longus colli?
cervical flexion (weak); cervical rotation to opposite side (inferior oblique portion)
The longus capitis arise from the TP of ____-____ and attached to the inferior surface of the ____ _____ of the occipital bone.
basilar part
What is the innervation of the longus capitis?
ventral rami C1-C3
What is the action of the longus capitis?
capital flexion, rotation of head to same side
The rectus capitis anterior is attached inferiorly to the anterior surface of the _____ and superiorly to the inferior surface of the basilar part of the _____ ______
atlas, occipital bone
What is the innervation of the rectus capitis anterior?
ventral rami C1-C2
What is the action of the rectus capitus anterior
capital flexion, stabilization of atlanto-occipital bone
The rectus capitis lateralis is attached inferior to the TP of ____ and superiorly to the inferior surface of the _______ _______ of the occipital bone
jugular process
What is the innervation of the rectus capitis lateralis?
vental rami C1-C2
What is the action of the rectus capitis lateralis?
lateral bending of head to same side; capital flexion; assists with head rotation and stabilizing atlanto-occipital joint
Name the fascial planes of the anterior triangle of the neck.
investing fascia, pretracheal fascia, and prevertebral fascia
Match the description with the fascial plane.
- located between the superficial fascia and the muscular layer-forms the roof of the anterior and posterior triangles of the neck
- forms part of a fascial sleeve for the prevertebral muscles-extends inferiorly and laterally as the axillary sheath
- anterior to the trachea, deep ti the infrahyoid muscles-descends into thorax and blends with fibrous pericardium
- investing fascia
- prevertebral fascia
- pretracheal fascia
The root of the neck is the junction between the ____ and _____
neck and thorax
Name the arteries originate form the arch of the aorta
brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery, left subclavian artery
The brachiocephalic trunks divides into….
right common carotid and subclavian arteries
Name the 3 branches of the subclavian artery
vertebral artery, thyrocervical trunk, costocervical trunk
The vertebral artery ascends through the ____ _____ of cervical vertebrae and enters the skull through the _____ ______
transverse foramina, foramen magnum
The inferior thyroid artery is a branch of the…
thyrocervical trunk
Veins involved in the anterior triangle of the neck include…
external and internal jugular veins and subclavian vein
The vagus nerve is CN #?
10 (CN X)
The sympathetic trunk includes superior, middle, and inferior sympathetic ganglia-these receive preganglionic fibers from what nerves?
superior thoracic spinal nerves
The inferior cervical ganglion often fuses with the first thoracic ganglion to form the _______ (_____) ganglion
cervicothoracic (stellate)
The thoracic duct enters the ______ brachiocephalic vein at the junction of the subclavian and internal jugular veins
The thoracic ducts lies between what?
azygos vein and aorta
What drains the right upper quadrant in regards to lymphatics?
right lymphatic duct
The cervical viscera includes…
thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, larynx and trachea, and pharynx and esophagus
The thyroid gland consists of 2 lobes united by an ______
The thyroid gland has a superior extension called the _____ _____
paramental lobe
The parathyroid glands are on the _______ surface of the thyroid gland and help maintain calcium levels
The skull enclose the brain, house the organs of special senses, and surround openings into the digestive and respiratory tracts. True or False
Most of the many bones of the skull (except the facial skeleton-maxilla, orbits, and nasal cavities) consist of inner and outer tables of compact bone separated by ______ ______, which is cancellous bone containing red bone marrow
spongy diploe
The ______ is the skull cap-dome like roof of the neurocranium
The calvaria consists of the ____, _____, and _____ bones
frontal, parietal, and occiptal
The cranial base consists of what bones? (5)
ethmoid, frontal, sphenoid, temporal, occipital
The _______ bone forms the thin roof of the orbits (eye sockets)
Match the following structures associated with the frontal bone with their description (superciliary arch, frontal eminence, supraorbital foramen, coronal suture, glabella)
- articulation of frontal and parietal lobes
- space between eyebrows (palpatable)
- overlies frontal sinus
- transmits the supraorbital vessels and nerve
- slight prominences on each side of foehead
- coronal suture
- glabella
- superciliary arch
- supraorbital foramen
- from eminences
The parietal bones are associated with two sutures.
The _______ suture is the articulation of the 2 parietal bones with each other- median plane of the body passes through this suture.
The _______ suture is the articulation of the parietal bones and the occipital bone
The _____ is where the coronal suture meets the sagittal suture.
True or False: The parietal bones have parietal eminences.
The superior temporal line of the parietal bones is the attachment of the ______ ______
temporal fascia
The inferior temporal line of the parietal bones marks the superior limit of what muscle?
Name two other articulations of the parietal bones.
with the temporal bones and greater wings of the sphenois
The temporal bones is associated with the following: mastoid process, external acoustic meatus, styloid process, zygomatic process, and pterion. True or False?
The zygomatic process unites with the _______ ________ of the zygomatic bone to the zygomatic arch
temporal process
The head of the mandible articulates with the mandibular fossa of the ______ surface of the zygomatic process
The temporal bones articulate with what other bones of the neurocranium?
parietal, occipital, sphenoid, and zygomatic
The ______ is the articulation of the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones
A fracture at the pterion at this site may injure what artery?
middle meningeal artery
The sphenoid bone is a complicated bone that has been described as a “______”
The sphenoid bone has a body along with greater and lesser wings. It has anterior clinoid processes, sella turcica (Turkish saddle) which contain the…, dorsum sella which has a posterior clinoid process, right and left sphenoidal sinuses, and medial and lateral pterygoid plates
pituitary gland
The sphenoid bone is best viewed…
within the skull
The occipital bone has the external occipital protuberance, also called the ______ along with the superior nuchal line, foramen magnum, and occipital condyles
The skull articulates with C1 vertebra (the atlas) at the _______-_______ joint
atlanto-occipital joint
The internal aspect of the occipital bone has ____ fossa. Describe them
2 for the occipital poles of the cerebral hemispheres and 2 for the cerebellar hemispheres
The nasal bones form the bridge of the nose. The _____ ______ is the articulation of the two nasal bones. The _____ is the intersection of the frontal and nasal bones.
internasal suture; nasion
Name the bones the nasal bones articulation with.
frontal, ethmoid, and maxillae
The _______ is the bony part of the nasal septum that separates the chonae- nasal apertures
The _________ bones are the prominences of the cheeks (cheek bones)
zygomatic bones
The zygomatic arch is the union of the _______ process of the zygomatic bone and _______ process of the temporal bone
The zygomatic bones also form much of the _____ ______ of the orbits
infraorbital margins
The __________ suture is the articulation of the maxillae to form the maxilla (upper jaw)
The maxillae contains a maxillary sinus, zygomatic process, frontal process, palatine process (which forms part of the…), alveolar processes (form…), and the infraorbital foramen.
hard palate, sockets for the upper teeth
What does the infraorbital foramen transmit?
infraorbital nerves and vessels
The palatine bones are on the inferior aspect of the neurocranium and have horizontal plates, which form part of the…
hard palate
The mandible is ____-shaped and forms the lower jaw
True or False: The mandible is the largest and strongest facial bone.
The ramus of the mandible has a ______ ______ process, which is the articulation at the TMJ and an _____ _______ process
posterior condylar, anterior coronoid
The mental foramen is for transmission of the…
mental nerves and vessels
What does the mandibular foramen transmit?
inferior alveolar vessels and nerve to the roots of tje mandibular (lower) teeth
The face has very loose superficial fascia that is easily expanded by…
blood or edema
The superficial fascia of the face is easily expanded especially near the _____
orbit-black eye
Most of the muscles of facial expression lie in the _______ tissue and are attached to ______
subcutaneous, skin (some attach to bone)
True or False: The muscles of the face pull on the skin and consequently cause movement of the fascial skeleton.
False; the muscles pull on skin but do not cause movement of the facial skeleton
The facial muscles surround the facial orifices and act to…
open and close those orifices
All fascial muscles are innervated by what nerve?
facial nerve
The facial nerve is cranial nerve #?
7 (CN VII)
The ________ muscle is part of the occipitalfrontalis and acts to elevate the eyebrows and produce wrinkles in the forehead when one frowns
The _____ ______ is the sphincter of the mouth, closes the lips (whistling), protrudes them- plays an important role in articulation and mastication
orbicularis oris
What muscle around the mouth depresses the corners of the mouth and is assisted by the platysma?
depressor anguli oris
What muscle elevates the corning of the mouth (sneering)?
levator angli oris
The zygomaticus major attaches to the zygomatic bone and the corners of the mouth. What does the zygomaticus major do?
draws the angle of the mouth superolaterally (smiling)
What does the levator labii superioris do?
elevates the upper lip
The _______ raises the skin of the chin (the lower lip will protrude –> pouting)
What does the depressor labii inferioris do?
draws the lower lip inferiorly and slightly laterally
What does the risorius muscle do?
draws the corner of the mouth laterally (grinning)
The ______ is located in the superficial fascia extending from the anterior neck to the face. It tenses the skin of the neck and also draws the corners of the mouth inferiorly and assists in depressing the mandible
The fibers of the ______ mingle with the orbicularis oris
What does the buccinator do?
aids in mastication and swallowing by pressing the cheeks against the molar teeth-used in sucking and blowing
The orbicularis oculi is the sphincter muscle of the eye–it consists of ____ parts. Name them
3; orbital part, palpebral part, and lacrimal part
Name the part of the oribicularis oculi with its function.
- aids in spreading the tears by holding the eyelids close to the eyeballs
- lightly closes the eyelids to keep the cornea from drying out
- closes the eye to protect against light and dust
- lacrimal part
- palpebral part
- orbital part
The lacrimal part of the orbicularis oculi is _____ to the palpebral part
The nasalis consists of transvers (______ _____-compresses the nostrils) and alar (_____ _____-flares the nostrils)
compressor naris;
dilator naris
What does the Procerus do?
wrinkles the nose
Name the two muscles of mastication.
masseter and temporalis
The innervation of the skin of the face is primarily through the…
three branches of the trigeminal nerve
The trigeminal nerve is cranial nerve #?
5 (CN V)
The trigeminal nerve is the principal general ______ nerve to the head and _____ to the muscles of mastication.
sensory, motor
Name the two sensory divisions of the trigeminal nerve. Name the division that is both sensory and motor.
Sensory- Opthalmic nerve (CN V1) and Maxillary nerve (CN V2)
Sensory and motor- Mandibular nerve (CN V3)
The opthalmic nerve is the superior division and supplies the skin of the forehead, upper eyelid, and nose. It dives into three branches. Name them.
nasociliary, frontal, and lacrimal
The maxillary nerve is the intermediate division and has three cutaneous branches. Name them.
infraorbital nerve, zygomaticofacial nerve, zygomatical temporal nerve
Match the cutaneous branch of the maxillary nerve with its description.
- supplies the skin over the zygomatic process
- supplies the skin on the lateral nose, upper lip and lower eyelid
- supplies the skin over the temporal region
- zygomaticofascial nerve
- infraorbital nerve
- zygomatical temporal nerve
The mandibular nerve is the inferior division and is motor to the muscles of ______
The mandibular nerve has sensory branches. Name them.
buccal nerves, auriculotemporal nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, lingual nerve
Match the sensory branches of the mandibular nerve with the descriptions below.
- supplies the lower teeth, mucosa of the lower lip; exits the mental foramen as the mental nerve and supplies the skin of the chin and the skin and mucous membrane of the lower lip and gums
- general sensory fibers to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue, floor of the mouth, and gums of the upper teeth
- supplies the skin of the cheek over the buccinator muscle
- supplies parts of the auricle, external acoustic meatus, eardrum (tympanic membrane) and skin in the temporal region
- inferior alveolar nerve
- lingual nerve
- buccal nerve
- auriculotemporal nerve
What is trigeminal neuralgia (tix douloureux)?
sudden attacks of excruciating pain initiated by a mere touch in the area of the distribution of one of the divisions of the trigeminal nerve (usually CN V2)
The facial nerve is the sole motor supply to the muscles of…
fascial expression
True or False: The facial nerve is sensory to taste buds in the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
The facial nerve is secretomotor to the _______ _____
salivary glands
The facial nerve emerges from the skull through the ______ ________ and then enters the parotid gland where it divides into 5 branches.
stylomastoid foramen
Name the 5 terminal branches of the facial nerve.
- temporal branches
- zygomatic branches
- buccal branches
- mandibular branch
- cervical branch
Match the below descriptions to the branches of the facial nerve.
- supplies the platysma and superficial neck
- supplies the muscles in the lower lip and chin
- supplies all superficial facial muscles superior to the zygomatic arch
- supplies the buccinator and muscles in the upper lip
- supplies muscles in the zygomatic, orbital and infraorbital regions
- cervical
- mandibular
- temporal
- buccal
- zygomatic
What is Bell’s Palsy?
paralysis of the facial nerve for no obvious reason-facial distortion occurs as a result of unopposed contraction of contralateral facial muscles
The superficial arteries of the face are derived from the…
external carotid artery
What is the nemonic to help you remember the branches of the facial nerve?
Two Zebras Bit My Chin
What nerve is the largest of the cranial nerves?
Trigeminal CN V
What is the chief artery of the face?
facial artery
The facial artery hooks around the ______ border of the mandible and courses to the medial angle of the eye
The superficial temporal artery begins deep to the _______ _____ and ascends superficial to the posterior portion of the zygomatic process-enters the temporal fossa and ends by dividing into ______ and ______ branches
parotid gland;
frontal and parietal branches
The ______ _______ artery arises from the superficial temporal artery and crosses the face superior to the masseter- supplies the parotid gland and duct, the masseter muscles and the skin of the face
transverse facial
The _______ and ________ are branches of the opthalmic artery which arises from the internal carotid artery and supply the forehead and the scalp
supraorbital and supratrochlear arteries
The _____ vein provides the major venous drainage for the face. It is formed by the union of the supraorbital and supratrochlear veins-drains into the internal jugular vein
The _____ ______ vein drains the forehead and the scalp
superficial temporal vein
The ______ vein is the anterior branch joins the facial vein; posterior branch joins the posterior auricular vein to form the external jugular vein
The parotid gland is located near the auricle of the ear- the parotid duct opens into the mouth opposite the 2nd molar. It is supplied by branches of the _____ ______ artery, innervated by nerves from the ________ nerve-sympathetic and parasympathetic suply
external carotid artery; auriculotemporal nerve (CN V3)
What nerve is found in the substance of the parotid gland?
facial nerve
The ______ is a viral infection causing inflammation of the parotid gland-pain is caused by stretching of the tight fascial covering
The scalp consists of ____ layers of soft tissue that cover the calvaria
The scalp is composed of three fused layers-separated from the pericardium by…
loose connective tissue
Name the layers of the scalp.
skin, connective tissue, aponeurosis, loose areolar tissue, pericranium
True or False: The skin of the scalp has abundant arterial supply and good venous and lymphatic drainage
The epicranial aponeurosis is the membranous tendon if the ______ muscle
epicranius (occipitalis and frontalis muscles)
What does the loose areolar tissue do?
allows for free movement of the scalp proper
The innervation for the anterior scalp is… for the posterior…
anterior- trigeminal nerve (CN V)
posterior- cervical nerves (C2 and C3)
For the posterior scalp... Match the following with the descriptions below (lesser occipital nerve, greater occipital nerve, third occipital nerve) 1. supplies area behind ear 2. posterior scalp 3. supplies midline of posterior scalp
- lesser occipital nerve
- greater occipital nerve (dorsal ramus of C2)
- third occipital nerve
List the arteries that anastomose freely in the 2nd layer of the scalp (calvaria is supplied mainly by middle meningeal arteries)
internal (supratrochlear and supraorbital) and external carotid arteries (superficial temporal, posterior auricular and occipital)
The cranial meninges are 3 membranous connective tissue layers that cover the brain. What are their functions?
protect the brain, for a support for the arteries veins, and venous sinuses, enclose the subarachnoid space
The dura mater is a _______ membrane with an external periosteal layer and internal meningeal layer
The dura mater is innervated primarily by branches of the ______ nerve
What is the blood supply to the dura mater?
middle meningeal artery
Name the 4 dural infoldings
falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebelli, and diaphragma sella
The cerebellum sits below the…
tentorium cerebelli
The ____ ______ (incisure) is a sharp edged notch associated with the tentorium cerebelli
tentorial notch
The _____ _____ covers where the pituitary gland sits.
diaphragma sella
The ____ _____ _____ are endothelium lined spaces between the two dural layers
dural venous sinuses
Name as many dural venous sinuses as you can.
superior sagittal sinus, inferior sagittal sinus, straight sinus, transverse sinuses, occipital sinuses, sigmoid sinuses, cavernous sinuses, intercavernous sinuses, superior petrosal sinusse, and inferior petrosal sinuses
Which sinus runs along the upper aspect of the falx cerebri?
superior sagittal sinus
Name two descriptive elements of the superior sagittal sinus.
venous lacunae and arachnoid granulations
What is all included in the confluence of sinuses?
meeting of superior sagittal, straight, occipital, and transverse sinuses
The sigmoid sinuses empties into the… which then enters into the…
jugular bulb, internal jugular vein
The _____ veins connect the dural venous sinuses with veins outside the cranium.
Emissary veins are ______ but flow is usually away from the brain
The subarachnoid space contains…
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), arteries, and veins
The pia mater adheres to the surface of the brain and follows all its contours. True or False?
The _______ is formed by two hemispheres which are incompletely separated by the longitudinal cerebral fissure
The ______ ______ fissure incompletely separates the two cerebral hemispheres and contains the falx cerebri
longitudinal cerebral fissure
The ______ _______ fissure/sulcus separates the cerebral hemispheres from the cerebellum, midbrain, and diencephalon
transverse cerebral fissure
The lateral sulcus is a deep cleft separating the _____ and ______ lobes. Posteriorly is separates part of the _____ and _______ lobes
frontal and temporal;
parietal and temporal
True or False: The motor area (pre-central gyrus) lies posterior to the central sulcus
False; it lies anterior to it
What lies posterior to the central sulcus?
general sensory cortex (post central gyrus)
What is the most common artery involved in a stroke?
middle cerebral artery
Name the main lobes of the brain.
frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital
The front lobe forms the anterior parts of the cerebral hemispheres. It is located ______ to the central sulcus and _____ to the lateral sulcus
anterior; superior
A large part of the frontal cortex in front of the central sulcus is related to control of movements, primarily on the ______ side of the body (primary motor cortex and premotor area)
The frontal lobe contain Broca’s area, which is important in ______
The prefrontal cortex is responsible for…
personality, insight, and foresight
The parietal lobe is related to the to the internal aspects of the posterior and superior parts of the parietal bone. The postcentral gyrus houses the _____ _____ _____ which is responsible for reception of tactile and proprioceptive impulses-area parts of the parietal lobe interpret these sensations on the basis of past experience
primary somatosensory cortex
The temporal lobe lies ______ to the lateral sulcus
The temporal lobes includes…
the primary auditory cortex and Wernicke’s area (associated with Broca’s but deals with comprehension of speech)
The occipital lobe rests on the tentorium cerebelli, superior to the posterior cranial fossae and contains the…
primary visual cortex
The diencephalon is the central core of the brain. It surrounds the ____ ventricle
The diencephalon composed primarily of the _____ but also includes the _____, ______, and _____
hypothalamus, epithalamus, and subthalamus
What does the hypothalamus do?
primary regulator of autonomic and endocrine functions
The brain stem contains the cranial nerve nuclei and several other specific nuclei- also contains many _______ and _______ pathways
ascending and descending
The ________ is the smallest part of the brain whose cavity is the cerebral aqueduct
The ____ lies in the anteiror part of the posterior cranial fossae whose fibers connect from the cerebrum to the cerebellum
The cavity of the pons forms part of the _____ ventricle
The medulla oblongata is continuous with the…
spinal cord at the foramen magnum
The pyramids of the medulla contain the….
cerebrospinal tract which carries impulses from the brain to the spinal cord
The medulla oblongata contains the ______ and _______ centers
cardiovascular and respiratory
The cavity of the medulla oblongata forms the inferior part of the _____ ventricle
What is the “little brain”?
The cerebellum overlies the posterior aspect of the pons and medulla oblongata, beneath the ____ ______
tentorium cerebelli
The cerebellum consists of a midline portion called the ______ and two lateral lobes or hemispheres
What is the cerebellum concerned with?
posture, muscle tone, and muscular coordination
The ventricular system deals with…
cerebrospinal fluid
The following describes the ventricular system. Please fill in the blanks.
Two lateral ventricles open through the interventricular foramen (of ______) into the 3rd ventricle in the diencephalon. The 3rd ventricle connects to the 4th ventricle through the ______ ______ (of ______). CSF flows into the subarachnoid space (_____ _____) through the median aperture (______ of _______) and 2 lateral apertures (______ of _____)
Two lateral ventricles open through the interventricular foramen (of Monro) into the 3rd ventricle in the diencephalon. The 3rd ventricle connects to the 4th ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius). CSF flows into the subarachnoid space (cisterna magna) through the median aperture (foramen of Magendie) and 2 lateral apertures (foramen of Luschka)
The internal carotid artery arises from the common carotid artery and enters the skull through the ___ ____
carotid canal
The internal carotid artery enters the middle cranial fossa over the ____ _____ and then runs anteriorly in the cavernous sinus
foramen lacerum
The internal carotid leaves the cavernous sinus to enter the subarachnoid space. It gives off the ______ artery and then passes inferior to the optic nerve . It than branches into ____ and _______ cerebral arteries
anterior and middle cerebral arteries
Within the cranial cavity, the internal carotid artery supplies the ______ _____, the orbit, and much of the _______ part of the brain
pituitary gland, supratentorial
The vertebral arteries begin as a branch of the ______ part of the subclavian artery
The vertebral arteries ascend through the transverse foramina of the cervical vertebra and enters the subarachnoid space at the ___ _____
foramen magnum
The vertebral arteries run anteriorly on the _____ and united with the vertebral artery on the opposite side at the caudal border of the _____ to form the basilar artery
What forms the basilar artery? How does it end?
the union of the two vertebral arteries;
ends by dividing into the two posterior cerebral arteries
What is the Circle of Willis?
an important anastomosis between the two vertebral and two internal carotid arteries
The Circle of Willis is located at the base of the brain and encircles the ____ ______
optic chiasm
What arteries form the Circle of Willis?
posterior cerebral arteries posterior communicating arteries internal carotid arteries anterior cerebral arteries anterior communicating arteries
The central arteries supply…
The cortical branches supply…
central arteries-deep structures;
cortical branches-superficial parts of the brain
The cerebral arteries include the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries. Match them with the description below.
- supplies the lateral surface
- supplies the inferior surface
- supplies most of the medial and superior surfaces
- middle cerebral artery
- posterior cerebral artery
- anterior cerebral artery
Name the cerebellar arteries.
- superior cerebellar arteries
- anterior inferior cerebellar arteries (AICA)
- posterior inferior cerebellar arteries (PICA)