Exam #5 Flashcards
Body mass index (BMI) is
a standard used to calculate a person’s body fat percentage
based on a relationship between a person’s weight and height
gradually being replaced by more reliable height/weight tables
used to estimate direct calorimetry
based on a relationship between a person’s weight and height
Visceral fat is
in cell membranes.
between muscle fibers and tendons
in the omentum
between the skin and skeletal muscles
in the omentum
Ben’s waist circumference measures 42 inches. Based on this information, he has a higher than average risk of ____.
skin cancer
heart disease
migraine headaches
type 1 diabetes
heart disease
____ relies on the principle that lean tissue is denser than water.
Bioelectrical impedance
Underwater weighing
Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
Direct calorimetry
Underwater weighing
A healthy percentage of body fat for women is _______ %.
Which of the following medications can be prescribed to treat obesity?
Basal metabolism includes energy needs for
breathing and circulating blood
performing physical activity
digesting food
absorbing nutrients.
breathing and circulating blood
Which of the following statements is true?
Women generally have higher metabolic rates than men
Thyroid hormone influences BMR
A person who has more muscle mass will have a lower BMR than someone with less muscle tissue.
When a person has a fever, his or her BMR drops below normal.
Thyroid hormone influences BMR
Negative energy balance occurs when
the thermic effect of food equals NEAT
fat storage in the body increases
energy intake is higher than energy output
the body needs more calories than the diet supplies
the body needs more calories than the diet supplies
____ is a hormone produced by fat tissue that reduces hunger.
Members of the National Weight Control Registry tend to
eat meals regularly, including breakfast
follow low-carbohydrate/high-protein diets
exercise 2 to 3 times per week.
spend about 3 hours/day watching television.
eat meals regularly, including breakfast
Fat cells secrete
Peptide YY signals the
kidneys to decrease fatty acid synthesis
thyroid gland to increase the metabolic rate
brain to increase glucose catabolism
stomach to reduce ghrelin secretion.
stomach to reduce ghrelin secretion.
Leona’s BMI is 18.2. According to this information, Leona’s body weight is in the ____ range.
Which of the following statements is true?
At the present time, there is no direct way to measure a person’s metabolic rate.
A person’s total daily energy output is the sum of calories used for metabolism and physical activity in a 24-hour period.
A calorimetric chamber is used to measure a person’s metabolic rate.
Most people use more energy for NEAT than for resting metabolism.
A calorimetric chamber is used to measure a person’s metabolic rate.
A severe psychological disturbance characterized by self-imposed starvation
Anorexia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa
binge eating
Anorexia nervosa
Which of the following is a sign of anorexia nervosa?
BMI of 26
Someone who is obese or overweight can have an eating disorder.
Young men are more likely to develop an eating disorder than young women.
Which of the following conditions primarily affects men?
Muscle dysmorphia
night eating syndrome
Bulimia nervosa
Binge-eating disorder
Muscle dysmorphia
Joseph’s BMI is 23. When he is under a lot of stress, he eats a large amount of empty-calorie foods. Soon after eating these foods, he goes to a bathroom and makes himself vomit. Based on this information, Joseph probably has
anorexia nervosa.
binge-eating disorder.
bulimia nervosa
bulimia nervosa
Which of the following conditions is not an eating disorder that physicians can diagnose using criteria that are in the DSM-5?
Anorexia nervosa
Binge-eating disorder
Bulimia nervosa
People who have anorexia nervosa typically
have a distorted body image.
consume most of their calories during the overnight hours.
have BMIs between 18.5 and 20.0.
consume foods that they think are healthy
have a distorted body image.
Which of the following behaviors is an example of a purging activity that is often used by people with bulimia nervosa to avoid weight gain?
Avoiding “white” foods, such as white sugar and flour
Abusing laxatives
Eating only organic foods
Sleeping for fewer than 6 hours per night
Abusing laxatives
Having ____ is a sign of anorexia nervosa.
a BMI of 19.4
an increased metabolic rate
A person with ____ is more likely to die from the condition than from any other psychological disturbance.
orthorexia nervosa
binge-eating disorder
obsessive compulsive disorder
anorexia nervosa
anorexia nervosa`
A major approach for treating binge-eating disorder is
antipsychotic medication.
electroshock treatment.
cognitive behavioral therapy.
bariatric surgery
cognitive behavioral therapy.
Bright light therapy may be used to treat
female athlete triad
muscle dysmorphia
anorexia nervosa
night eating syndrome
night eating syndrome
Which of the following medications has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat bulimia nervosa?
Fiona is very health conscious. She limits her diet to foods that she describes are “clean” or “pure.” She will not eat red meat, sugar, flour, and milk because she believes they are not clean. Based on this information, Fiona probably has
binge-eating disorder
orthorexia nervosa
muscle dysmorphia.
anorexia nervosa
orthorexia nervosa
Although Jemma’s BMI is in the healthy range, she thinks her hips and thighs are too fat. She does not binge eat, but she often uses self-induced vomiting after eating to maintain her weight. Based on this information, Jemma probably has
anorexia nervosa.
orthorexia nervosa.
purging disorder
purging disorder
Jason lifts weights for at least 3 hours every other day. His shoulder and upper arm muscles are so large, he has difficulty raising his arms to comb his hair. Despite his muscular body build, Jason thinks he needs to increase the size of his muscles even more. Based on this information, Jason probably has
bulimia nervosa
orthorexia nervosa
muscle dysmorphia
binge-eating disorder
muscle dysmorphia
Which of the following characteristics is a sign of night eating syndrome?
Hyperactivity in the early evening
Lack of appetite in the morning
Purging immediately after bingeing
Inability to digest simple carbohydrates after midnight
Lack of appetite in the morning
Kayla has type 1 diabetes, but she frequently skips giving herself insulin because she does not want to gain weight. Based on this information, Kayla probably has
anorexia nervosa
muscle dysmorphia
Miranda is physically fit. She has
an increased risk of osteoporosis
the strength, endurance, and flexibility to meet the demands of daily living.
a greater need for vitamins and minerals than other women.
the endurance to run an ultramarathon
the strength, endurance, and flexibility to meet the demands of daily living.
A ____ physical activity generally requires a high degree of exertion.
Which of the following statements is true?
Resistance exercises do not help build bone mass.
Sedentary activities do not require much energy to perform.
Anaerobic energy systems need large quantities of oxygen to produce ATP
Contracting muscles rely primarily on protein for energy.
Sedentary activities do not require much energy to perform.
What is the target heart rate zone for a 40-year-old male who wants to engage in moderate-intensity physical activity?
72 to 104 bpm
88 to 116 bpm
90 to 126 bpm
104 to 134 bpm
90 to 126 bpm
Tom is on his college’s track team. While he competes in the 200-meter hurdles, his muscles use primarily ____ for energy.
The energy system most active in high-intensity activities lasting for a few seconds is the ____ energy system.
lactic acid
Carbohydrate loading
provides a competitive edge for award-winning sprinters, body builders, and weight lifters
involves manipulating dietary patterns and physical activities prior to an endurance event.
often results in short-term weight loss and positive energy balance
is generally recommended for long-term weight control for athletes.
involves manipulating dietary patterns and physical activities prior to an endurance event.
A pre-event meal should be consumed ____ before competing.
5 to 6 hours
1 to 4 hours
7 to 9 hours
30 minutes
1 to 4 hours
Which of the following foods is high carbohydrate and low fat?
Whole milk
Dried apricots
Cream cheese on a bagel
Dried apricots
According to recommendations, a healthy adult who participates in regular high-intensity interval training should consume ____ of body weight of protein per day.
0.8 g/kg
1.0 to 1.4 g/kg
1.2 to 2.0 g/kg
1.8 to 2.4 g/kg
1.2 to 2.0 g/kg
Drinking at least 6 L of water daily
is recommended by the National Academies of Sciences
is necessary for healthy persons, even if they are not thirsty.
can result in water intoxication
improves athletic performance
can result in water intoxication
Sports drinks
are the best source of fluid for most athletes.
contain a mix of complex carbohydrates
provide carbohydrates and electrolytes in addition to water.
are calorie-free.
provide carbohydrates and electrolytes in addition to water.
Iron deficiency is most common in which of the following athletes?
Male gymnasts
Female gymnasts
Male short-distance runners
Female short-distance runners
Female gymnasts
Which of the following beverages does not contain caffeine?
Red Bull
Chocolate milk
Fruit juice
Fruit juice
Ergogenic aids
have been evaluated for safety and effectiveness by the Food and Drug Administration
are banned by most sports organizations.
are natural substances produced in the body.
include caffeine and certain amino acids.
include caffeine and certain amino acids.
Protein is the body’s preferred fuel during exercise
Low-fat chocolate milk is a good postexercise recovery beverage.
____ are disease-causing microbes.
The ____ is the primary government agency that oversees the safety of most foods in the United States.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Which of the following foods is considered a potentially hazardous food?
Overripe bananas
Raw ground meat
Commercially canned tomato soup
Raw ground meat
Food-borne illnesses are usually characterized by
flulike signs and symptoms.
coughing, sneezing, and respiratory inflammation
megaloblastic anemia and nervous system defects.
abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting.
abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting.
In the United States, common sources of food-borne illness include all of the following, except
Staphylococcus aureus.
Aflatoxins are
responsible for 30% of food-borne illnesses in the United States.
harmful compounds produced by certain molds
a type of parasitic worm.
medications that are effective against viral toxins.
harmful compounds produced by certain molds
Which of the following practices increases the growth of food-borne pathogens?
Washing hands before preparing food
Keeping cold foods cold and hot foods hot
Cooking foods to proper internal temperatures
Using the same cutting board to prepare all parts of a meal
Using the same cutting board to prepare all parts of a meal
Which of the following substances are not direct food additives?
Color additives
Pesticide residues
Flavor enhancers
Pesticide residues
Irradiation of food is
an untested technology.
not recommended because the process increases nutrient losses.
widely used in Spain, Russia, and Mexico.
a common method of food preservation in the United States
a common method of food preservation in the United States
To reduce the risk of food-borne illness, raw poultry should be cooked to an internal temperature of at least
____ is the commercial heating process that destroys pathogens in milk and fruit juices.
Which of the following practices is not a safe food preparation practice?
Washing hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before handling foods
Cutting away mold on block cheeses as long as you can cut away about 1 inch from the mold
Selecting wooden cutting boards for raw meats, rather than nonporous materials such as plastic or marble
Heating alfalfa sprouts until they are steaming to reduce potential pathogens
Selecting wooden cutting boards for raw meats, rather than nonporous materials such as plastic or marble
Stephanie developed a food-borne illness after eating ice cream made with raw eggs. The pathogen that was most likely contaminating her food was
Vibrio vulnificus
Toxoplasma gondii
____ is the most reliable method of making water that contains pathogens safe to drink.
Food additives that are thought to be safe without extensive research are called
direct food additives
indirect food additives
color additives
Which of the following groups of individuals is least likely to experience harmful consequences from chronic undernutrition?
Pregnant women
Older adults
Young adults
Young adults
Which of the following health effects is least likely to occur as a result of chronic undernutrition in childhood?
Reduced height and weight
Increased cognitive abilities
Reduced effectiveness of the immune system
Increased susceptibility to infectious diseases
Increased cognitive abilities
Which of the following countries has the highest under-5 mortality rate?
Lack of ____ in the diet is the leading cause of childhood blindness worldwide.
vitamin C
vitamin A
vitamin A
____ deficiency during pregnancy can significantly impair the intelligence level of the developing fetus.
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
A family with members who worry each month about having enough money to purchase food, even though their diet quality and quantity is adequate, is most likely experiencing
high food security
marginal food security.
low food security.
very low food security.
marginal food security.
Which of the following situations is an example of food security?
A family is able to obtain enough food each month through the use of food assistance programs
A family is able to purchase enough food for the majority of the month but usually must decrease food intake during the last week.
A family must follow a budget but is able to provide enough nutritious food for each member to live a healthy and active life.
A family relies on weekly food donations from community charities to obtain enough to eat
A family must follow a budget but is able to provide enough nutritious food for each member to live a healthy and active life.
An example of a GMO is a
form of bacteria that does not require oxygen to survive
kind of corn that tolerates heat better than other kinds of corn
chemically coated variety of pumpkin seeds that grow in compost.
type of lettuce that needs water to mature and develop leaves.
kind of corn that tolerates heat better than other kinds of corn
A food ____ is an area in which a large proportion of people who live there experience difficulty accessing nutritious food.
Which of the following federal food assistance programs offers monthly financial assistance to low-income participants for purchasing eligible foods?
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
. The Emergency Food Assistance Program
Food Distribution Disaster Assistance
Commodity Supplemental Food Program
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Which of the following federal food assistance programs offers food assistance to low-income older adults to purchase fresh, locally-grown, unprepared fruits and vegetables.
Supplemental Food Assistance Program
The Emergency Food Assistance Program
Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
Commodity Supplemental Food Program
Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
Which of the following federal food assistance programs provides low-income children with meals and snacks when school is not in session?
Special Milk Program
National School Lunch Program
Summer Food Service Program
School Breakfast Program
Summer Food Service Program
The Healthy Food Financing Initiative
distributes food vouchers to older adult Americans who have low incomes and are nutritionally at risk
grants money to public and private schools that offer nutrition education classes.
provides funding for programs that improve the accessibility of nutritious food in food deserts.
prepares financially sound budgets for families in major metropolitan areas that are not food secure.
provides funding for programs that improve the accessibility of nutritious food in food deserts.
A ____ is a nonprofit organization that distributes commodity foods to groups that prepare free or low-cost meals for people who are hungry.
food pantry
food bank
soup kitchen
congregate meal center
food bank