Exam 4- Pancreas, Liver, Gallbladder Flashcards
Is the pancreas more of an exocrine or endocrine organ?
Exocrine (90%)
How is the exocrine pancreas organized?
Organized like salivary ducts, secretions from acinar and duct cells
What are the 2 major functions of pancreatic juice?
Neutralize acids from stomach (via bicarb) and provide enzymes for digestion of food
What 3 enzymes are secreted from the pancreas?
Amylase, lipase, protease
What is the optimal pH for most intestinal enzymes?
What type of cells secrete the enzymatic component of pancreatic juice?
Acinar cells
What 2 types of cells secret the aqeous fraction of pancreative juice via ATP?
Ductal cells and centriacinar cells
What cells remove Cl and add HCO3 to pancreatic juice?
Ductal cells
What is the relationship between the composition of pancreatic juice and the pancreatic flow rate?
As flow rate increases, concentration of HCO3- increases at the expense of Cl- (Na+ and K+ similar to plasma)
Does the cephalic or gastric phase have a greater effect on enzyme secretion?
Gastric (only 20% of enzymes secreted during cephalic phase)
What stimulates the pancrease during the cephalic phase?
PNS → ACh → ductal cells
What mediates pancreatic stimulation in the gastric phase?
Gastric distention and gastrin
The cephalic phase contributes what percentage of aqueous secretion during pancreatic stimulation?
10-15% of max
What is the most important phase of pancreatic stimulation as it controls 80% of the pancreatic secretion?
Intestinal phase
During the gastric phase, is pancreatic stimulation under nueronal or hormonal control?
Hormonal (CCK, secretin)
H+ in the duodenum stimulates what in the intestinal phase of pancreatic stimulation?
S cells- Secretin
Fat and peptides in the duodenal chyme stimulate what in the intestinal phase of pancreatic stimulation?
I cells- CCK
CCK travel to the pancrease via cirulatory system to stimulate what?
Acinar cells → increased enzyme secretion (smaller effect on aqueous secretion)
Stimulation of the ductal cells by H+ results in increased production of what?
Aqeuous component of pancreatic juice
What is “nature’s antacid”?
Secretin (only mildly stimulates enzyme secretion)
What enhances (“potentiates”) the secretion of CCK leading to increased enzyme production/ secretion?
Vagus nerve stimulation/ ACh
What enhances (“potentiates”) the secretion of Secretin leading to increased production/ secretion of aqueous secretion?
ACh and CCK
What organ is responsible for regulation of vascular volume, digestion/absorption of fats/ cholesterol, detoxification, synthesis of plasma proteins?
Once bile is secreted into the small intestine from the gallbladder, it aids in what? (3)
Fat emulsification/ digestion, transport/ elimination of cholesterol, fat absorption
Liver receives blood from what 2 sources?
Hepatic portal system and hepatic artery
What drains blood from the stomach, spleen, intestines and pancreas and carries absorbed food molecules to the liver for processing?
Heaptic portal system: portal vein (70% of liver’s blood) → hepatic vein → IVC
What supplies liver with oxygenated blood?
Hepatic artery (30% liver’s blood supply)
What is the fundamental unit of the liver and what are its 2 components?
Lobules; CV (central vein) and PS (portal space)