Exam 4- Digestion and Absorption Flashcards
Final breakdown of all food substances occurs where in the GI tract?
Small intestines
Absorption involves what type of movement of digested products to the general circulation?
What is the 2 step breakdown of complex sugars?
Complex sugars –> (a-amylase) –> oligosacchariades –> simple sugars (monosaccharide)
What enzymes break down 1:4 alpha linkages only?
Salivary and pancreatic amylase
How are the majority of carbs ingested?
Complex polysaccharides
Pancreatic amylase can’t handle what starch linkage?
1:6 linkage
All oligosaccharides must be broken down into one of what 3 products to be absorbed?
Glucose, galactose, fructose
What type of proteins are synthesized by epithelial cells and are needed for the membrane digestion of oligosaccharides?
Intrinsic membrane proteins
What are the two main groups of the intrinsic membrane proteins?
Galactosidases and alpha glucosidases
Lactase is what type of intrinsic membrane protein?
Sucrase, maltase, and alpha dextrinase are what type of intrinsic membrane proteins?
Alpha glucosidases
The majority (80%) of ingested carbs are digested to what?
Glucose transport is primary or secondary active transport?
Secondary active (since plasma glucose concentration is high)
What transporter is Na-dependent entry at the apical membrane and facilitates the movement of glucose and galactose into the cell?
SGLT-1 transporters
What transporter on the basolateral membrane is involved with transport of glucose and galactose to the interstitium via facilitated diffusion?
What transports fructose (w/o energy) on the apical membrane into the cell?
Most disorders of carbohydrate digestion and absorption are due to what?
Deficiencies that prevent breakdown of carbs to an absorbable form
What breaks down lactose? What are the end products?
Lactose → glucose and galactose, via lactase
What breaks down sucrose? What are the end products?
Sucrose → glucose and fructose, via sucrase
What breaks down a-dextrins? What is the end product?
Alpha-dextrins → glucose, via maltase and alpha-dextrinase
What breaks down maltotroise? What is the end product?
Maltotriose → glucose, via maltase, sucrase, alpha-dextrinase
What breaks down maltose? What is the end product?
Maltose → glucose, via maltase, sucrase, alpha-dextrinase
Unabsorbed carbs hold water osmotically and cause what clinical condition?
Osmotic diarrhea (lumen is isosmotic to interstitium)
What are the 3 clincal sx of unabsorbed lactose?
Osmotic diarrhea, cramps, abd distension
What is a potential consequence of long-term intestinal disease?
Lactase deficiency (membrane lactase dysconfigured)
What is the primary enzyme in luminal digestion?
What are the products of protein digestion? (2)
Amino acids and oligopeptides
Where are the proenzymes of protein digestion stored?
What happens if the proenzymes of protein digestion become active before being released from the pancreas?
What enzyme is required to activate the proenzymes of protein digestion?
H+ to activate pepsinogen to pepsin
Enterokinase to activate trypsinogen to trypsin
Proteins make up 20-35% of caloric intake with a significant amount coming from where?
Endogenous sources (desquamated cells and gastric secretions)
The final breakdown of proteins occurs where?
Brush border via peptidases
Amino acids are co-transported into the cell with what?
Sodium gradient via 2˚ active transport
How are di and tripeptides co-transported in the cell?
Coupled w/ H+ transport via 2˚ active trasport
In addition to peptidase breakdown in the brush border layer, how else are proteins digested? (2)
Amino acid carriers and endocytosis (neonates)
Decreased protein absorption as a result of pancreatic insuffiency will lead to what?
Pancreatic insufficiency will have what effect on the amount of trypsin that reaches the intestines?
Decreased/insufficienct amounts of trypsin
What condition is a congential defect in transport of neutral amino acids?
Hartnup disease (absorption of di- and tripeptides ok)
In what condition is the transporter for dibasic amino acids absent from the gut and kidney resulting in the loss of dibasic amino acids in urine and feces?
What motion is required for the digestion of fats due to their insolubility and tendency to coalesce?
Churning and bile emulsification