Exam 4 New Flashcards
Replication: Initiation
DnaA binds to origin and recruits DNA Polymerase III to begin bilateral replication
Replication: Elongation
Starts to expand
Replication: Termination
Stop at 180 degrees. Tus binds to things like is own
Replication: Decatenation
Topo IV then splits these two circles apart.
Often able to be shared among bacteria. Contain non-essential genes. Copy number varies from 1-1000 per cell.
What do Plasmids often encode?
Often encode environmental advantages. Catabolic genes for new compounds. Toxicity genes for pathogens. Antibiotic resistance.
Plasmic Replication
Some plasmids replicate by Theta Replication. Bi-directional replication with double stranded synthesis. Others replicate by “rolling circle replication”; a uni-directional replication of single strand synthesis
Plasmid Segregation - High Copy Number
High copy number plasmids (~100/cell) segregate by chance.
Plasmid Segregation - Low Copy Number
Low copy number palsmids (~1/cell) have partitioning systems to ensure inheritance
Translation Error
Errors in translation affect ONE protein. This can be dramatic. This can cause protein to misfold.
Transcription Error
Errors in transcription affect a subset of proteins translated from the transcript with error. Everything originating from the wrong information will cause the sub protein to fail but the overall protein will still function.
Replication Error (Mutation)
Mutations alter ALL proteins encoded by that gene.
Mutation alter ALL proteins of ALL descendants of the mutant strain. The generation will suffer from this as well.
Replication Forks
When DNA being synthesized, we have a replication fork. One DNA strand is synthesized in short bursts because of the 5’>3’ synthesis of DNA
What is DNA Polymerase III?
It is the primary replicating polymerase.
The study of heritable changes in the DNA sequence (Mutation + Inheritance)
Error 1 in Replication: Mismatch
Sometimes, DNa polymerase makes a mistake. A mismatch. An example would be “g” pairing with “a”.
Error 2 in Replication: Slipped Strand Mispairing
When DNA polmerase tracks over a repetitive sequence, it can “slip” forward or reverse. Happens at a higher frequency than mismatch but requires repetitive site.
Environmental factors that damage DNA.
What can go wrong with Benzopyrene?
It can slip into a double strand of DNA. When this happens, it causes disortion of the backbone. It can then cause a misreading of the backbone. dsDNA intercalating agents distorting double helix.
What can go wrong with Methyl-Nitrosoguanidine?
It chemically modifies the bases so it can’t react. T forms a base pair with G, which should not happen. Chemical modification of a base.
What cna go wrong with UV light?
Base Crosslinking can occur
What can go wrong with Ionizing Radiation?
Base Elimination. Oxygen attacks connection between the base and sugar. The information is then permanently gone.
A change in the DNA sequence. If unrepaired, it is passed to the next generation.
A cell line that has inherited a particular mutation.
The DNA sequence of a gene/chromosome
The measurable/observable trait conferred by a gene, mediated by proteins.
A version of a gene.
Wild Type Allele
An arbitrarily defined sequence. Relative, not absolute.
Mutant Allele
A change in DNA sequence relative to the wild type.
Changes in protein sequence…
change protein shape and change proetin function
A random mutation will either…
do nothing, or result in protein loss-of function
very very rarely, …
gain-of-function mutation will arise that increases o changes protein activity.
Types of Point Mutations: Missense Mutation
Single base pair change that changes the codon to a different amino acid.
Types of Point Mutations: Nonsense Mutation
Single base pair change that changes the codon to a premature stop codon
Types of Point Mutations: Silent Mutation
Changes the codon but codes for the same amino acid due to degeneracy. “Silent” in protein sequence, but may have phenotype
Types of Point Mutations: Frameshift Mutation
Insertion or deletion of base pairs in amounts not divisible by 3. Completely alters subsequent amino acid sequence.
A side effect of mutations within operons. Mutations early in a operon decrease or abolish expression of downstream genes. Rho can bind and terminate transcription inappropriately. Muation creates a premature translation stop.
Mutation Frequencies
10^-3 - Mutagent (Many events per genome
10^-6 - Slipped strand mspairing (1 per genome)
10^-8 - Missense loss of function (1 in 100 genomes)
10^-10 - Missense gain-of-function (1 in 1,000,000 genomes)
Steps in DNA Repair System
- DNA Polymerase 3’ –> 5’ Proofreading
- Methyl-directed mismatch repair
- SOS response and excision repair
- Recombination Repair
DNA Polymerase III repair function
DNA Polymerase III has a 3’ –> 5’ exonuclease activity when mismatch is detected. Backs up one base and excises it. It then proceeds with replication
What happens if DNA Polymerase III misses?
If it fails to recognize the mismatch and continues on, the mismatched base does not base pair correctly and causes a distortion.
REcognizes and binds to DNa Distortion
“Linker Protein” - Recruits MutH to Muts
Endonuclease, nicks DNA near damaged base.
Metyl-Directed Mismatch Repair
Damaged DNa is excised. The repair polymerase DNA polymerase I loads, fills in the gap.
How do repair recognize which base is the “wrong” mutated base
Older, original DNa strand is modified by methyalation. Newer strands lack metyl groups. MutHSL cuts out distortion on unmethylated DNA strand.
Base Methyalation
After replication the DNa is full methylalated by an enzyme: DNA Methyltranserase
Short window of “hemi-methylation”
MutSLH can only catch mismatches in a brief window behind Pol III
SOS System (1)
Begins with a protein called Rec A. RecA binds to damaged base and becomes activated to RecA*
SOS System (2)
LexA is a transcriptional repressor DNA binding protein that inhibits SOS genes. RecA* causes cleavage of LExA and de-repression of SOS genes.
An inhibitor of FtsZ
DNA excision Repair; chemically detects damaged base. DNA Polymerase fills in gap.
Pol IV
Error Prone Polymerase
SulA job
SulA inhibits cell divsion. Interacts with FtsZ and blocks Z-wring formation until DNA damage has been resolved. SOS system makes sure that DNA damage has been repaired before proceeding with cell divison
Error Prone of Polymerase?
DNA Polymerase III cannot replicate through damaged bases. Causes a replication jam.
What is the last resort of Error Prone PolymerasE?
DNA Polymerase IV is switched into replication fork. Can polymerize past severe damage but creates many mismatches.
First DNA Repair System
DNA Polymerase III has the ability to back up and excise a mismatched base.
Second DNA Repair System
Methyl Directed Mismatch REpair. MutSLH can excise mismatches
Third DNA Repair System
Excision Repair UveABC can excise damaged nucleotides.
Fourth DNA Repair System
SOS! Error prone DNA Polymerase IV copies over the top of damaged nucleotides.
What do you do in the case of large deletions?
The only way to repair a deletion is to bring in a fresh copy of the genetic sequence with all missing information. Recombination and Gene Replacement
DNA Uptake
Cell needed DNA from an External Source. DNA can either be destroyed by restriction or recombined into chromosome.
Restriction enzymes recognize patterns on dsDNA and cut the incoming DNA into pieces. Defense against forein DNA
Enzyme from E. Coli that cuts DNa at the pattern “GAATTC”
When foregin DNA is wanted in the body..
DNA Methyltransferase methylates “GAATTC” soEcoRi cannot bind
If incoming DNA strand is similar to chromosome…
it ma replace old sequence. Sequences must base pair over some of their length for replacement. Mediated by the RecA protein.
Vertical Transfer
Requires cell divison
Horizontal Transfers
requires two cells. A Donor –> Recipient
Horizontal Gene Transfer: Mechanism 1
Uptake of free DNA directly from the einvornment. “Com machinery”
Horizontal Gene Transfer: Mechanism 2
Conjugation - Export of DNa from one cell into another. “Tra machinery”
Horizontal Gene Transfer: Mechanism 3
Transduction - Transfer of genetic material between two bacteria by means of Bacteriophage. Generalized v Specialized.
Uptake of DNA found free in the environment. Cells die and release genetic material. Other cells can then take up free DNA.
COM Machinery
Similar to Type IV Pilus.
1. Pilus Binds dsDNA (One strand destroyed, one strand imported) and then recombine into chromosome.
Benefit of competence, taking free DNA from environment where cell didn’t survive?
- Maybe bacteria sample the genetic environment for beneficial genes?
- Repair of damaged gene sequences?
- Maybe competence is a way of “Eating” DNA?
REal reason unclear.
Cell Interaction faciliatated by a sex pilus. Donor cells have a F Factor, which is a plasmid.
What is encoded on the F Factor?
Sex Pilus (Retractile Pilus)
Tra Machinery for DNA Transfer
Independent Origin of Replication
Sex Pilus and Mating Steps
- Pilus Extends
- REcognizes, and binds to a receptor on the surface of recipient
- Pilus retracts.
- Plasmid is replicated beginning at OriT via the rolling circle mechanism and transfered through Tra machinery.
- Recipient gains a cop of F factor plasmid and can now be a donor.
Side Effect of F Factor?
F Factor can spontaneously integrate into the chromocome and create a HFR Strain”
High Frequency Recombination
What can a HFR Strain do?
During mating, it will now copy and transfer the chromosome instead of the F Factor plasmid.
A phage accidently packages bacterial chromosomal DNA and transfers this DNA to another bacterium
Generalized Transducion
Mispackaged bacterial DNA can come from any location on the bacterial chromosome.
Specialized Transduction
Mispackaged bacerial DNA can only come from teh part of the bacterial chromosome that is adjacent to the prophage interaction site.
Viruses that infect bacteria. Use a host to make copies of themselves. LAck ribosomes and cannot make their own energy
When phage DNA is stably integrated into host chromosome and remains dormant as a prophage
Where does Phage DNa integrate?
At a specific DNA sequence in the host called the att site (attachment site)
Lysogen Maintenance
Phage Repressor Protein “c1” inhibits phage gene expression. Phage DNA “hides” inside of bacterial chromosome and is replicated as the bacterium grows.
Lysogenic to Lytic Transition
SOS response RecA* cleaves repressor C1. This activates phage lytic cycle. Phage excises, replicates, and releases through lysis.
Types of Bacterial Motility
Swimming Swarming Twitching Gliding Floating