Exam 3 Flashcards
Aerobic Respiration
reduces oxygen
Anaerobic respiration
reduces anything but oxygen
Geobacter Metallireducens
- Consumes sugars and oil-based pollutants
- Respires metals including Fe, U & Tc
- Bioremediation
- Respires insoluble molecules
- Pili conduct electrons outside of cell (nanowires)
- Biofuel Cells
- Nanowires: allows for respiration of insoluble molecules, conductive pilus anchored in the plasma membrane and part of the ETC
Eat inorganics Breathe anything (electrons)
Obtaining electrons by consuming inorganic molecules
Eat organics Breathe anything (electrons)
Hydrogen Oxidation (How is ATP, NADH & PMF generated, how do electrons move through tower, example of bacteria/system)
ATP: F1F0 ATPase
NADH: Hydrogenase => direct reduction of H2 Gas
PMF: ETC, reduction of O2 => H2O
Tower: Move down H2 => O2
Ex: Subsurface Lithotrophic Microbial Ecosystem (SLiME), Chemolithoautotrophs, require nothing but gas to grow
Sulfur Oxidation (How is ATP, NADH & PMF generated, how do electrons move through tower, example of bacteria/system)
ATP: F1F0 ATPase NADH: Reverse ETC PMF: ETC Tower: Up S/H2S => NAD+/NADH Ex: Hydrothermal Vents
Iron Oxidation (How is ATP, NADH & PMF generated, how do electrons move through tower, example of bacteria/system)
ATP: F1F0 ATPase NADH: Reverse ETC PMF: ETC Tower: Up Fe3+/Fe2+ => NAD+/NADH Ex: Lepthothrix bacteria- grow in biofilm in saturated soils with high levels of iron
Adv/ Disadv of Iron Oxidation
Adv: Iron so low in energy that few other bacteria bother to compete, Iron is one of the most abundant resources on earth
Disadv: Takes A LOT of electrons for a little energy, growth could be fantastically slow, doubling times of months or more
3 kinds of phototrophy & what kinds of energy do they produce
Cyclic: PMF (ATP)
Acyclic: NADH, PMF (ATP)
Bacteriorhodipsin: PMF (ATP); does not use ETC
What is cyclic phototrophy electron donor?
What is cyclic phototrophy electron acceptor?
What is the role of chlorophyll
cofactor that absorbs light
What is the purpose of the reaction centers
holds an array of chlorophyll molecules
How does electron transfer in cyclic phototrophy work
excited electron passed to membrane carriers, ETC makes PMF, electrons can return to any reaction center
How does making NADH break the cycle
electrons must be filled from another source to complete the cycle
How does acyclic phototrophy “fix the cycle”
electrons filled from another source to complete the cycle
Two methods used by phototrophs to make NADH
Purple/green sulfur: bacteria w strong rxn centers w enough energy to directly reduce NAD+
Purple/green nonsulfur: bacteria w weak rxn centers and must use reverse ETC
How does the oxygenic acyclic phototrophy system use water to produce NADH
Links 2 different photosystem rxns together, coupled in series
First photosystem has enough resting potential to accept electron from H2O
Second photosystem has enough activated potential to directly reduce NAD+
“eats H2O, gives off O2”
What are the ways to increase the surface area of the rxn centers to more efficiently use light?
1) Membrane Invaginations: increase SA to mount reaction centers
2) Phycobiliproteins: antenna proteins that funnel energy to rxn centers
What is the solution to having too much light energy
more light energy to carotenoids (cofactors that absorb light energy)
What contributes to bacteria having different pigments
Phototrophic bacteria have a wide range of absorbance profiles
Different organisms have evolved different light harvesting pigments
Halobacterium salinarum
Archaeon, extremely halophilic, desiccation/ radiation resistant, very simple photosystem (bacteriorhodopsin), single proton pump directly coupled to light absorption and does not use ETC
How do bacteriorhodipsins work
Reaction center directly coupled with proton pump
From what doe Heterotrophs obtain carbon? What pathways are used?
Organic chemicals: C and N enter macromolecules as reduced carbon compounds like AA
Pathways: Glycolysis, PPP, TCA cycle
What macronutrients in the atmosphere can be fixed
Carbon (CO2)
Nitrogen (N2 gas)
H, O (H2O)
Definition of Autotrophy
Building reduced carbon (sugars) directly from CO2
How are NADH and NADPH used differently
Both have same function to donate electrons
NADH: Catabolism
NADPH: Anabolism
What enzyme enables carboxylation of 5 carbon ribulose
RuBiSCO: Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase
3 Steps in carbon fixation
1) Carboxylation: Attaches one CO2 molecule to end of 5C sugar
2) Reduction: “fixes” carbon ation biologically
3) Rearrangement: 1 Carbon donated to make glucose each time.
How much energy is used in carbon fixation
18 ATP, 12 NADPH (6x through cycle)
What happens when CO2 is low? Whats the solution?
O2 can compete for the enzyme and be incorporated producing toxic glycolic acid (“phosphorespiration”)
Solution: Carboxysomes (protein shells that contain a lot of RuBiSCO, enrich for CO2 and exclude O2)
Compare and contrast Chemoorganoheterotrophy and Photoautotrophy
Chemoorganoheterotrophy: Glycolysis/TCA cycle, release PMF, release ATP/NADPH, aerobic respiration
Photoautotrophy: Oxygenic acyclic phototrophy, take in ATP/ NADPH, take in PMF, Autotrophy
How does nitrogen enter the cell
1) Directly through premade AA
2) As ammonia attached to Glutamate (AA)
What are the 2 enzymes involved in the 2 step glutamine synthesis pathway
Glutamine Synthetase and Glutamate synthetase
Wha tis the enzyme involved in the one step glutamate synthesis pathway
Glutamate Dehydrogenase
Where does reduced Nitrogen (ammonia) come from?
2) Geothermal
What is nitrogen fixation
Biological conversion of N2 => NH4+
Strictly a bacterial process but not all bacteria can do it
How much energy is used in nitrogen fixation
Extremely energetically expensive
18 ATP
What proteins are involved with nitrogen fixation
Nitrogenase enzyme
Fe protein: delivers electrons
FeMo protein: reduces nitrogen
What is the problem that stems from atmospheric concentrations of N2 and O2
Nitrogenase destroyed by oxygen, Active site of iron protein exposed to cytoplasm, O2 reacts with iron, iron in protein rusts
What are the solutions that have evolved to solve O2 problems in nitrogen fixation
1) Anaerobic conditions: no O2 present
2) Extremely rapid respiration: respire O2 so fast that the concentration of O2 is low
3) Heterocysts: specialized, differentiated, non-growing, O2 impermeable cell types found in cyanobacteria.
Oxygenic phototrophy in most of the chain, heterocysts fixes nitrogen and shares with chain
Sinorhizobium meliloti
Legume symbiont
Fixes N2 in plant nodules
different legumes form symbioses with diff bacteria
Bacteriod does not grow
Plant gets N2, bacterium gets carbon (sugars)
How does cell-cell communication play a role in legume symbiosis
plant root sends flavanoid signal to attract bacteria, bacteria sends signal “Nod factor” back to plant.
Signals are specific for both plant and bacterium, ensures proper recognition between partners
What does the plant provide in legume symbiosis
Carbon (sugars)
What does the bacteria provide in legume symbiosis
Nitrogen (NH3)
How does this legume symbiosis benefit the group if the bacterioid cannot grow?
Rhizopines (check?)
How are lipid subunits activated
Attaching Acyl carrier protein (ACP)
What do the primer and extender do?
Primer: often Acetyl-ACP (2C) but can vary
Extender: always malonlyl-ACP (3C) => donates 2C to primer, elongates chain by 2C
How do different types of fatty acids get made? (even #, odd #, branched)
Different primers!
Acetyl-ACP: Chains w even #C
Propionyl-ACP: chains w odd # C
Isovaleryl-ACP: chains w odd # chains w branch
How does unsaturation of fatty acids occur
1) Skip reduction step: reducing enzyme fails at low temps so that double bond is preserved during elongation
1) Monooxygenase: enzyme made at lower temps and adds oxyygen to reintroduce double bond after chainis completed
What AA is attached to glycerol-phosphate backbone in the phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS)
What is removed to make phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)
How are sugar monomers activated
attaching nucleotides (UDP)
How do polysaccharides polymerize and where?
Glucose adds to glycogen chain and UDP released into cytoplasm
How are peptidoglycan monomers activated
1) NAM activated w UDP
2) 5 AA attached sequentially to NAM (pentapeptide)
3) NAM-Peptide is transferred to membrane carrier lipid, lipid carrier becomes new monomer activator
4) NAG activated with UDP
5) NAG Attached to NAM-penta peptide
6) Lipid carrier and bound NAG/NAM-pentapeptide flipped to opposite side of membrane (catalyzed by flippase)
How is peptidoglycan monomer polymerized?
7) NAG/NAM polymerized onto existing chain in wall
How are the chains crosslinked in peptidoglycan
8) Pentapeptide crosslinked by penicillin binding protein (PBP)
What steps does penicillin inhibit
8) crosslinking