Exam 4: Lecture 8 Flashcards
Yeast 1- Hybrid Assay
- designed to identify specific DNA-protein interactions
- used to identify TF’s bound to specific enhancer sequence
Yeast-1 Hybrid Assay Step 1
- design transcriptional reporter that contains enhancer element, core promoter, fragment, and reporter like lacZ
- construct integrated into yeast genome
Yeast-1 Hybrid Assay Step 2
- clone cDNAs that code for TF’s into plasmids that contain GAL4 activation domain
- each plasmid will contain single cDNA
- when plasmid transcribed and translated will code for chimeric protein that contains GAL4 activation domain fused to individual TF
- entire plasmid library will contain 1000’s of different TF containing plasmids, each fused to GAL4 AD
Yeast-1 Hybrid Assay Step 3
- yeast cells containing transcriptional reporter transformed with plasmid library
- each cell plated onto media and allowed to proliferate into colony
- cells treated with analog of lactose
- if TF-AD chimeric protein binds to enhancer it will activate expression of lacZ which will in turn cleave lactose analog
Cloning DNA Fragments
- involves digesting genomic DNA with restriction fragments and ligating them into plasmids which can then be transformed into bacterial cells
- genomic DNA and plasmids digested with same restriction enzyme so ends of genomic fragments and plasmid DNA will have same compatible ends
- linear fragments ligated together
- ligated plasmids can be transformed into bacterial cells
- each bacterial cell takes up single plasmid
- plasmid replicated independently of bacterial chromosome and at high levels
- allows for amplification of fragment of interest
- as bacterial cells replicate, form colonies on semi-soft agar medium
Cellular components/processes DNA Cloning takes advantage of
- restriction enzymes
- DNA ligase
- plasmids
- antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes
- bacterial transformation
- DNA replication
- naturally occurring cellular pieces of DNA that are found in bacterial and some single-celled eukaryotes
- have own origin of replication (can replicated independently of bacterial chromosome)
- can replicate at higher frequency than bacterial chromosome (could be 1000’s of copies in single cell)
- also carry antibiotic resistance genes that can be transferred during bacterial conjugation
Modified Plasmids
- in order to clone and amplify DNA fragments
- still contain origins of replication and antibiotic resistance genes
- contain cluster of restriction enzyme sites called multiple cloning site (MCS).
Cloning in Modified Plasmids
- DNA fragments that need to be cloned and amplified placed in MCS
- genomic DNA and plasmid must be digested with same restriction enzyme in order to have compatible or “sticky” ends
- enzymes that leave blunt ends can be used too and are glued into MCS with ligase
Role of Antibiotic Resistance Gene
- used as selectable marker to kill bacterial cells that fail to take up plasmid during transformation experiment
- if plasmid contains resistance gene against antibiotic X then the media must be treated with antibiotic X
- any bacterial cells that fail to take up plasmid will be killed by antibiotic
- if antibiotic and antibiotic resistance gene don’t match, then all bacterial cells will be killed regardless of whether or not they have been transformed
Yeast-1 Hybrid Test Error
- prone to yield false positives
- second method must be used to confirm potential interactions suggested by Y1H assay
- one method is Electro Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA)
Electro Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) Step 1
- generate radioactively labeled oligonucleotide that contains potential DNA binding site
- usually no longer than ~50 bp and will run to end of agrose gel
Electro Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) Step 2
- purify TF of interest
- then mixed with radioactively labeled oligonucleotide
- mixture treated with chemical that crosslinks protein to DNA
Electro Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) Interpretation of Results
- if TF of interest binds to oligonucleotide then total weight of protein-DNA complex will be larger than oligonucleotide alone and will run higher on gel
- if TF does not bind to oligonucleotide fragment will run at same size as control lane
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
- allow for detection of protein-DNA binding on genome wide scale
- chromatin isolated from cells and digested with restriction enzyme or mechanically sheared
- smaller chromatin fragments are chemically cross-linked to preserve protein-DNA interactions
- chromatin passed through column that contains antibody that recognizes TF of interest
- using 2 different salt concentrations unbound fragments first removed and discarded while bound fragments separated and saved
- chromatin treated with chemical that releases TF from DNA fragments
- fragments can then be sequenced
- any sequence found in common from all fragments likely going to represent binding site of DNA binding protein of interest
Why Chromatin Immunoprecipitation?
- can determine binding site for TF
- can determine where in genome TF is bound by looking at sequences that are directly adjacent to TF binding site