Exam 4: Lecture 5 Flashcards
Photoreceptor Cells In Humans
- rods: responsible for detecting objects and motion
- cones: responsible for detecting color
- proteins expressed in rods and cones
- belong to superfamily of proteins containing several transmembrane domains
- capable of capturing photons of light and in turn initiate transduction of light into electrical signals
- number of different opsin genes in human genome and each will encode opsin protein that can capture light of particular wavelengths
- contain extracellular domain, seven transmembrane segments and an intracellular domain.
Opsins in Cones
- capture light in red, blue, and green wavelengths
- each cone receptor will express only one type of opsin molecule
Ratio of Cone Cell Colors
- not 1:1:1
- always more red cones than green cones than blue cones
- stochastic ratio of cone cell but they’re positioned randomly
Photoreceptor Domains
- structurally divided into domains
- region of cell responsible for capturing light is outer segment which is made of hundreds of membrane stacks
Opsin Protein and Capturing Light
- light capturing protein opsin located in sacks of outer segment
- after translation opsin protein folded within ER, is modified by addition of sugar residues within Golgi and targeted to outer segment.
- needs cofactor to capture light
- bound to chromophore molecule called retinal.
- opsin-retinal complex
- can absorb photons of different light wavelengths
- loss of individual opsin genes can lead to various forms of color blindness
- outer segments contain entire machinery required to transduce photons of light into electrical signals
- includes opsin proteins and attached chromophores, set of membrane associated and cytoplasmic factors and several ion channels
- capture of light by rhodopsin triggers opening and closing of channels changing electrical potential across membrane
- change in potential communicated to neurons in brain
- brain reconstructs electrical signals into image
Photoreceptors in low light
- rhodopsin molecules not interacting with downstream phototransduction machinery
- downstream sodium channels are open allowing Na+ into cell
- balanced by movement of K+ out of cell va K channels
- more K+ exported than Na+ imported
- gives 40 mV voltage difference across membrane
Photoreceptors Exposed to Light
- rhodopsin molecules activated and interact with phototransduction machinery
- cyclic GMP binds and closes Na channel thus blocking Na+ to enter cell
- K+ still allowed to exit cell
- causes a -70 mV difference across membrane
Rhodopsin Genes in Drosophila
-insect retina=simple nervous system with stereotyped developmental pattern and limited number of cell types
Charles Zuker and Joseph O’Tousa
- coned first invertebrae rhodopsin (Rh1)
- absorbs light in orange spectrum
- essentially used as motion detector
Charles Zuker, Karl Fryxell, and Craig Montell
- cloned Rh2, Rh3, and Rh4 rhodopsin genes
- absorb light in ultraviolet spectrum
Claude Desplan and Steve Britt
- cloned Rh5 and Rh6 rhodopsins
- absorb blue and green light
- have shown that flies can see in color
- don’t see well in red, but rather well in blue and green
Structure of Drosophila Retina
- compound eye contains approximately 800 identical unit eyes (ommatida) packaged into hexagonal array
- each ommatidium contains ~20 cells divided into 8 photoreceptors (4 cones, 8 pigment cells)
- photoreceptor cells contain rhodopsin protein and are responsible for capturing and transducing light
- cone cells secret overlying lens and pigment cells optically insulate each ommatidium from its neighbors
- interspersed between ommatidia are mechanosensory bristles used to sense changes in air velocity and detect presence of foreign objects
Photoreceptors of Fly Retina
- each ommatidium contains 8 photoreceptor (R) cells
- you will only see 7 in any one given plane
- R1-R6 cells extend entire depth of retina and R7 sits on top of R8.
- R7 is distal R8 is proximal
- occupy stereotyped positions within ommatidium and are arranged as asymmetric trapezoid
- part of insect photoreceptors
- homologous to rod outer segments of vertebrate photoreceptors
- contain all phototransduction machinery including rhodopsin proteins
Rh1 protein
- expressed in six outer photoreceptors
- absorbs light in orange spectrum
- required for motion detection
- not expressed in photoreceptors of compound eye
- found within photoreceptors of three simple eyes (ocelli) that sit at vertex of fly head
Rh3 and Rh4
- expressed in non-overlapping sets of R7 cells
- 70% of ommatids will have R7 cell that expresses R3
- remaining 30% of ommatidia will have R7 cell that contains Rh4 protein
- capture light in ultraviolet spectrum
Rh5 and Rh6
- expressed in non-overlapping sets of R8 cells
- 70% of ommatidia will have R8 cell that expresses Rh5
- remaining 30% of ommatidia have R8 cell that contains Rh6 protein
Pattern of Rhodopsin Expression
- if ommatidium contains R7 cell that expresses Rh3, then R8 cell will express Rh5
- if ommatidium contains R7 cell that expresses Rh4 then R8 cell will express Rh6
Color Blindness
-loss of individual rhodopsin genes can lead to various forms of color blindness
Pseudo-Isochromatic Plate (PIP) Test
-used to determine if patient is color blind