Exam 4 L3: Cholesterol and Cholesterol Esters Flashcards
What are the three things cholesterol can be turned into?
Think of the flowchart
- Steroid hormones
- Bile Salts
- Cholesterol Esters
Component of cell _____
Precursor of _____ acids
Precursor of ____ hormones
- Component of cell membrane
- Precursor of bile acids
- Precursor of steroid hormones
- endocrine tissues
- stored as cholesterol ester
Dietary cholesterol and dietary TAGs are packaged into _______.
Dietary cholesterol and dietary TAGs: chylomicrons
Synthesized Cholesterol and sythesized TAGs are packaged into ____
Synthesized cholesterol and TAGs are packaged into VLDLs
Explain how acetyl-coA, cholesterol, TAGs and VLDLs are all related (think of the flow chart)
What is an important intermediate in cholesterol biosynthesis?
How is it formed?
Mevalonate is an important intermediate in cholesterol biosynthesis
It is formed in a rxn catalyzed by HMG-CoA reductase, the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis
What is the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis?
Rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis:
HMG CoA Reductase
Explain how we go from acetyl coA to cholesterol
Explain the effects of the following on HMG CoA Reductase:
- Statins
- Cholesterol
Statins (a type of drug) inhibit HMG CoA Reductase
Cholesterol inhibits HMG CoA Reductase through end product feedback inhibition
Explain how one goes from mevalonate (C6) to squalene (C30)
Mevalonate (6C)gets phosphorylated 3 x and then decarboxylated to form Isopentenylpyrophoshate (5C)
Then it gets rearranged to 3,3 Dimethylallylpyrophosphate (5C)
Then it gets added to form Farnesylpryophosphate (15C)
Then those get added together to form Squalene (30C)
Remember: MIDFS (“michigan internet does fucking suck”
How does squalene become cholesterol?
Squalene is 30 carbons, cholesterol is 27?
Squalene >>>>> lanosterol>>>> cholesterol
You remove three methyls
Rearrange a double bond
Add a new OH group
What is the product formed by HMG-CoA reductase?
Mevelonate (6C) is formed by HMG CoA reductase
What activates and inhibits HMG CoA Reductase?
HMG CoA Reductase is activated by insulin
HMG-CoA Reductase is inhibited by:
- Mevalonate and Cholesterol via feedback inhibition (they both inhibit the enzyme and increase its degradation)
- AMP and Glucagon also inhibit this (low energy)
Explain how the following things inhibit HMG-CoA Reductase:
- Cholesterol
- Mevalonate
- AMP and Glucagon
Regulation of HMG Co-A Reductase:
- Sterols (cholesterol) bind to SRE’s and inhibit mRNA production/at the transcription level
- Levalonate inhibits HMG CoA Reductase at the translation level (inhibits translation of mRNAs)
- Enzyme Stability: Degradation promoted by its products (mevalonate, cholesterol)
- Phosphorylation: Inhibition (AMP, Glucagon)
What is the rate limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis?
Rate limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis:
Takes cholesterol and makes bile acids