Exam 2 Lecture 3 (Mignery Overview of Metabolism) Flashcards
Define the following terms:
Metabolism: a series of chemical rxn’s in which product of one reaction is the substrate for the next reaction
Catabolism: chemical reactions that result in the breakdown of more complex organic molecules into simplier substances, release energy (ATP) that is used to drive chemical rxns
Anabolism: chemical reactions in which simplier substances are combined to form more complex, new molecules, usually requires ATP
Explain ATPs role in metabolism and also describe its structure
ATP is the “energy currency of the cell”
High energy phosphate bonds

Explain what oxidation and reduction is.
In order to oxidize and reduce substrates, what has to happen to the electron carriers?
Oxidation refers to the LOSS of electrons (addition of O’s and removal of H’s)
Reduction refers to GAIN of electrons (addition of H’s and loss of O’s)
In order to oxidize a substrate, you have to reduce the e carrier (NAD+ goes to NADH)
In order to reduce a substrate you have to oxidize the e carrier (NADH goes to NAD+)
What are the most important electron carriers?
How do they differ structurally?
Are they oxidizing or reducing agents?
Most important electron carriers are NAD+ and NADP+
NADP+ has an additional phosphate group on the 2’ carbon if the ribose ring
NAD+ and NADP+ are oxidizing agents (they get reduced)
NADH= reduced form of NAD+
NADPH= reduced form of NADP+
Top Hat Question: What are the most important electron carriers?
Explain the role of Acetyl-CoA in metabolism
Acetyl CoA: key molecule used in rxns in carb, protein and lipid metabolism… primary function of acetyl-CoA is to convey the carbon atoms within the acetyl group to the citric acid cycle to be oxidized for energy production
Acetyl Co-A is generated in the mitochondrial matrix, major source of energy.
All metabolic components can give rise to acetyl-coA making it a “common fuel” that can enter the CAC and give rise to energy production through ATP
What are the four fates of Acetyl-CoA?
Fates of Acetyl-CoA:
- primary fate is to oxidize acetyl groups in CAC for energy generation
- lipogenesis: formation of fatty acids
- Ketogenesis: formation of ketone bodies
- Cholesterologenesis: formation of choloesterol which then is turned into steriods

Describe the storage and catabolism of dietary carbodhydrates.
Carbs are metabolized primarily as GLUCOSE.
Glucose —(glycolysis)–> pyruvate—> acetyl coA—-> gets sent into TCA cycle where it undergoes combustion reaction to create ATP
Excess carbs are stored as glycogen, but there’s a limit to how much we can store:
- liver: glycogen is stored to be used as glucose by rest of body later on
- liver and skeletal/heart muscle have largest glycogen stores

Explain the storage and catabolism of dietary fatty acids
Fatty acids go through BETA-OXIDATION in the mitochondria to form acetyl-CoA. (only cells that have mitochondria can have beta oxidation)
Fatty acids can also form triaglycerols which are stored in adipose tissue (breakdown of TAGs into fatty acids is triggered by a hormonal signal)

Explain the storage and catabolism of dietary proteins
Amino acids can be metabolized to either Acetyl CoA or an intermediate in the TCS cycle.
This leads to production of ammonia, which can be toxic at high levels. Amino acids are stored as proteins

Explain the fuel preferences to the following types of tissue: Liver, Adipose Tissue, Skeletal Muscle, Heart Muscle, and Brain Tissue
Preferred Fuel Sources:
Liver: Fatty acids, glucose, AA’s
Adipose Tissue: Fatty Acids
Skeletal Muscle: (fatty acids at rest and glucose during exertion)
Heart Muscle: fatty acids
Brain: (glucose during fed state and ketone bodies during starvation).
What is the driving force for the coordination of metabolism?
During the fed state, the brain has an absolute requirement for glucose. If it does not have access to glucose, nerve cells die very quickly. Therefore, the driving force for the coordination of metabolism is to provide the normal range of glucose levels for the brain.
How are proteins and carbodydrates stored? What about fats?
What is the number of kcal per gram of carbs, proteins, and fats for both dry and wet scenarios?
Proteins and Carbs are stored in a hydrated state. Fats, on the other hand are stored in anhydrous state?

What is the first thing that starts to get utilized when the fed state ends? In other words, during the initial stages of the starved state, what is broken down to maintain the blood glucose level?
LIVER GLYCOGEN is broken down first in order to maintain blood glucose levels
Explain lactose intolerance
Lactose intolerance results from a decrease level of production for the enzyme lactase
High levels of intestinal lactose causes osmosis of water into intestine, leading to the poops. Anaerobic bacteria use lacctose to create H2 and CH4 gas
Draw the “OVERVIEW of Carbphydrate Metabolism” pathway slide

Define the following terms:
Insulin: peptide hormone secreted by pancreas beta cells that regulates glucose metabolism (maintains low glucose by promoting glycolysis and glycogen synthesis)
Glucagon: peptide hormone secreted by alpha cells of the pancreas when blood glucose is low (between meals or during exercise) causes the liver to release glucose into the blood
Hypoglycemia: low blood glucose
Hyperglycemia: high blood glucose
Acute hypoglycemia causes neurological problems, coma, and death. Therefore, fasting blood glucose levels must be maintained above _______.
Fasting blood glucose levels must be maintained above 60mg/100mL
Hyperglycemia is defined as fasting blood glucose levels of above______.
High levels of blood glucose creates a _____ burden on the cells/organism
Hyperglycemia is defined as above 110mg/100mL.
High levels of blood glucose creates an osmotic burden on cells.
How much glucose does the brain use per day?
What about skeletal muscle tissue?
THE BRAIN USES 120 grams of glucose per day
In contrast, muscle tissue uses roughly 40 grams of glucose per day.
Explain what happens during the fed state.
Fed state: we have plenty of glucose in our blood stream, so glucose will proceed to other fates

- Glucose can get stored as glycogen in the liver via glycogenesis
- Glucose can turn into Glucose-6-P and enter the pentose phosphate pathway
- Glucose can undergo glycolysis and be turned into lactate and pyruvate. Pyruvate is then oxidized into acetyl coA, which is then converted into triacylglycerol OR oxidized again into CO2 and water by the CAC.
What does insulin do within the fed state?
During the fed state, insulin promotes glycolysis and promotes glyogenesis (synthesis of glycogen)
Explain what happens during the fasted state
During starvation, glucose levels are falling. Glucose needs to be maintained in order to keep up brain activity.
The alpha cells of pancrease release glucagon. Adrenal medulla releases Epi. (both act via second messenger pathway)
Promotes glycogenolysis (breakdown of glycogen into glucose)
Promotes glycogenogenesis
Inhibits glycolysis

What does glucagon and epinephrine do during the fasted state?
During the fasted state, glucagon and epi:
PROMOTE glycogen degradation/”glycogenolysis”
PROMOTE gluconeogenesis
INHIBIT glycolysis
Define glycogenolysis
Glycogenolysis: breakdown of glycogen into glucose-1-phosphate and glucose in the liver and in the muscles via enzyme glycogen phosphorylase
(happens during hypoglycemia, glucagon INCREASES this)
Define glycolysis
Glycolysis: (“splitting sugars”) is metabolic pathway that a single glucose molecule converts into a total of 2 molecules of pyruvic acid, 2 molecultes of ATP, 2 molecules of NADH, and two molecules of water
(happens during hyperglycemia, insulin INCREASES this)
Define gluconeogenesis
Gluconeogenesis: generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substances such as pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic amino acids
(happens during hypoglycemia, glucagon INCREASES this)
Define glycogenesis
Glycogenesis: formation of glycogen from glucose
(happens during hyperglycemia, insulin INCREASES this pathway)
Explain RBCs and what they depend on for energy
Since RBCs lack mitochondria and cannot use amino acid or fatty acid metabolism, they depend entirely on glycolysis.
Explain what brain tissue does regarding the various metabolic pathways
Brain cells have mitochondria, therefore they can use glucose to create energy via the TCA cycle
Remember, brain has an absolute requirement for glucose. Adult brain consumes 120g of glucose per day.
Explain what muscle and heart cells do in regards to the pathways
What can the liver do that the muscles cells can’t do
Muscles and heart cells have major stores of glycogen. While the liver has higher concentration of glycogen, muscles have higher amount of glycogen (“you want to have more heavier muscles vs a heavier liver”).
Muscle cells CANNOT mobolizeglycogen or glucose into circulation like the liver can
Explain what adipose tissue does in regards to the pathways
Adipose tissue converts excess glucose into fat.
Explain GLUT 2 and GLUT 4
GLUT 2: insulin independent, low affinity, high capacity transporter in the liver, it’s BIDIRECTIONAL
GLUT 4: insulin dependent transporter in muscle, heart, and adipocytes, higher affinity for glucose

Where does glycolysis occur?
What are the three main/general steps of glycolysis?
At the end of glycolysis, how many net ATP’s do you get?
Steps of Glycolysis:
- Priming Stage (ATP investment)
- Splitting Stage
- Oxioreduction/Phosphorylation Stage (ATP earnings)
remember, for one glucose , you get 2 net ATP at end of glycolysis
What are the three rate limiting enzymes of glycolysis?
Rate-limiting Enzymes of Glycolysis:
1. Hexokinase/Glucokinase
- PFK-1
- Pyruvate Kinase
Explain the relationship between gluconeogenesis and glycolysis
Gluconeogenesis is glycolysis in reverse
What are three ways you can regulate enzyme activity?
- allosteric regulation (positive or negative)
- covalent modification (phosphorylation/dephosphorylation)
- Induction/Repression of Enzyme Synthesis by hormones (Insulin/Glucagon)
Explain allosteric regulation of enzymes. What does positive vs negative mean?
Allosteric regulation is the regulation of an enzyme by binding an effector at an allosteric site.
Positive allosteric feed forward activation (effectors that enhance the protein’s activity are referred to as allosteric activators)
Negative allosteric feed back inhibition (effectors that decrease the protein’s activity are called allosteric inhibitors)
Name a really important enzyme cofactor
Mg++ is a really important cofactor
Provide the source for each type of carb:
Amylose: potatoes, rice, corn, bread
Sucrose: table sugar, desserts
Lactose: milk products
Maltose: barley
Trehalose: young mushroom
Which GLUTs are glucose transporter?
Which GLUTS are fructose transporters?
GLUTS 1-4 (class I) are glucose transporters
GLUTS 5, 6, 9, 11 (class II) are fructose transporters
What are the sugars making up the following?
Amylose: glucoe to glucose
Sucrose: glucose and fructose
Lactose: galactose and glucose