Exam 4 Flashcards
claim that causes beh
ex. make inferences on o/ thought process
can be right or wrong
ex. infer that someone is staring at you bc you think you’re cute
person bias
“fundamental attribution”
overestimate personality and discredit environment
ex. diff btw bad day and bad life
-very common in lab setting
personal bias-environment
common if given time to make a decision
actor-observer discrepancy
better know someone, more likely attribute beh to environment
ex. understand why Jace acts out (bc of bad home life)
Macy Study 2019
play card game ex. like candy land
result- winners 2x mre likely perceive outcome as fair
attribute winning to talent v luck
attractiveness bias
physically attrac. ppl judged as more competent and sociable
baby-face bias
percieved be more honest, kind and naive than o/
baby-face charac
round heads, protruding forehead, large eyes and small jaw
Pygmalion effect
ex. of self-fulfilling prophecy
if tell yourself you’re ugly you will become ugly
self-serving attribu. bias
own success is bc of internal causes
failure is bc of external causes
cog. diss. theory
disconnect btw attitude and action
typically causes emotional discomfort
ways avoid cog. diss.
outright avoid
change attitude to match actions
ex. reconsider that smoking isn’t only thing that causes cancer
change action to match attitude
ex. stop playing basketball bc don’t agree w/ rules
Frimer study 2017
paid more if willing to read why ppl believed differently
results- willingly took less money so didn’t have to hear o/ side
independant bias
belief that you don’t have bias at all
superior bias
belief that you are more moral and smarter than those who disagree
confirmation bias
ex. cherry picking
pay more attention and remember facts that confirm own stance
insufficient justification effect
happens when no good incentive for doing an action
ex. washing car in cold for $5
have to convince yourself it’s fun
tend to enjoy the experi. more
just-world hypoth
idea that you get what you deserve
ex. rape victims “ask for it”
charac. impact actions
number ex. peer pressure strength ex. popular kid opinion immediacy ex. mom or clique v outsider
impression management
try control o/ impression of us
ex. saying hate puzzles but you really love them just to “fit in” or impress someone
impress. manag. cognition
conscious or unconscious process
qualities like to portray
hardworking, smart, kind etc
*can portray feelings of sadness/pity or anger to attract attention too