Exam 2 Flashcards
experience ass. w/ sound and light
initial reaction
sense organs take in stim.
organization of stim
interpreted for reaction
consciously aware
physical stim
poke or sting that contacts sense organs
physiol. response
ele. act. in sense organs
sensory experi.
subjective sensation of light, sound, touch etc
receptor cell
responds phys. stim
produ ele. charges for action potential
recp. cell responds to stim
sensory neuron (CNS)
relay signals frm cell to brain
receptor pot.
ele. charge from transduction
partial depolar.
fun- activ. neuron + cause act. pot.
qualitative stim
type or kind
determined by which neurons firing
ex. salad v coke
quantitative stim
amount or strength
determined by rate of firing
act pot/sec
sensory adaptation?
not true
we adjust to situation and perception inc as sensativity dec
ex. music in car in morning v night
going outside after being in all day
sense smell
neurons can vary in type and strength (based off #/second)
identify given smell
ratio of receptor activation
comes from connection btw pharynx and nasal cavity
chem signals info to others
can be detected
are produced
vomeronasal organ
detect pheromones
taste categories
sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami (savory)
taste buds
no distinct area on tongue
40-150 receptor cells
pain receptors
sens. neuron
a-delta pain fiber
myelin, fast,
affected press. and temp extremes
c pain fiber
unmyelin, slow
affected by chem. change
gate control theory of pain
gate at lower brain stem + spinal cord only feel pain passes thru controlled by PAG periqueductal grey area can be excitatory or inhibitory
affect PAG
ele. stim opiates ex. heroin endorphines produ. by body neurotrans/hormon some chem can be b/
absense of sense of pain
controlled by endorp.
stress induced analgesia
delays pain response
pain not felt till after stressful sit.
ex. sports
belief-induced analgesia
ex. placebo effect or runners high
aspects of sound
amplitude- perceived loudness
frequency- perceived pitch
height of wave= physical
loudness= psych concept
frequency values
most hear 20Hz
optimal 12-24Hz
path of hearing through ear
sound waves make timpan. mem vibrate ear drum makes bones vibrate stirrup makes oval window vibrate oval w makes cochlea vibrate cochlear fluid mvmnt triggers hairs hairs make ele. signal that goes to brain
conduction deafness
most common
where bones don’t vibrate w much intensity
sensorineural deafness
problem btw stirrup and cochlea comm.
percieved loudness
mre hairs move = louder
pitch and distance
farther dis= lower pitch (bass)
shorter dis= higher pitch
pitch and frequency
lower pitch- slow vibra closer to apex of coch
higher pitch- fast vibra closer to base of coch
color percieved
400-700 nanom
type of rad in ligh
clear tissue helps focus light
changes pupil size
hole in iris
behind pupil
focuses light
deteriorates/ stiffens w/ age
mem at back eye
contains recep cells (cones and rods)
cone and rod activation
after light hits back of eye and is reflected
light reflection
good= see at night (cat) bad= see during day (human)
black and white dim light all over retina low acuity (clearness) high sensitivity rhodopsin
color bright light most in fovea outer peripheral color memorized by light high acuity (clearness) low sen. 3 different photopigments
receptor potential
leads to act. pot.
photochem cause elec. change acrost mem when hit by light
subtractive color mixing
diff. wavelengths= diff. percieved light
additive color mixture
mix lights
mix all lights= white light