Exam 3 Flashcards
Aristotle’s law of assoc by contiguity
if 2 items occur together enough in time and space
you will associate them
learning def
an event happens that alters beh at a later time
ex. burn hand on stove
must be mediated by nervous system
cannot be just an immed. response like flinching
the original view of science
only study concrete things or things that can be precisely defined
ex. depression or study of mind NOT incl.
solution to no mind science
dev by physicist
operational definition
specific process of validity test
thing has to be publically acessible
others have be able to independ measure
general result of operationalism
operationalism opened door to study mind and mental activity
behavorists and operationalism
thought bunch of crap to study something abstract
ignored operationalism solution
restricted explorations to non-mental things
didn’t want to be considered less than o/ science fields
classical conditioning “learning” def
happens when you do something you did not do before
associates reflexes
NOT concious
*has little effect or is rare
Pavlov’s first experiment
gave dog meat and collected amnt droll
figured out dog drolled when heard sound footsteps instead
pavlov’s amended experiment
rang a bell and gave dog meat for 20 days
on day 21 only rang bell
dog still drolled w/out any meat
components of classical conditioning
uncond stim neutral stim conditioned stim unconditioned resonse conditioned response
uncond stim
ex. food
unlearned or natural
neutral stim
happens before learning
ex. bell
conditioned stim
happens after learning
altered beh
ex. bell
unconditioned response
ex. reflex happens when observe food
natural response
conditioned response
learned beh when hear bell ring
ppl don’t droll on command when bell rings usually
before learning (class. condi)
unconditioned stim
neutral stim
unconditioned response
after learning (class. condi)
conditioned stim
conditioned response
extinction (class. condi)
CR no longer caused my stim that formerly acted as CS
ex. bell no longer causes dog to drool
CR recovers after being extinct
ex. drool w/ bell
class. conditioning and spontaneous recovery
not equal learning
generalization (class. condi)
when stim similar to CS but not same produces CR
ex. diff. pitch of bell
closer to original CS= greater effect
discrimmination training (class. condi)
responses to CS paired w/ US
ex. bell no meat
application- find out sensory ability of animals
conditioned emotional response (class condit)
watson ex. reflex of baby attempted cure phobia made fear phobia w/ sound to rats did not actually cure designed phobia faded w/ time / extinction
conditioned drug response
ppl show barbie and then given heroin less pain tolerant than reg ppl
shown barbie produce neurotrans induce pain (opposite rxn to drug which nulls pain) + when shocked on top = twice as much pain
cat and puzzle box
pull rope in middle of box to get food
thorndike’s law of effect
reponse results in pleasure is more likely to be repeated
response results in pain less likely be repeated
operant condi
consequences of operant response effect chances/response occur in future
skinner box
rat got food when pushed lever
all automated, more convenient
did not believe in mental terms/ experiments
skinner’s reinforcer/ punisher
reinforcer ex. when brush teeth don’t get cavities, therefore don’t have to get teeth drilled at dentist
punisher ex. when winter and don’t wear hat, ears get frostbit and hurts. therefore, next time go outside wear a hat
operant response
beh has effect on environment
radical beh
all human learning happens thru operant/classical conditioning
reward animal for successful approximations until final goal is met
operant condi- extinction
lack of reinforc
has NOT unlearned
class. condi v operant cond.- extinction
cc- failure pair CS w/ US
oc- no reinfor after operant response
partial reinf
reinforce once in a while
fixed ratio
ex. pop from pop machine
every nth response = reinf
var ratio
ex. slot machine
on average reinf every nth response
fixed interval
ex. paycheck
every N min. theres reinf
var intervL
ex. on hold during call
on average reinf every N min
reinf for initial learning
reinf for most responces
ratio reinf
reinf for slowest extinction
var ratio
ex. gamblers
discriminative stim
stim that indicates that operant responce be reinforced
depends on situation
ex. ask mom for cookie and says no. asks dad for cookies and says yes. dad acts as disc. stim now
discrim stim and reinforcement
discrim stim can become reinforcer
ex. blue light = discrim stim but also reinforcer bc light= food
link together actions
start from final goal and work back
primary reinf
something reinfo from birth
ex. need for food when hungry
secondary reinf
something becomes reinf w/ training
ex. value of money
reinforcemnet v punishment
reinf- inc responding
punish- dec responding
positive reinf
arrival/intro of a stim
negative reinf
withdrawl of stim
postive reinf ex
ex. give candy bc cleaned room
positive punishment
spank kid bc spilled food
negative reinfo
turn off radio in car (that was annoying), bc kid did something good
negative punishment
take away phone bc talked back
reinfor or punishment work better?
more work early on, Faster
can be lazy
doesn’t teach kid what to do, only what not to do
if used* time outs are better than physical stim
ex. operant conditioning in real world
police/ laws
job, ex promotion or raise
operant conditioning mistakes ex cobra effect
offered money for every dead cobra
ppl actually bred and killed cobra and then released them onto the streets
problem worse than start, pop. increased
operant conditioning mistakes parenting ex
kid misbehaves and recieves attention from parents
thinks only way to get attention is misbeh
class. condit v operant condi
class cond
stimuli than response
reflexive behavior
operant cond
response than stim
NO reflexive beh (deliberate)
more common in humans