Exam 4 Flashcards
Length of cardiac muscle action potential and why is it important
250ms, therefore the refractory period is long and therefore under normal conditions the muscles cannot undergo tetanic contractions
Resting membrane potential of cardiac muscle
General shape of the action potential of cardiac muscle
there’s a sharp depolarization and then the bulk is a plateau which then repolarizes quickly (not as quick as the depolarization)
SA node, how many action potentials per minute, and how many potentials make its way through the conduction system, how do the action potentials spread
sinoatrial node, pacemaker, near the cardiac sinus in the right atrium, automaticity; will undergo around 100 action potentials per minute under normal conditions; not every change in membrane will make its way through the rest of the conduction system and this is why the number isn’t the same as heart rate; potentials will spread through the rest of the atria due to cells being connected by gap junctions
Will conduction pass from the atria to the ventricles
no, due to the connective tissue it prevents the conduction to pass through
AV node
atrial ventricular node, connected to interventricular septum, sends conduction to the bundle of His
undergo regular patterns of action potentials independent of the nervous system
Interventricular septum
tissue that runs down the middle of the heart
Bundle of His
divides into two branches, the right branch innervates to myocardial tissue of the right ventricle, left branch innervates to myocardial tissue of the left ventricle, sends conduction to Purkinje fibers
Purkinje fibers
extensions of specialized myocardial cells that make their way throughout the myocardium of the right and left ventricle
P wave
atrial depolarization, point just before contraction of atrial muscle
QRS waves, why is this larger than P wave
ventricular depolarization; due to the increased amount of myocardial tissue in the ventricles
T wave
ventricular repolarization
Missing EKG wave
atrial repolarization, is overshadowed by ventricular depolarization
Nodal cell resting membrane potential
-55 to -60
Where and why is there thin myocardium
the left ventricle has thicker myocardium than the right ventricle due to the left ventricle moving blood into the systemic circuit while the right ventricle moves blood into the pulmonary circuit; myocardium in the atrium is not as thick as in the ventricles because the atria don’t do much work moving blood into the ventricles, the pressure of blood entering the chambers is almost always enough to push blood down into the ventricles , the atria gives it the final push
Ventricular myocardial action potential length and corresponding EKG waves, regulated by what
is 250-300ms long; depolarizes from -90 to +20mv corresponds to depolarization of ventricles QRS, repolarization corresponds with the T wave; regulated by changes in permeability of sodium, calcium, and potassium
What causes the gradual repolarization of ventricular myocardial action potentials
decrease in potassium permeability meaning that the potassium efflux is decreased and positively charged potassium stays within the cell, the increase of permeability of calcium due to T type calcium channels opening, f type sodium channels will pen when the cell is in its most hyperpolarized state
What leads to repolarization of myocardial cells
decrease of calcium permeability and increase of potassium permeability
Central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
everything else connected to brain and spinal cord, somatic and autonomic, sympathetic and parasympathetic, acramine
Acramine parasympathetic nervous system
salivation, lacrimation, urination, digestion, defecation
Sympathetic and parasympathetic activity
are always active but one could overpower the other
Cardiac output
HR*SV, average cardiac output is 5L/min
Stroke volume
the amount of blood ejected from the ventricles at each contraction, around 70mL, this can increase through increasing the contractibility of the ventricles
End diastolic volume
how much blood does the ventricles fill with, could be caused by an increase of antria contractibility, can be increased due to an increase of bp which will increase the amount of blood returning to the heart
Sympathetic effects cardiac output
releases norepinephrine onto beta-1 adrenergic receptor along with epinephrine released by the adrenal medulla which has been acted on by the sympathetic nervous system increasing activity of the SA node and increasing conduction rate to the AV node, has input to the atrial and ventricular muscles effecting end diastolic volume
Adrenergic receptor
acts on norepinephrine, first discovered on the adrenal glands, there’s beta-1, beta-2, alpha-1, and alpha-2
Parasympathetic effects cardiac ouput
there’s no parasympathetic input to the ventricles therefore there’s no significant effect onto ventricular contraction therefore not effecting end diastolic volume, decreases heart rate and conduction rate of AV node and decreases activity of the SA node through releasing acetylcholine
Muscarinic receptor
binds acetylcholine on cardiac muscle
Beta-1 adrenergic receptors mechanism
g coupled receptor whose alpha subunit will activate adenylyl cyclase to create cAMP, cAMP will change an inactive cAMP dependent protein kinase to an active cAMP dependent protein kinase
What does an active cAMP dependent protein kinase do
lowers the sensitivity of L type calcium channels which will increase cytosolic calcium and lead to the nodal cells working faster and better and ventricular cells will contract with a greater force; makes it easier for ryanodine receptors to open within the sarcoplasmic reticulum and will be open longer when calcium is bound to it allowing for more calcium to come from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (calcium induced calcium released); the increased amount of calcium within the cytosol will allow for more binding to troponin and an increase of cross bridge cycling; makes troponin more sensitive to calcium; makes it difficult for some transporter protein calcium ATPase to operate and some will be induced, by blocking ATPase calcium will stay within the cytosol, by promoting activity the calcium gradient will increase as the concentration of calcium within the SR will increase leading to a larger current of calcium out the SR
Blood pressure
is due to cardiac output along with peripheral resistance
Peripheral resistance
how open the vessels are
Blocking beta-1 adrenergic receptors
most common treatments of high bp, ex/ atenolol which will bind to the receptor and lower cardiac output
Force of ventricular contraction
end diastolic volume can be the same while stroke volume increases leading to the ventricles needing to squeeze more, the force that develops during contraction during sympathetic stimulation is larger and occurs over a shorter period of time which will increase heart rate
outer layer with two layers separated by fluid
layer directly over the heart, also known as the visceral pericardium
outside layer, known as the parietal pericardium
Visceral membranes
membranes that directly cover organs
Parietal membranes
membranes that line cavities
layer of the heart that is in contact with the blood
separate chambers of the heart and vessels leading from the chambers, also found within veins, lymphatic system, prevent retrograde flow
Chordae Tendinae
tough fibrous strings that are attached to papillary muscles within the left and right ventricles
Papillary muscles
extensions of the myocardia within the left and right ventricles