Exam 2 Flashcards
Declarative memory
facts, events, places; made possible by hippocampus
Procedural memory
aka non-declarative memory, how to do motor actions
Association cortex
short term memories from the hippocampus go here after about a month
Cerebrum lobes
frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal
temporal lobe structure, found in medial temporal lobe, has connections with other regions of the brain that hold visual and auditory information, crucial for declarative memory, name derived from sea horse’s genus name
Limbic system structures
sit above the brainstem and between other cerebral structures, memory and emotion
How to keep a group of neurons active for a longer period of time? Is this excitotoxicity?
cell should keep action potential depolarization longer by modifying voltage gated potassium channels so that they are harder to open. Not excitotoxicity because it’s only sustained for a very small amount of time
Short term memory vs long term memory when keeping nerurons active for a longer period of time
working memory requires changes in proteins that are already present; long term memory requires the synthesis of new proteins (ie/ long term potentiation)
membrane channels and learning and memory
either channels are blocked or channels are opened for a longer period of time
Configural learning system
all sense information comes to the hippocampus and then the hippocampus will determine if it will be remembered or not
Entohinal cortex
corticol area which receives sensory information, it will then send it to the configural learning center, associated with the hippocampus but not a part of it, has large cell bodies referred to as pyramidal cells
Perforant path
axons from the entorhinal cortex that synapse onto the dentate gyrus
Dentate gyrus
a part of the hippocampus, looks like a row of teeth or a bite mark, cells are referred to as granule cells due to very small cell bodies
CA stands for Cornu Ammonius, cells curl around like a ram’s horn, other regions of the hippocampus
Mossy fibers
axons from the dentate gyrus that will synapse on CA3
Schaffer collaterals
axons from CA3 that will synapse with CA1
sends information to septurm and mammillary bodies, primary output region
Mammillary bodies
a part of the hypothalamus, associated with the hippocampus, damage to the mammilary body cells and hippocampus can be seen with chronic alcoholism and stroke
communicates with the hippocampus on the other side of the brain
Lomo and Bliss experiment
used rabbit brains to stimulate the performant path and measure the activity of cells in the dentate gyrus
Lomo and Bliss experiment results
low frequency stimulation will lead to low activity in the dentate gyrus (some action potentials, doesn’t depolarize membrane sufficiently), high frequency stimulation of path leads to high activity in dentate gyrus (many action potentials, leads to threshold for which LTP can occur), high frequency of the path wait for a while (1hr, 2hr, 1wk, 1month) and come back with low frequency leads to high activity in the dentate gyrus
Long term potentiation (LTP)
model for change in connection between neurons in the brain, how memories are formed
Which neurons in the brain undergo LTP
all of them
Long term depression (LTD)
process of forgetiing
Threshold for LTP and action potentials
is no the same
Hebb’s law
neurons that fire together wire together, neurons that produce action potentials at the same time will increase their strength of connection
Doggie mice
discovered in 1992, mice that overexpress NMDA receptors, this illustrates how important NMDA is to LTP
> quanta amount of glutamate released
glutamate could still bind to all three of its receptors but it doesn’t mean that enough sodium will enter through AMPA in order to open NMDA, AMPA needs to be open long enough for a depolarization that will open NMDA to allow calcium to enter
Calcium calmodulin complex
protein regulated by calcium, it will take the inactive form of calcium calmodulin kinase 2 and activate it, leads to the activation of adenalyl cyclase
CAM Kinase 2
will autophosphorylate, enzyme
CAM Kinase 2 and AMPA
CAM Kinase 2 will lead to phosphorylation of mechanisms that will insert AMPA receptors into the post synaptic dendrite membrane such that the next time the presynaptic neuron produces an action potential glutamate will bind to more AMPA receptors because the synapse has already been potentiated
Adenalyl cyclase
will take ATP and convert it to cAMP
will be activated by a series of enzyme activations of cAMP, will serve as a transcription factor for a multitude of things and increase expression of them
cyclic AMP, response element binding protein
product of Kreb, brain derived neurotrophic factor, produced by the cell and will make its way to the synapse to bind with TrKB in pre and post synaptic neuron, acts in autocrine and paracrine way to increase the size of the synapse
tyrosine kinase B, increases activity/production of F actin
F Actin
main cytostructural protein of a dendrite, will polymerize and increase the surface area of pre and postsynaptic cell
Actin and presynaptic cell
increases the surface area so that there’s an increase in the amount of vesicles that can attach to the presynaptic membrane to release more neurotransmitter
Actin and postsynaptic cell
increase the surface area to increase the amount of receptors on the dendrite membrane
Protein Kinase C
will lower the threshold/sensitivity of calcium channel so that it can easily open; this and the metabolic glutamate transporter will also lead to an increase concentration of calcium
Nitric Oxide synthase
activated by calcium to produce nitric oxide which will diffuse into presynaptic cell from the post synaptic dendrite (retrograde)
Presynaptic cell and nitric oxide
nitric oxide will increase the activity of VGlut
vesicular glutamate transport, the channel of the vesicles in the presynaptic cell that glutamate will enter in order to be recycled
VGlut increase activity
the quanta amount of glutamate will then increase within the vesicle such that next time the presynaptic cell reaches an action potential more gluatamate will be released
LTP mechanisms with Glutamate
Calcium and nitric oxide synthase, Calcium calmogulin complex, CAM Kinase 2, Adenalyl cyclase
Names for end of axon
axon terminal, synaptic end knob, synaptic bouton
Why is the end of the axon wider than the rest of the axon
there’re a lot of mitochondria due to high need for energy production, there’re a lot of vesicles which contain neurotransmitters
made by the golgi apparatus in the neuron cell body and they “walk” down the axons of the neuron with the help of microtubules
Synaptic clef
space between neurons, a few nanometers in distance
Presynaptic neuron
cell that releases the neurotransmitter
Vesicle docking site
proteins that will grab onto vesicles in the high density area
Perforated synapse
synapse splits initially due to neurotrophic factor BDNF working through TrKB increasing the size of the synapse by polymerization of F actin and once it reaches a certain size it will split into two axon terminals
Active zone
portion of the end of the presynaptic neuron where axons fuse and exocytosis of neurotransmitter occurs
Perforated synapse and AMPA
all perforated synapses have AMPA receptors
Chemical tag
activity regulated cytoskeletal associated protein attaches to elements like F actin so that BDNF knows which synapse to move to
Hippocampus death and LTP
if the hippocampus dies the ability to undergo LTP also goes
How does the hippocampus die
it’s usually the first structure to go if there’s any damage to the brain due to how vascularized it is and it shows the most default activity within the brain active even when asleep, diseases like viral encephalitis leads to the hippocampus dying
Long term glucocorticoid exposure
cortisol acts in the hippocampus which allows us to remember stressful events better by making LTP easier by increasing calcium levels
Chronic stress
is excitotoxia as prolonged increase of calcium levels in the cell cause apoptosis, this is why a symptom of PTSD is memory loss
Glial scar
when the cells of the hippocampus die a combination of connection tissue and neuroglial cells will fill in
Aplysia californica
marine sea slug about the size of a fist, model system used to study neuroscience
Gill withdrawal reflex
contact to the siphon on the dorsal side will lead to the muscles contracting and skin forcefully closing over it, it’s a two neuron circuit consisting of a sensory neuron and a motor neuron