Exam 3 Flashcards
taking a sensory stimulus and converting it into an action potential, made possible through sensory receptors of different kinds
What signal does the nervous system understand
an action potential
Signal transduction systems
some first messenger outside of the cell changes or leads to something in the cell such as some protein kinase activity
receptor that responds to a mechanical stimulus
receptors that respond to a chemical stimulus
change chemical signals in the environment that indicate there’s damage to other tissues
Prostaglandin and potassium
are primary chemical signals nocieptors pick up on, potassium is in high concentration inside the cell so when the cell is lysed open the nocieptors will detect the potassium
receptors that respond to a change in activity of rods and cones
Sensory receptive field
an area of internal/external environment that a sensory receptor responds to, there’s an overlap of receptive fields of sensory receptors and the field is variable in size
Sensory receptors
produce receptor potentials which are graded potentials that may or may not lead to an action potential
Sensory receptors specialized endings
they will change the activity of the cell leading to change in activity of the CNS, most nervous system cells are like this as are most nociceptors
Specialized endings
pick up a stimulus or stimulus energy and act on an individual cell which will then signal another cell
Sensory neuron cell body in the CNS
will send out a process to the periphery that will receive to some part of the skin, free nerve endings radiate in the skin and will pick up on pain signals
Sensory neuron cell body in the periphery
will change the activity of another neuron which will then signal to the CNS, as seen with the eyes
Receptor potential
graded potentials, that may or may not lead to an action potential if the graded potentials summate and reach threshold
When will graded potentials and receptor potentials be recorded in a sensory neuron
before myelination starts, myelination will start at the axon hillic and everything before then is a graded potential (EPSP/IPSP), after receptor potentials the action potentials will be recorded in the nodes of ranvier starting at the first node of ranvier
Stimulus intensity and receptor potential and action potentials
as the stimulus intensity increases the receptor potential amplitude will increase as graded potential amplitude is dependent on the amount of stimulus, an increase to stimulus intensity the frequency of action potentials increase
Pressure and action potentials
the brain can distinguish between the amount of pressure on the skin based on the frequency of action potentials
Principles of sensory system organization
specific sensory receptor types are sensitive to certain modalities and submodalities, specific sensory pathways code for a particular modality or submodality, specific ascending pathways are crossed so that sensory information is generally processed contralaterally, the thalamus is the brain’s sensory relay station, specific ascending pathways are subject to descending control
Exceptions to contralateral control
vision and gustatory
all sensory information except the sense of smell will go to the thalamus first and after it will go to specific cortical areas
Ascending vs Descending
ascending is sensory and descending is motor as seen in the cross extensor reflex
Cross extensor reflex
if you were to step on something you have to lift your foot up and the quadriceps of the other leg has to tense up
Visible light spectrum
400nm to 750nm, as wavelength increases energy decreases, as approach blue the energy increases
Eye layers
sclera, choroid, retina
outside layer, the white of the eye, the connective tissue
the transparent continuation of the sclera as the anterior portion of the sclera bulges, non vascularized (if it was vascularized we’d see pink and red), consists of layers of translucent epithelial cells
Anterior chamber
between the cornea and the iris, holds aqueous humor
Aqueous humor
fluid which will give oxygen to the cornea through diffusion, more viscous than plasma of the blood
Posterior chamber
between the iris and the lens, holds aqueous humor
opening that allows for movement of fluid between the posterior chamber and the anterior chamber
Iridocorneal angle
where the cornea and the iris meet
Canal of Schlemm
small duct that connects with vasculature allowing aqueous humor to/from the anterior chamber, promotes circulation of the aqueous humor
the blocking of the canal of schlemm such that the aqueous humor is unable to move from the chambers and enter the vasculature leading to intraocular pressure building
behind the iris and in front of the posterior chamber, avasculur, flattened translucent epithelial cells, connected to zonular fibers, is a circular structure
Zonular fibers
also known as suspensory ligaments or fibers of zonn, extend from the lens and connect to ciliary muscles
Ciliary muscles
also known as ciliary bodies smooth muscle extensions of the choroid
Middle layer, vasculaturized, vessels are visible through the sclera
Eye drops
vasoconstrict the vessels found within the choroid to reduce redness of the eyes
Vitreous chamber
in the back of the eye containing vitreous humor, holds the retina in place and provides oxygen and glucose to avascular structures
bowl of cells that cover the back 2/3 to 3/4 of the eye, ganglion cells exit in the form of the optic nerve to send information to the SNC and other parts of the brain
Fovea Centralias pit
found in the center of the retina, within it is the macula ludea (yellow spot) is the area with the most acute vision
Macular degeration
loss of cells that respond to light found within the macula ludea
Blind spot
also known as the optic disc, there’re no photoreceptor cells here
Diabetics and eyes
opthamologists will want to see the vasculature of the eyes because micro aneurisms can develop leading to hemorrhage and the cells of the retina could become ischemic leading to the detachment of the retina
First layer of the Retina
retinal pigmented epithelialium layer, dark pigments will absorb stray wavelengths of light, epithelial tissue that connects the retina to the choroid
Low energy wavelengths
are harmful and when they aren’t picked up by photoreceptors in the retina they are picked up by the dark pigments within the RPE
Second layer of the Retina
Photoreceptive layer, rods and cones, photoreceptors imbed themselves into the epithelial aided by cilia as the epithelium is heavily ciliated
Third layer of the Retina
Outer limiting membrane, not a membrane but an artifact of photoreceptor extensors as it makes its way to the epithelial, when the retina is stained it appears as if there’s a line here due to photoreceptor extensions of cell bodies (rod/cone shaped) exit the cell body, all of the parts of the cell except the receptor are similar in shape,
Fourth layer of the Retina
cell bodies of rods and cones, very defined shapes of the rods and cones
Fifth layer of the Retina
Outer plexiform layer, connections/synapses between photoreceptors and other types of cells found in the retina, very lightly stained area
Sixth layer of the Retina
Inner nuclear layer, made of mainly bipolar cells, horizontal cells, and amacrine cells
Bipolar cells
have two processes that extend off the cell body
Ratio of photoreceptor to inner nuclear cell to ganglion cell
is not 1:1:1 as there’re intricate connections of the cells in the inner nuclear layer to other cells
Seventh layer of the Retina
Inner plexiform layer, connections/synapses between inner nucleon layer with ganglion cells
Eighth layer of the Retina
ganglion cell layer
Ninth layer of the Retina
Optic nerve fiber layer, axons from the ganglion cells will exit the eye in the form of an optic nerve
Tenth layer of the Retina
Inner limiting membrane, thin layer of epithelial cells htat are in direct contact with the vitreous humor/body
the ability of the lens to change shape to focus light onto the back of the eye
Look at an object in the distance
ciliary muscles are relaxed giving tension to the zonular fibers which pulls on the lens to stretch or flatten
Look at an object close up
the parasympathetic nervous system activates the ciliary muscles which slackens the zonular fibers leading to the lens being more rounded or football like
Near point of Accommodation
for normal 20-23yr old’s it is about 10 cm away and increases with age
normal vision, light comes in and hits the retina at a focal point, 20/20
near sighted, light comes to a focal point before the retina, due to failure of accomodation of the lens or the eye is too long, corrected with divergent/concave lens to spread the light out, 20/(<20)
far sighted, light comes to a focal point behind the retina, corrected with a convergent/convex lens, due to failure of accomodation of the lens or the eye is too short, as you age you become presbyopia (hypemetropia)
lazy eye due to damage of extraocular muscles
Rods and Cones
Rods are primarily located toward the periphery while cones are in the center of the retina, there’s an overlap of receptors, there’s one type of rod and three types of cones, there’re more rods than cones (120mill rods:6mill cones), rods are more sensitive to light than cones, cones allow to see in color and rods see in shades of grey
Light and photoreceptors
light comes in through the pupil and passes through the retinal layers and change the firing rate of photoreceptors who will then communicate with those in the inner nuclear layer which will communicate to the ganglion cell layer and send information out via the optic nerve to move the signal into the brain, photoreceptors respond to a distribution of wavelengths
Dark current
photoreceptors maintain a dark current when there’s no light, the photoreceptors are depolarized (sodium and calcium channels are kept open by cGMP created by guanylyl cyclase), bipolar cells are inhibited and membranes are hyperpolarized, glutamate will be released and bind onto metabotrophic receptors to promote hyperpolarization of ganglion cells by primarily opening potassium channels thus inhibiting the ganglion cells and therefore the axons from the ganglion cells will not send signals to the brain
Photoreceptors in the light
Tranducin will undergo a conformation change into retinal which will then be imbedded into opsin, the g protein will be activated by the conformation change and activate cGMP dependent phosphodiesterase which will break down cGMP to GMP, calcium and sodium channels will then close and the membrane will hyperpolarize, bipolar cells are disinhibited and depolarized, ganglion cells are activated and axons send signals to the brain
g protein coupled receptor, ligand dependent
Retinal and Opsin
collectively they are a photopigment within the photoreceptors called rhodopsin, retinal is essentially vitamin A
cGMP dependent Phosphodiesterase
can be inhibited by caffeine
is a huge family of enzymes with numerous types, in the peripheral nervous system it can lead to changes in diameter of blood vessels
Sildenafil citate
commonly known as viagra, originally used to treat high blood pressure and has a side effect of sudden decrease or loss in vision of one or both eyes, it is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, it was made to interaction with periphery phosphodiesterases but because there’re multiple types of phosphodiesterases it also interacted with phosphodiesterases found more centrally, within the eye leves of cGMP remain high and therefore the photoreceptor remains depolarized
Lateral geniculate nucleus
six layers of cells that are bent in the shape of the knee located away from the midline of the thalamus
Two halves of the retina
temporal hemiretina and nasal hemiretina, nasal hemiretina axons are contralateral while temporal hemiretinal axons are ipsilateral, the L temporal hemiretina and R nasal hemiretina gathers information from the R visual field
Optic tract damage
you won’t be able to see one side of the visual field
Optic chiasm
after the cross are the optic tracts, the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus is right above this point, and the pituitary gland is right below and slightly towards the right
Glandular components
the hypothalmus and the pituitary gland are glandular components mainly associated with the endocrine system
benign growths of grandular tissues
increase in size and number of cells which make prolactinoma within the pituitary which causes a prolactinoma the most common adenoma
causes cells of the mammary glands to produce milk in femles and controls LH and FSH levels and the menstrual cycle, within men it effects testosterone production and sperm production
causes pressure on the nasal hemiretinas in the chiasm and can lead to tunnel vision