Exam 4 Flashcards
Introduced Phrenology, and 27 organs of the brain
Franz Joseph Gall
had a brain injury that changed his personality
Phineas Gage
thought body type determined personality; endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph
William H. Sheldon
Differences in physiology indicate differences in ________ functioning
The best studies combine ______ reports with _______ tests
What is the goal of physiological approaches?
try to find physiological factors that influence and are influenced by personality characteristics
What are the pros of measuring electrical responses by using electrodes?
no discomfort
What is the con of measuring electrical responses by using electrodes?
movement confined
measures electrical impulses generated by movement of muscles
facial electromyography
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) measures _________ activity
GSR measures responses to what 3 things?
- sudden noise
- pain
- high arousal emotions
measure of stress reactivity
blood pressure
increases with anxiety, fear, arousal, and cognitive effort
heart rate
degree of increase in blood pressure and heart rate under stress
cardiac reactivity
Cardiovascular activity is tested with what?
backward serial subtraction
People with a type A personality have greater _________
Electrical activity in the brain is measured with _______
electrodes (EEG)
maps structure/function of brain; PET, fMRI
brain imaging
Brain imaging measures _______
blood flow
hormone associated with risk-taking, sexuality, and dominance
hormones associated with affiliation and agreeableness
progesterone and oxytocin
hormone that increases with distress
Differences in physiology indicate difference in _______ functioning, and create differences in _________
psychological; personality
The relationship between personality and physiology will depend on your ________ to your physiological responses to the environment
What does the reticular formation detect?
changes in physiological arousal
claimed that the Ascending Reticular Activation System (ARAS) is the gateway from sensation to arousal
individuals vary in how much arousal they need to feel comfortable
optimal arousal (Hebb)
What are the 2 hypothesized brain systems?
behavioral activation system (BAS)
behavioral inhibition system (BIS)
brain system responsive to reward; regulates approach behavior; leads to high impulsivity; associated with extraversion
behavior activation system (BAS)
brain system responsive to punishment; regulates “avoidance” behavior; leads to high anxiety; associated with neuroticism
behavior inhibition system (BIS)
The ______ system (amygdala) produces automatic emotional responses from incoming sensory input
The ___________ allows conscious attempts at emotion regulation
prefrontal cortex
The left hemisphere of the prefrontal cortex is associated with ________ motivation and _______ affect.
The right hemisphere of the prefrontal cortex is associated with _______ motivation and _________ affect.
negative affect
BAS sensitivity is associated with ________ and ________
reward seeking
BIS sensitivity is associated with _______
The amygdala, hippocampus, and parahippocampal circuit are associated with what big 5 personality trait?
part of the brain associated with memory; compares current vs. previous experience; OK not OK check
greater activation of the cingulate gyrus and dorsal (medial) prefrontal cortex is associated with what big 5 personality characteristic?
states that people strive for their optimal level of arousal
Hebb’s theory
person associated with sensory deprivation research
responsible for nerve impulses
enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters
monoamine oxidase (MAO)
High sensation seekers have _____ MAO, _______ don’t get broken down as easily, and _______ inhibition of nerve impulses, which leads to _____ self control, which leads to _____ extreme behavior
low neurotransmitters less less more
hormone associated with pleasure and reward
hormone associated with mood
hormone associated with alertness and arousal
states that trait levels of neurotransmitters are linked to differences in personality
Cloninger’s Tridimensional Model
Low _______ –> novelty seeking (OTE)
Low _______ –> harm avoidance (Neuroticism)
Low _______–> reward dependence (conscientiousness)
Hormones are likely related to __________
personality characteristics
trust related hormone
High levels of ______ are associated with more agreeableness.
hormone associated with anger and aggression
High levels of ______ are associated with lower agreeableness.
hormone released in response to stress
High levels of ______ are associated with higher neuroticism
Morningness vs. eveningness is due to differences in _________
biological rhythms
daily cycle of alertness, body temp, etc.
circadian rhythm
These people have a peak in body temperature and alertness early in the day and get sleepy early
morning people
These people have a peak in body temperature and alertness later in the day and get sleepy later
evening people
_______ psychology claims that personality consists of a few general motives
give ambiguous stimuli, ask for interpretation, personality shown through response
projective techniques
Levels of needs can be thought of as ____
theory that states that needs:
1. organize perception
2. organize action
3. by satisfying them, we reduce but do not eliminate tension
Proposed a list of 11 fundamental human needs organized into 4 categories
Murray’s theory of needs
Murray’s theory of needs categories:
- achievement, exhibition, order
- affiliation, nurturance, succor
- abasement, aggression, order, blame/avoidance
- dominance
- ambition needs
- social affection
- social power
- status defense
a projective test in which participants interpret ambiguous photos and perceive meaning; project own desires, emotions, and needs into story given
thematic apperception test (TAT)
What is the assumption of the TAT?
needs will influence interpretation
Projective test scores are not correlated with _____ scores
self report
measure of implicit motives (unconscious desires/needs)
measure of explicit motives (reflect self-awareness of conscious motives)
predict long term behavior trends (traits)
implicit motives
predict responses to immediate situations, choices, and attitudes (state)
explicit motives
internal states that arouse and direct behavior towards a goal; caused by a deficit or lack of a need
Deprivation of needs leads to states of _____
Types of Needs:
- food/hunger, air/suffocation, water/thirst, sex/lust
- autonomy, competence, relatedness
- achievement, affiliation/intimacy, power
- physiological
- psychological
- social
needs based more in biology than psychology; cyclical (triggered by the passage of time)
needs based more in psychology than biology; context dependent (triggered by external events)
needs common to all humans
needs distinct between humans
People with high nAch prefer activities that are __________
modestly challenging
difficulty of behavior (or effort) influences the effort of a consequence
incentive-behavior contrast
People with high each enjoy tasks in which they are ________ for the outcome; they prefer tasks in which _______ is available
personally responsible
degree to which society tolerates failure and error making
failure tolerance
probability of performing the behavior
efficiency outcome
probability that behavior will lead to outcome
outcome expectancy
growing in understanding of the task (incremental)
outperform others/show off performance (entity)
performance approach
not failing (entity)
performance avoidance
People with high ______ want to influence, impact, and control
assertiveness, arguments, government positions, games of chance, and signs of status are all correlates of ______
What is the gender difference in regards to nPow?
high nPow men act impulsively and aggressively
fear of interpersonal rejection
need for affiliation (naïf) or need for approval (nApp)
preference for warm, close, communicative interactions
need for intimacy (nInt)
desire for an answer to a question
need for closure
enjoyment in thinking, analysis, and problem solving
need for cognition
says that basic/lower needs must be satisfied first, then move up
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
According to Roger’s Humanistic Theory, a fully functioning person is moving towards ___________
must satisfy conditions of worth to be valued
conditional postitive regard
will be valued no matter what; key to successful development and self actualization
unconditional positive regard