Exam #3: Theory and Research Flashcards
Nursing Theory
“a group of related concepts, definitions, and statements that describe a certain view of nursing phenomena (observable occurrences) from which to describe, explain, or predict outcomes.”
What is the purpose of nursing theory?
- provide a framework on which to build new nursing knowledge
- analyze/synthesize known data and work it into frameworks
- assists with reasoning, critical thinking, and decision making
- helps guide practice to produce quality outcomes
What are the types of nursing theory?
- Grand Theory
2. Mid-range Theory
Grand Theory
- type of nursing theory
- most comprehensive, applying to the entire domain of nursing
Components: person, health, environment, nursing
• Define all these related to grand nursing theory
Mid-Range Theory
narrower focus, more concrete, target specific practice questions
- Empirically measurable, testable form, limited scope, research/practice
- Theories: health promotion, uncertainty, quality of nursing care, hardiness, pain management, family care-giving
Dorothea Orem
- ->self-care model
- self-care deficits, and nursing systems
- people have a NEED to maintain self-care
- inadequate? Nursing can come in and assist
Martha Rogers
- -> promoted the unitary human being
- person = unitary environmental field constantly interacting with environment
- nurse can assist in interaction between this energy and environment
Sister Callista Roy
- -> Adaptation Model: person is adaptive system
- person adapts behavior to internal/external stimuli
- disrupt equilibrium = sickness
Jean Watson
- -> human caring
- caring is universal social behavior, nursing provides this through humanistic actions
Pure Science vs. Applied Science
- formal (math/logic)
- natural (physics, chem)
- psychosocial (psychology, econ)
- -> application of pure sciences
- engineering
- medicine
- agriculture
Nursing Science
a coherent body of knowledge composed of research findings and tested theories systematically developed for the discipline of nursing
Nursing Theory
product (discrete body of knowledge)
Nursing Research
process (tool by which science is created)
Pure Research
- -> work done in PURSUIT of knowledge
- may test existing theory, trying new technique, etc
Applied Research
- -> CREATING new knowledge for a specific purpose
- instrumentation, new inventions/processes → improve quality, development of new drugs
Transitional Research
- -> takes applied research findings to the healthcare setting
- gives us evidence-based practice nursing
Quantitative Research
–> a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the world
o Data that is collectable → numbers → statistical formulas → analyzed
Qualitative Research
–> systematic, interactive, subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning
-what pt tells you
• put together to give information on a phenomenon
• determined by what question you are asking
What are the steps of the research process?
- Conceptual Phase
- Design/Planning Phase
- Empirical Phase
- Analytic Phase
- Dissemination Phase
Research Process: Conceptual Phase
→ wanting to create new nursing knowledge
• defining the problem
• reviewing the literature (what do we already know?)
• developing the theoretical framework
• formulating the research hypothesis/question
Research Process: Design/Planning Phase
• Defining your research DESIGN
• Identifying the POPULATION to be studied/sampling plan
-how will you access the subjects? haphazard pool/random?
• Specifying data collection METHODS
- who, what, when, where, how
- reliability and validity (is the tool reliable/valid? need this to make a conclusion)
- funding/permission
- obtaining research $$$
- permission sought from IRB (institutional review board)
- pilot study
- testing procedures
Research Process: Empirical Phase
- Collecting the data
- ensuring quality/accuracy
- ethical issues - Preparing data for analysis
- storage of data (keep confidential)
- coding (to be statistically analyzed)
- ensuring accuracy
Research Process: Analytic Phase
- Analyzing the data
- May need statistical consultants - Interpreting results
- critical review of the work
- relating findings to theory in study
- confirmation or rebutting of the existing literature
- conclusions/implications for future research, education, and practice
Research Process: Dissemination Phase
- Communicating findings
- conferences, journals, books, media
- in order to help profession of nursing - Utilizing findings
- changing practice to increase quality for healthcare