Exam #3: Political Activism*** Flashcards
What is the National Health Expenditure?
2.8 trillion in 2012
17% of GDP
What is the breakdown of categories within the National Health Expenditure?
Hospital Care: 31.5%
Physician/Clinical services: 20%
Prescription drugs: 9.7%
Nursing home/continuing care retirement communities: 5.5%
Who pays for healthcare?
- Self-pay
- Employee insurance
- Government
- -> VA, Medicare, Medicaid
*Not guaranteed right to healthcare in US, millions still uninsured, health in US is low
What is the distribution between public and private insurance?
Private: 55%
Public: 45%
Public vs. Private
Households: 28% Federal Government: 26% Private businesses: 21% State/Local: 18% Private Revenues: 7% -31% go to administrative costs (problem)
10% of population account for ___% of all healthcare spending.
1% of population account for ___% of all healthcare spending.
50% of population account for ___% of all healthcare spending.
Federal Agencies
- Department of Health & Human Services
2. Public Health Services
Department of Health & Human Services
- Public Health Service
- Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (formally – Health Care Financing Administration)
- Administration for Children & Families
- Administration on Aging
- Office for Civil Rights
Public Health Service
- Agency for Health Care Research & Quality
- Health Resources & Services Administration
- Indian Health Services
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services
- Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry
When was the social security act initiated?
Old Age & Survivors Insurance
–> Provides money to workers or family upon retirement, disability, or death
- 2 components: social security and disability
- Amount based on avg earnings/length of employment ($1,100-1,200)
- Takes about 5 people to fund for one person, in 2035 we will only have 2 people funding for one person (decreasing!!)
FICA (def and rate)
Federal Insurance Contributions Act
–> dedicated payroll tax taken out of our paychecks)
-FICA rate (2014): 7.65% up to max of $117,000, self-employed 15.3%
How many people receive social security?
Benefits sent to 55 million (2014)
Retirement age/benefits
62 w/partial benefits
→ full benefits at 66 (soon to be 67)
Unemployment Insurance
- Protect workers out of work through no fault of their own
- Governed by states
•No work for >1 week
•Able to work and take job
•Previous job ended through no fault of own (not fired or asked to resigned)
Disability Insurance
-8 million receiving benefits (paid to worker or dependents)
- covered by social security 5-10 years
- physical/mental disability
- unable to work
- 5-month waiting period
- strict
- 70% are denied
- only $900-1000/month
Supplemental Security Income
-Provides direct cash benefits to aged/disabled with decreased income
-Amount based on need, not on contributions
→ $100-200/month
- Provides health insurance to citizens or permanent residents over 65 who have worked at least 10 years (Part A)
- Can purchase Supplemental Insurance (Part B) for additional cost
When was medicare established?
What percentage of health services does medicare fund?
Medicare Part A
- Hospital room fee covered
- Deductible is $1216 per benefit period (2014)
- Will pay some nursing home costs
- Hospice care covered for 210 days
- Home health services
Medicare Part B
–>additional supplement purchased separately
After $147 deductible, Part B pays 80% of allowable expenses (2014):
•Physician services
•Durable medical equipment (walker, brace, etc)
•Outpatient services
•drugs not self-administered
Cost: $104.90 per month (2014)