Exam 3 Terms Flashcards
Idea of justice is that there is a perfect justice and we have a reflection of that.
School established by Plato
Seeing is not always true; Plato uses this to say that we only have a skewed view on the world and do not take into account what we may not know
Allegory of the Cave
Came from Macedonia. Rebels against Plato and his thoughts after years of studying with him. Set up rival school. Determined democracy was best form of government, contradicting Plato.
teachers of wisdom who teach how to debate both sides; teach several subjects and get paid for it
Athenian philosopher who caused his students to question everything; he never writes anything down; charged for “corrupting the youth” and dies by drinking hemlock (poison)
Socrates (469-399 BC)
the method of teaching used by the Greek philosopher Socrates; it employs a question-and-answer format to lead pupils to see things for themselves by using their own reason
Socratic Method
Rival school against Plato’s academy set up by Aristotle
United the Macedonians against foreigners
Phillip of Macedon
wife of Phillip of Macedon
Takes over as King of Macedonia in 336 BCE. “Liberates” areas and dresses in their garb. Establishes Alexandria in Egypt. Marries Bactrian princess.
Alexander the Great
Wife of Alexander the Great. Bactrian princess.
General and one of three successors of Alexander the Great. Establishes Antigonids.
Dynasty established by Antigonus.
General and one of three successors of Alexander the Great. Establishes Seleucids.
Dynasty established by Seleucus
General and successor of Alexander the Great and receives Egypt. Establishes Ptolemies.
Egyptian dynasty established by Ptolemy. Cleopatra descended from this dynasty?
River that is difficult to navigate. Rome is on this river but is not a river civilization. Volcanic region.
Very little writing, built tombs out of stone and used couch-like sarcophagus lids. Believed in prophecy and telling the future.
Close to Tiber. Beginning place for Romans. Lived on hill for protection.
Palatine Hill
Religious sanctuary. Main temple for Jupiter. Drained the marsh to build here (sewer system)
Capitoline Hill
Area where people give speeches. Romans hang the bloodied armor and heads of their enemies here.
King of Rome, Father of Sextus Tarquinius who rapes Lucretia
Tarquin the Proud
Noble woman who is raped by Sextus. Sends a message to her father and brothers. Stabs herself. Begins the era of no kings in Rome.
“Republic” from 509 BCE-27 BCE. There was a 200 year period known as the struggle of orders where everyone tried to come up with a political system.
Res Publica
Top of the republic. Only two who rule for 1 year. Had to consult decisions with the Senate.
300 people. Senator for life. Real power of the republic. Wore togas with purple stripe.
In charge of who becomes a senator. In charge of taking census. Serve for 5 years then return to the Senate. Has the power to remove senators.
Special office position. Served for 1 year. Represented the voice of the assembly of the people and spoke to the senate for them.
Has power over entire system. Come into power during times of extreme emergency. Anyone can be one. No longer than 6 months
Ranking of the offices. Desire to rise in ranks to become a senator.
cursus senorum
custom of the ancestors, “tradition”
mos majorum
Established by Phoenicians. Farmers and traders with large port and fertile land. Beginning of Punic Wars.
Carthage doesn’t want to be taken over by Sicily so ask Romans for help. Rome wins and establishes a providence in Sicily with Roman governor. Carthage becomes worried and attacks Rome.
First Punic War 264-241 BC
Hannibal leads Carthage attack on land. Goes around Alps using war elephants. Romans lose first 3 battles. Hannibal enlists Macedonia for help. Scipio attacks North Africa and draws Hannibal away. Romans win battle of Zama and force Carthage to negotiate a peace treaty (no army or navy). Rome takes over Macedonia.
Second Punic War 218-201 BC
Use Carthage as a scape goat and decide to destroy the city. Attack is led by relative of Scipio.
Third Punic War 149-146 BC
Carthage general who led the battles against Rome using war elephants
Roman general who defeated Hannibal and ended the second punic war
Scipio Africanus
Battle in North Africa that won the Romans the Second Punic War
Battle of Zama 202 BC
Vesta was the goddess of the hearth. Had to keep the fire in the temple of Vesta lit. Serve 30 yrs and get large dowry and marry anyone. If you touched a vestal you were put to death. If fire went out they were walled into their homes.
Vestal Virgins
Springtime fertility festival. Naked men chased Roman women with a goat skin. Celebrated the wolf.
High priest who had power over vestals. Served 1 year at a time.
Pontifex Maximus
Small shrines in households dedicated to household gods. Ancestors that you pray to for protection.
Father of a Roman family. Controlled family and in charge of Lares
Women must stay indoors, no excessive mourning, no makeup or jewelry. Women went to senators saying its not mas minora
Oppian Law
Mother was daughter of Skippio Africana, Cornelia. Tiberius becomes tribune in 133 BCE, rep. of assembly to people. He took it very seriously and he got land reform passed. He was so successful he ran again. He was killed by an angry mob while walking to work. BEGINNING OF POLITICAL MURDER
Tiberius Gracchus
10 years later runs for tribune like brother. Also gets assassinated before he gets to be tribune. Everyone in shock. Importance of military is increasing.
Gaius Gracchus
138-78 BCE. Senate recalled him from Frontier in 88 BCE. He said no and marched against Rome with his army. Senators were first to die. Became dictator, retiring 10 years later and dying peacefully.
Gladiator in city of Kapwa. Leads a rebellion with gladiators lasting 3 years.
Roman slaves trained to fight against each other for show.
General that helped Crassus crush a slave rebellion in 70 BCE
General that helped Pompey crush a slave rebellion in 70 BCE
Dictator who killed Ptolemy. Popular but looks like is trying to be king. Stabbed by senators on Ides of March. Has a son with Cleopatra.
Julius Caesar
Began in 60 BCE, sharing of power between Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. Crassus dies in battle in 55 BCE and two consuls remain. Pompey marries Caesar’s daughter, but when she dies their ties are severed. They go to civil war from 49-45 BCE. Pompey tries to get help of Ptolemy 12th, who KILLS HIM. Caesar kills Ptolemy in retaliation.
First Triumvirate
Sister of Ptolemy. Queen and dictator of Egypt. Has son with Caesar and twins with Mark Antony.
On March 15 Caesar is assassinated by senators led by Brutus and Cassius. Left bleeding on the steps. Chaos breaks out in Rome.
Ides of March 44 BC
“father of the country” head of the roman household
Pater Patriae
Rome’s greatest public speaker; he argued against dictators and called for a representative government with limited powers (princeps); killed by Marc Antony
Part of second triumvirate. Forced to divorce his wife and marry Octavia. Meets with Cleo to deal with rebellions. Has twins with Cleo. Recognizes Caeserion as true heir and makes a move against Octavian. Commits suicide.
Mark Antony
Son of Cleo and Caesar who mysteriously dies
Nephew of Caesar. Makes Egypt a province after defeating Antony and Cleo at the Naval battle of Actium in 31 BCE. In 27 BCE restores the republic by SPQR. Changes name to Augustus
Part of second triumvirate. Doesn’t trust Octavian and tries to get his soldiers to march against him but they refuse
Formed between Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus in 43 BCE
Second Triumvirate
Pregnant wife of Mark Antony and sister of Octavian
Name Octavian chose for himself. Not a Roman name but an adjective that means “honored”
Augustus 31BC-14AD
“first citizen” gives power over senate
“have command” gives power over the military
guard created by Augustus solely to protect him
Praetorian guard
200 years of peace within Rome, end of civil warfare
Pax Romana
Concept of Romans conquering areas and assimilating foreigners into the Roman identity. Creates a loyalty to Rome and not an individual leader.
Expanded the temple of Yahweh. Wants Judea to be a Roman province which results in revolt
Herod the Great
fortress built by Herod. Rebels hide in here but can not be captured because they commit suicide
Coined later by Christians. Roman polytheism.
Worship of the living emperor. Started with Augustus, only in provinces. Romans DUTY WAS TO WORSHIP gods/EMPEROR
Imperial cult
Tunic, pants, clothing of Persian. One of lesser gods in Persian Zoroastrianism. MALE ONLY. Cult was particularly popular among Roman soldiers. Seven steps of initiation. One of most famous mythraehs was in San Clemente in Rome
Goddess worshipped by the mystery cults. Egyptian. Members were both male and female. It was gender segregated. Made it clear that Romans were looking for different types of relationships with the gods. Polytheism. Participation in these cults did not mean they did not participate in Roman religion
“Legal Duty” Jews did not have to participate in provinces- they were allowed to participate in monotheistic worship.
religio licita
Led by rabbis- went inside building, no statues. Male teachers. Place of prayer and assembly
Major revolt against Roman rule in Judea. Make coins to get word of revolt out. Titus crushes the revolt and makes coins
Jewish Revolt 66-70 BCE
753 BCE - 509 BCE
Era of the Seven Kings
Rome’s origin story. Etruscan king exposes them by pushing them down the tiber river. Wolf raises them. Romulus kills Remus and establishes Rome.
Romulus and Remus
Building where Senators met.