Exam 3 Notes Flashcards
who was the teacher for plato?
who was the teacher for aristotle?
teachers of wisdom who taught various subjects; against universal truth–truth is subjective and dependent on observer
who hated the sophists?
socrates–called the prostitutes of wisdom
usually in agora; put on trial for impiety but charged with corrupting the youth; dies when ordered to drink poison
plato is mad and leaves Athens, he sets up an Academy-one of the best schools for 700 years
what does plato do when socrates is killed?
believes that only those who have been enlightened should be in government–These people are called “Philosopher Kings”
-women, in theory, could be in this government
what does plato believe
a theory put forward by Plato, concerning human perception. Plato claimed that knowledge gained through the senses is no more than opinion and that, in order to have real knowledge, we must gain it through philosophical reasoning.
plato’s allegory of the cave
who goes to platos academy to learn?
- he doesnt believe what he is taught
- teaches alexander the great
- sets up his own school, Lyceum
- it snowed there, had lots of wood that Athens too to build their triremes
- Phillip begins to unite all Macedonian tribes and wanted to work against foreigners
- after Philip dies Alexander becomes king of macedonia in 336 BCE
- Alexander takes over and unites forces and destroys Thebes
- 334 BCE he invaded the persian empire
- Conquered 10,000 miles in ten years
- Alexander suddenly falls ill and dies in 323 BCE at age 32
Rise of Macedonia
- united Macedonians against foreigners
- married Olympias to consolidate his power
- in 338 BCE he conquered southern Greece–Battle of Chaeronea
- his son is Alexander the Great–Aristotle tutored him
- he is assassinated at a wedding in 336 BCE
Philip of Macedon
what are the 3 hellenistic kingdoms that split up regions to control after Alexanders death
Antigonus, Seleucus, and Ptolemy
- starts as farming village in northern part of the Italian Peninsula
- Tiber river=small
- Alps=high, difficult to cross, snow in the summer–natural barrier that protects the Italian peninsula
- Apennines=volcanic, dormant; these mountains run up and down the peninsula so its difficult to unify italy
- italy is perfect for agriculture
Italian Geography
- north of Italian peninsula; get over shadowed by romans
- loose confederation of independent city states
- they arent related to greeks, romans, or egyptians–came before them
- their language is still a mystery to us
- mainly used wood for houses and buildings
- used stone for their tombs=buried the dead with grave goods–wine, weapons
- traded with egyptians
- were rich because did alot of mining and metal works
- etruscan women were equal to men
- we know about the etruscans thru the romans but they didnt like them and were biased–not sure whats all true
How many hills was Rome built on?
earliest evidence of roman history
palatine hill
Religious center
- In between the two hills–Swampy, marshy
- Created a sewer system that still runs today
- They fill in the swampy area between the two hills and create the Roman Forum=Marketplace
capitoline hill
-a King and wife were pregnant with twin boys
-but there was a prophecy that the twin boys would rise to power and destroy Etrusca
-to prevent this, the father exposes them (leaves them out in public so that they will die or be seen)
•Put them in the Tiber River
•A wolf sees the boys and raises them as her own
•Later a shepherd and wife give them a human home
-This story signifies that they lived a hard life which means they are tough and strong and they owe the etruscans nothing
-When the boys get older, Romulus kills remus and establishes Rome
Romulus and Remus
- the trojan who escapred
- son of priam
- shows the importance of family for roman culture
- romans say they are descendants from trojans
Aeneas Story
-753 is a fake year because Romans wanted to convince people their civilization was older than the greeks and Etruscans
-509 is a real year; beginning of Roman empire
-The kings didn’t have roman names they had Etruscan names
Tarquin the Proud (King)
His son, Sextus Tarquinius
Lucretia shows that she is the best wife out of all wives
•Because of this Sextus rapes her
•She kills herself
•Her father/brother swore vengeance
•This story is about how kings ceased to exist–How the republic came to be; Romans HATE kings
Era of the Seven Kings
-Story of romulus and Remus: romans are strong
-Story of Aeneas: romans are really big on duty to the Roman state
-Romans are farmers and soldiers
-Big on prophecy
-Hatred of kings
-Mos maiorum = custom of the ancestors
-Traditional people
what is significant about the year 27 BCE?
-the romans get an emperor
-romans last till 509 BCE till 27 BCE–long time
-they create a stable government
Roman people
**check sheet and know this
**check sheet and know this
has supreme power only for emergencies and only for 6 months
only held power for 1 year
- In charge of government and military
- Can’t be appointed unless you take at least year off
300 men
- real power here
- most prestigious
- wore toga with a purple stripe
- Life positions
- Can get kicked out though
- Met in building called a Curia
two men from senate counted # of male citizens
lesser positions go to tribune and tribune talk to the senate for them
does the people in the roman political systems get paid?
- no salaries for these positions=meaning the positions were usually held by wealthy people
- strict term limits to avoid monarchy
- Conquer hilltop communities
- The the etruscans by 316 BCE
- Then Greeks 280-275 BCE
- By 220 BCE conquered all of Italy
- give land of conquered people to military vets=this is good if there is an uprising in those lands bc then those vets can be ordered to quell the uprising
- All of italy becomes Roman=Romanization
- Built vast road system–Used for communication; Roads named after senators because they paid for them
- Carthage: northern Africa
- They were trading people
- As romans were expanding so were the carthaginians
- Come into contact with Rome in Sicily
- War in Sicily= Punic Wars
Carthage and Rome
- Took place in Sicily, a very wealthy place
- Sicily ask Romans to help because they don’t want Carthage to take over
- The romans win, then make Sicily a province
first punic war (264-241 BCE)
- Carthage plans revenge against the Romans
- Hannibal uses war elephants in the Alps and attakes Romans
- Scipio attacks Carthage in attempt to lure Hannibal away
- It works
- Hannibal loses Battle of Zama, 202 BCE
- He (on behalf of his city) signs a terrible treaty that requires Carthage to give up all territories except Carthage itself
second punic war (218-201 BCE)
turning point in roman history ; not really a war
-convinced people that carthage needed to be destroyed
third punic war (149-146 BCE)
roman culture and society
- farmer/soldier
- roman religion
- roman family
- soldiers loyalty was to rome and at the end of your term you get a bonus–land
- their military is a well oiled machine=1st highly trained professional army
-If you were a roman you believed and engaged in roman religion. They would be confused by “freedom of religion” and by everyone having separate religious beliefs
-Big umbrella religion: had their own gods and incorporated new gods when they came into contact with other people
Jupiter= Had a main temple in Capitoline Hill
Juno=Jupiter’s consort
Minerva=Athena-like goddess
-Believed in Blood Sacrifice–show respect by doing this and can also burn incense
For the gods
Altars are outside
Priesthood would do sacrifice for all romans
-household gods
roman religion
-House of priestess goddess
-Vesta is an old roman goddess
•virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family
-Most important priesthood
-Girls are chosen between ages 6-10 to be a vestal
-Are vestals for 30 years
-Can’t be married after it ends
-Must remain chaste
-Many people deposited things with them because they were untouchable
•money, jewelry, and wills
-If one got in trouble, they would wall her up with little food and water and keep her there until she dies
temple of vesta
- Lares: represented the ancestors
- The roman family includes the living and the dead
- Burn incense in front of the statues of Lares - Penantes: pantry gods
- Pray to him to make sure you have food
household gods
-Men are the head of the household–even if they have adult sons
-Multigenerational families
-Special license that can keep daughter under control of her own father, not husband’s father–did this because fathers can kill anyone in the family if they wanted to and most fathers wouldn’t kill their own daughter
-Property goes to first son when father dies
-Cremated the dead and buried them outside of the city
-Arranged marriages
Business and political reasons (didn’t marry for love)
Most end in divorce
roman history (paterfamilias)
-No jewelry, limiting the amount of gold that each woman could possess to half an ounce. and forbidding women to wear dresses with purple trim or ride in carriages within a mile of Rome or in Roman country towns except on the occasions of religious festivals.
-Law fades after Second Punic War
-High profile senator thinks the law should be enacted again
-Women argue against this
Argument: mas maiorum
Oppian law
-Large segment of Romans owned slaves
-There were household slaves:
They educated the children
Were part of the family
Slaves only had one name
Didn’t have parents
Couldn’t get married without permission
-Slaves mined for minerals
This was dangerous
-Slaves did a lot of uprising
freedom of household slaves when family dies–slaves would take the family name
freed slaves
roman historian
-wondered, “how did republic turn into one-man rule?”
-Moving up in rank
-Wants to be senator
-Becomes tribune 133 BCE
-People want their land back and they go to Tiberius
-Goes to Senate and proposes land reform bill
Cap for how much land you can have
If you have a lot, give some to the homeless veterans
Senate votes yes to…land reform and helping soldiers
-After one year, Tiberius’ one year as tribune is up and wants to run for reelection
This messes up how the system works (supposed to have a gap year before running again)
Senatorial people surround him and kill him and his supporters
-10 years later
Gaius runs for tribune and then he is killed in the street too along with 3000 of his followers
the Gracchi brothers: Tiberius and Gaius
- refuses to relinquish his coveted command and decided to consolidate his position in Rome.
- main body of his army stayed loyal
- marched against Rome
- killed 200 senators
- named himself dictator
- reigned for 10 years
Sulla (138-78 BCE)
-Usually unfree people
-Forcing prisoners to fight each other to death
-Wear costumes
-This becomes very big
Every city had an arena
The shows were paid for by wealthy people
-Gladiators trained in special schools
who were the 3 men that formed the first triumvirate?
Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar
- Client of Sulla
- General
- Made a lot of money selling slaves
- Puts down rebellion of spartacus
- Crucified thousands who rebelled
- dies in syria in 53 BCE
- Hated Crassus
- Wealth came from Spain
- Was a general
- him and pompey had a marriage bond–julia, julius’ daughter, married pompey
- she dies in 54 BCE due to childbirth–breaks family connection
Julius Caesar
-after the family connection if broken with Julius and Crassus…
-Pompey makes himself the sole consul in 52 BCE while Julius is away
-Julius crosses Rubicon, 49 BCE—-Civil war, 49-45 BCE
-Pompey leaves and tries to get away but Julius chases him all over the place
-Pompey in the end goes to Egypt
-Gets assassinated by Ptolemy the 13th (King)
-Julius Caesar shows up
Doesn’t like the the Egyptian king killed Pompey; he kills Ptolemy; meets Ptolemy’s sister Cleopatra–instead of making egypt a province, he makes Cleopatra the queen of Egypt
-Julius becomes dictator
Senators who chose
Pompey’s side are pardoned
Brings the egyptian calendar to Rome
-Does a lot of reform and public works
-He is popular with the people
-Ides of March 44 BCE
Assassinated by group of senators led by Brutus and Cassius
story of Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar
who did Julius Caesar give his estate too?
-18 yr old grandnephew of Caesar
-Adopted by Caesar through his will
-Made heir to the estate
-Senators hoped to control him
-He and Marc Antony join forces
Go after Julius’ murderers
They also had the military and people on his side
-Cicero tries to escape but they find him and kill him
second triumvirate (43 BCE)
Marc Antony, Octavian, Lepidus
Marc Antony:
Forced to divorce wife and marry sister of Octavian–Octavia
-Lepidus Antony is mad about this because he is being left out
Wants to go against Octavian with army
Army says no
He gets in trouble and gets kicked out
-Octavia gets pregnant
-37 BCE Octavia is sent home alone while pregnant–because he loves Cleopatra
-Octavian starts campaign
Goes against marc
Uses Cleo’s treatment against him
-Marc also starts campaign
They both want the army on their side because army = power
story btw. the second triumvirate
- Octavian wins
- Suicide of Marc and Cleopatra
- Egypt become a province
battle of actium 31 BCE
the restoration of the republic happened in what year?
27 BCE
-octavian doesnt want power, returns power to the people
Senatus Populusque Romanus
what does octavian change his name too?
- means revered, honorable
- set up elite military force–praetorian guard to protect himself
what are octavians many titles?
- princeps=power over senate
- imperator=power over military
- pontifex maximus=power over religion
- pater patriae=power over everybody
who is under Augustus?
building programs, new roads, postal service, police service, concern with mortality, concern with the past–>patron of historians and poets, romanization, pax romana–roman peace
virgil, aeneid (70 BCE-19 BCE)
- Wrote about farms
- He was asked to write about early Rome
- Aeneid: tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan who travelled to Italy, where he became the ancestor of the Romans
ara pacis 13-9BCE
temple of peace