Exam 3: Lecture 10, Toxicokinetics & Toxicodynamics Flashcards
Major factors influencing toxicity?
route and site of exposure
Duration and frequency of exposure
characterization of potential hazard
info about chemical type of effect dose required to produce the effect Exposure disposition
IV Admin
directly into blood
Bolus = <10 sec injection infusion = slow constant rate
Extravascular admin
oral, buccal, sublingual
Drugs are ore frequently administered….
extravascularly and intended to act systemically rather than locally
If TD after oral/dermal similar to TD with AV admin then…
chemical is absorbed readily and rapidly
If TD after dermal route is higher than oral then…
likely skin provides an affective barrier to absorption
fraction of extravascularly admin dose that reaches systemic circulation intact
First pass loss
after taking drug orally, the loss of the drug as it passes through tissues
essentially first pass effect
Most important PK parameters of any drug developed for extravascular admin is….
Most common outcome of biotransformation is…
is lose of pharmacological activity
Most important PK parameter?
Compartmental approach
views body as composed of a number of Pkically distinct compartments
Noncompartmental Approach
estimating PK parameters from plasma drug conc vs time profiles without any assumptions of a specific compartmental model for the body
NCA, typically used in study
Based on ICHS9 what’s important to report in TK studies?
Peak plasma/serum levels
Half life
What should you write about in Pk report?
Which compound safest based on TI?
the one with the largest ration between TD50/Ed50