Exam 3 Ch 13 Flashcards
Who’s responsibility is it to have people be educated?
State governments. There is no standardized system nationally
Common School
School where children of all income levels attend at taxpayer expense
State Board of Education
Policymaking body for education in each state; appointed by governor
How many members do we elect on our education board? For how long do they serve? How many does the governor appoint to be the chair?
4 years
Back to Basics. What do they emphasize?
Movement against modern education ‘fads’.
Reading, writing, arithmetic
High-Stakes Standardized Testing…
What is Texas’ standard test?
Elementary and secondary students tested state wide. If they fail they cannot go to next grade.
Departments of Education
State-level agencies responsible for overseeing public education
Teacher Licensure Procedures
Processes states use to qualify teacher candidates to work in school districts
Certification process where outside experts visit school to see if it meets standards
While regulatory authority over education is concentrated at state level, the actual administration of schools is…?
widely decentralized
Local Education Agencies (LEA’s)
School districts, which may encompass cities, counties, or subsets
School Districts
Local administrative jurisdictions that hire staff and report to school boards on management of area public schools
Texas has ___ districts
Hawaii has ___ districts`
School Boards
They often lack __ powers but still have to propose __ for approval and also have to hire a ___?
Elected or appointed bodies that determine major policies and budgets for school districts
Taxing powers
“Of the roughly $700 billion spent on K-12 education in 2017,
how much did federal revenues account for? What about state and local government?
federal revenues accounted for approximately $60 billion, while
state and local government each contributed over $300 billion”
What is the primary source of funding for public schools?
Local property taxes
How many states use lottery funding for education?
How much did the Texas Lottery transfer for education?
27 states
1.972 billion
San Antonio ISD vs Rodriguez (1973)
“equal school funding is not a federal constitutional right”
“In 2019, polls showed that ___ of
American parents would give the school their child
attends an A or a B. Only __ would give the
nation’s schools an A or a B” (382)
What is the most common way school performance is measured?
Standardized test scores
“Which states have the best public schools?”
“Every year Education Week puts out a special supplement
called ____ that examines every state public school
system using ____ separate measures” (383)
Quality Counts
“Which states have the best public schools?”
Where were all the top-ranked school systems? What about bottom-ranked?
Top - Northeast
Bottom - South and Southweset
“Which states have the best public schools?”
What type of states are the bottom and top five states? Are the top five states wealthier than the bottom five?
bottom - traditionalistic
top - individualistic/moralistic
top is wealthier
National Assessment of Educational Progress/NAEP
A regularly conducted, independent survey started by the federal
government in 1969 of what a nationally represented sample of students
in Grades 4, 8, and 12 know…known as ‘the nation’s report card.’
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS):
– A regularly updated study launched by the United States in 1995 that
compares the performance in science and mathematics of students in 46
General Equivalency Diploma (GED) Program:
– A program offering a series of tests that an individual can take to qualify
for a high school equivalency certificate or diploma
What is the Average Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR)?
Site-Based Management:
– A movement to increase freedom for building administrators such
as school principals to determine how district funds are spent at
individual schools.
Standards Movement:
– An effort to create benchmarks of adequate learning in each subject
for each grade level so that students and teachers can be evaluated
on the mastery of this predetermined material.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA):
– Federal law passed in 1965…steered federal funds to improve local
schools, particularly those attended primarily by low-income and
minority students.
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB):
– Federal law enacted in January 2002 that introduced new
accountability measures for elementary and secondary schools in
all states receiving federal education aid.
Common Core State Standards:
– A 2009 education initiative that has created a uniform
set of learning expectations in English and math for
students at the end of each grade.
How many states and territories voluntarily adopted the CCSS (Common Core)?
41 states, DC, 4 US territories
By 2020, how many states started to roll back their participation or repeal CCSS (common core)?
20 States
“Research has demonstrated that the single
most important factor in student learning –
more than curriculum, family income,
student health, or parental involvement – is
Good teaching
All told, roughly____ leave
the profession every year, a loss of expertise
and human capital that costs states and
school districts an estimated $2.2 billion a
year” (389).
13% of teachers
How many are homeschooled?
How many are in charter?
home - 4%
charter - 5%
Charter Schools
Public schools with unique themes, managed by teachers, principals, social workers, or nonprofit groups
in 2018, how many charter schools were in the US and how many students were enrolled?
7000 schools
3 million students
School Voucher Movement
How many students were participating in vouchers and what was the average voucher amount?
A movement, dating back to the 1950s, to allow taxpayer
dollars to be given to families for use at whatever public,
private, or parochial school they choose.
Supreme Court ruled in 2002 that religious schools can receive vouchers as long as they focus on education.
In 2019, there were roughly 29,000 students
participating in this program, and the average voucher
received by each student was $7,943” (392).
How many are homeschooled?
How many are taught religious lessons?
The education of children in the home; a movement to
grant waivers from state truancy laws to permit
parents to teach their own children.
- As of 2016, there were more than 1.7 million
children being homeschooled. - “30 percent of homeschooling parents surveyed
wanted the flexibility to teach their children moral
or religious lessons” (393).
Teachers’ Unions:
– Public-sector unions that organize employees at all educational levels to form state and
local affiliates.