Exam 3 Ch 12 Flashcards
The Missing Level of Government…
Is the regional government
“There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution and virtually nothing in
state constitutions that addresses even the notion of regional
government…” (349).
Majority of local gov embedded in larger metropolitan area
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Population of 1.2 mil, but served by city of Pittsburgh, and more
Would it be better to have a regional government that provides a centralized source of authority and policy-making?
Metropolitan Area
High population region that is made of a city and surrounding communities with a high degree of social and economic integration
Metropolitan statistical area (MSA)
An area with a city of more than 50,000 people, together with adjacent urban communities that have strong ties to the central city
How many MSA’s in the US, and how many people/percent live in these?
382 MSA
279 million, 85%
What’s the largest MSA by population?
NY-Newark-Jersey City,Ny-NJ-PA, metro area
Urban area of several large cities and their surrounding urban areas that creates an interlocking economic and social system
Edgeless Cities
Office and retail complexes without clear boundaries
Rapid growth of metropolitan area due to zoning and development
Characteristics of Sprawl
Single Use-Zoning
Zoning laws
“Geographical separation of the places where people work, live, and play”
Regulations that control how land can be used
Characteristics of Sprawl
Low Density Development
Development practices that spread instead of concentrate, populations across the land. Disperse the people basically
Characteristics of Sprawl
Leapfrog developement
Development practices where new developments jump over established developments, leaving undeveloped land in between
Impact fees
Fees that municipalities charge builders of new
housing or commercial developments to help offset
the costs of extending services.
Characteristics of Sprawl
Car-Dependent Living
Owning a car is required to transport oneself. Outcome of low-density development (suburbs)
Fragmentation of Land-Use Powers
“Local governments frequently have strong incentives to use these powers in ways that provide benefits for residents in the local jurisdictions, but creates costs for neighboring communities”
Municipalities in rural areas that ring/surround suburbs. Serve as bedroom communities for prosperous, providing rural homes with easy access to urban areas.
Reform perspective
Approach to filling gaps in service and reducing redundancies in local gov. that calls for regional-levle solutions
Portland, Oregon has a regional government called ___. What does it emass?
3 counties
25 municipalities
40% Oregon residents
Urban growth boundary (UGB)
Border established around urban area that’s intended to control density and type of development
Regional council
planning and advisory organization whose members include multiple local gov
Metropolitan planning org. (MPO) (don’t need to know)
Regional organization that decides how federal transportation funds are allocated within that regional area.
Smart growth (don’t need to know)
Environment friendly development practices. More efficient infrastructure, less automobiles
IJA/Interjurisdictional agreement
Formal or informal agreement between 2 or more local governments to cooperate on a program or policy
City-county consolidation: (don’t need)
The merger of separate local governments in an effort to reduce
bureaucratic redundancy and service inefficiencies
75% of all major urban areas in the us are…
contained within single counties
of the nation’s more than 3,000 counties…
only about 40/1% have consolidated with cities
Legal incorporation of one jurisdiction or territory into another
“An urge to merge?”
“St. Louis board of freeholders as of 2019 had managed only 2 successful meetings in more than 100 years”
- First in 1876 when the board met only to precipitate “The Great Divorce”. It split the city of St. Louis from county of St. Louis”
*2019 a new push to combine the city and county emerged but was derailed whenever a top official behind the merger was indicted for bribery. Movement floundered ever since.
“An urge to merge?”
“St. Louis board of freeholders as of 2019 had managed only 2 successful meetings in more than 100 years”
Physical rehabilitation of urban areas, attracts investments from developers and drives up property values
Public choice model
Model of politics that views governments and public services in market terms; governments seen as producers of public services an dcitizens seen as consumesr
Tiebout model (don’t need)
A model of local government based on market principles wherein a metro area is made
up of a series of micropolitical jurisdictions that, on the basis of their services and
costs, attract or repel certain citizens.
– The Tiebout model is a further specification of the public choice model and essentially
tries to argue that within a megaregion local governments compete with one another to
provide services in an attempt to attract more people and wealth to their jurisdiction.
How many americans live in rural areas?