exam 3 Flashcards
decreasing responses to a frequent but innocuous stimulus
increasing responses following noxious/arousing stimulus
ex. more acoustic startle after foot shock
previous exposure to stimulus affects later processing of the same stimulus or related stimuli
becoming better at processing/recognizing a set of frequently experienced stimuli (DISTINGUISHING among similar stimuli)
ex. detecting camouflaged moth
perceptual learning
4 types of non-associative learning hers organisms to ___ behavior to predictable environments
habituation: decrease in behavior
behaviorist approach
relatively stable pt after substantial training
novel/arousing stimulus can temporarily recover responses to the habituating stimulus
- this faces quickly
- repeated stimulus stops, behavior gradually returns to normal
- time
spontaneous recovery
more repetition of stim –> ____-lasting habituation
taking breaks btw sessions (spaced exposures) makes habituation develop ___ but lasts much longer
pathway that weakens with repeated use
low-threshold reflex pathway
state system that when activated, increases responses globally
high-threshold “state system”
weakness primarily reflex pathway activation, stim specific decline in responsiveness –> ?
noxious stim: reflex + state system activation, state system dominates, generalized increase in responsiveness –>?
moderate stimulus: initial reflex + state system cues more responsiveness, but gradually, reflex weakening dominates –> ?
sensitization followed by habituation
- changes your ability to detect and perceive the stimulus and related stimuli
repeated stimulus exposure
repeated touch depletes sensory neuron of NT
synaptic depression
in _____ some sensory motor synapses actually pruned away
LT habituation
increase or decrease glutamate in habituation
increase or decrease synapses in habituation
after aversive shoot to tail next gentle touch is ____ withdrawal duration
tail shock activates interneurons that release ____
5HT ____ all sensory neurons to release ____ NT
interneuron has a ____ threshold
long term sensitization, new-sensory motor synapses are (increased/decrease)
refinement in the receptive fields due to development or experience
sensory cortical plasticity
visual association cortical areas more or less activated in blind people when engaged in braille reading and other tactile tasks
well organized in the cortex, forming orderly maps
receptive fields
smallest distance where participant is reliably correct
2 pt touch discrimination threshold
- helps organism prepare for the future
classical conditioning
a ___ (future CS) producing a new reflex
the CR takes place before or after UR
new CS –> CR reflex (light -> approach) prepares to obtain desirable US (female)
appetitive conditioning
new CS –> CR reflex [odor 2 –> avoidance] helps avoid noxious US [shock]
aversive conditioning
probably doesn’t erase the CS-US connection, just new learning inhibits it
stress, new context, and/or passage of time can make the CS effective again
spontaneous recovery
does extinction erase the CS-US cnx?
no, just new learning inhibits it
stress,, new context, and/or passage of time can make CS effective again
spontaneous recovery
- suggests that the classically conditioned memory survived extinction
conditioned stimulus needs to be before or after unconditioned stimulus
best learning; cs is continued throughout delay period
delay conditioning
optimal inter stimulus interval, with less learning at the ISIs too short or too long
- longer ISIs –> worse learning
- timing is important
trace conditioning
learning of tone as a CS is ___ due to pre-training with light CS
conditioning is about ____ info in the environment
when a potential CS is ___ to what is known, no learning occurs
phase 1: CS is useless, has stopped paying attention
latent inhibition
tone + taste with poison, only ___ provokes CR
tone + taste with shock, only ___ CR
t/f we have innate preferences for forming associations
only changes weights to the US and can’t account for latent inhibitions and other phenomenon in which CS processing itself seems to change
errors of prediction drive learning
rescorla Wagner model explains BLOCKING
- focused on attention and the way the cs is processed
- repeated exposure with no consequence decreases salience (attention), a form of habituation
- pre-exposure to the CS decreases attention for that stimulus, making it harder to learn about it in the training phase
latent inhibition
eye blink conditioning in rabbits depends on _____
damage to the ____ disrupts classical conditioning
- mossy fibers split
- granule cells projecting to purkinje cells in cerebellar cortex
- interpositus nucleus within the cerebellar deep nuclei
CS input pathway
- inferior olive of midbrain to climbing fibers that split
1. to purkinje neurons in the cerebellar cortex
2. to interpositus nucleus
US input pathway
purkinje cells of cerebellar cortex, which collect both CS + US input
- purkinje cells inhibit output neurons of the interpositus nucleus
- when disinhibited, interpositus nucleus output can activate CR + inhibit initial stage of US input pathway
CR output
CAN generate CRS (blink to tone), but DOES NOT GENERATE URS (blink to air puff)
CS-US association may be stored?
- purkinje cells of the cerebellar cortex
- interposition nucleus of the deep cerebellar nuclei (eyeblink CR pathway)
____ cells switch off in response to the CS
purkinje cells
turning off purkinje inhibitor (disinhibition) of the ___ ____ enables the CS to generate CRS
interpositus nucleus
researchers direct stimulation of which 2 areas of the brain to US
pontine nuclei & inferior olive
REAL CSs could activate ___ as well (writing a memory to the brain)
small ____ lesions destroy + prevent CRs
lesions in the cerebellar cortex (Purkinje cells) affect ___ of CR learning
- seen in children with autism
___ ___ nucleus receives:
excitatory US input
- with training, CS also comes to evoke inhibition in the inferior olive via a branch in interpositus output
- net activity in the ____ ____ reflects actual US (US excitation) less expected US (CS-evoked inhibition) = prediction error
inferior olive
- blocking CS evoked inhibition of ___ ____ blocking blocking –> disabling reduction in error from phase 1 learning, enabling full learning to both CSs during phase 2
inferior olive
- doesn’t alter basic classical conditioning
ELIMINATES LATENT INHIBITON - other paradigms depending off changes in the processing of the CS
- trace conditions + conditioning
hippocampus removal