exam 3 Flashcards
action potential
Suprathreshold and the all or none principle
Doesnt require atp it uses diffusion
All leak channels stay open, Na+/K+ pump continues working
threshold reached
depolarization phase, voltage gated Na+ channels of trigger zone open
peak phase
repolarization phase
hyperpolarization phase
afterhyperpolarization phase
Suprathreshold and the all or none principle of action potential
Doesn’t matter if you barely got to the threshold, you got there
all responses are alike
All leak channels stay open, Na+/K+ pump continues working of action potential
not permeable to sodium
at stimulus noting changes on axon until it gets to threshold
threshold reached of action potential
Voltage channels achieve threshold of around -65
Opens voltage gated sodium channels which uses diffusion (passive)
The inside is relatively positive for a very brief moment
The insides still has more potassium than sodium
You can’t flip the gradient
Diffusion will just slow down
sodium channels open first
once close to peak potassium channels will open
depolarization phase, voltage gated Na+ channels of trigger zone open of action potential
Big upswing
peak phase of action potential
voltage gated K+ channels open
Na+ channels inactivated
sodium channels
gate slides into bottom of channel
cant be opened (unlike a closed channel)
absolute refractory period
Sodium channels and activated
why do channels inactivate
Each action potential is individualized
has to go from the beginning to the end before starting again
Can’t have summation
relative refractory period
Respond if have two
Relatively larger stimulus to be able to respond
Not at a normal resting potential
repolarization phase of action potential
reduced influx Na+
Potassium exiting by moving with the gradient
The inside goes back to negative
voltage gated K+ channels remain open
Hyperpolarization phase Of action potential
voltage gated K+ channels remain open
nactivation gate of voltage gated Na+ channels opens
sodium channels become closed instead of inactivated
relative refractory period
goes below resting for a little bit
Potassium leak channel gets carried away and stays open for a little bit
Gets put back inside through potassium pump against gradient
After hyperpolarization phase
voltage gated K+ channels close
membrane potential returns to resting value
look at picture for excitable cells
action potential propogation
self generating
like positive feedback
creates more action potentials
wat to make enough to go all the way from trigger zone to axon terminal
ions diffuse away from point of entry
previous segment is inactivated (absolute refractory period)
positive feedback
influence of axon diameter
influence of myelin`
positive feedback - action potential propagation
sodium will diffuse in both directions
from +30 axon to the -70 axon to make the -70 depolarize and reach threshold
only goes forward
sodium channels where the signal was just at are inactivated
absolute refractory period
don’t generate any signal in proceeding signal, just forward
that is why peak is so high
threshold: -55
resting: -70
middle: -30
influence of axon diameter- action potential propogation
drinking straw
wider is easier
narrow: more friction and resistance
narrow: sodium ions have more contact with cell membrane of axon- more friction, resistance, and collisions
wider: just travel down middle
influence of myelin - action potential propogation
oligodendrocytes or schwann cells
oligodendrocytes: cell body, several branching structures, central
schwann cells- axon like we know, peripheral
covers/insulates sections- its fatty- not going to let ions out, cant travel through
nodes of ranvier
little gaps- ions can leak out here
saltatory conduction
signal hops or jumps from node to node
doesn’t look continuous
sodium ions diffuse
if diffuse enough
diffuse under myelin
cant leak out
reach potential
don’t have to generate action potentials
just reach threshold by diffusion
may lose some ions but just need enough to reach threshold
not on brain or spinal cord
Axon terminals
chemical synapses- always have space, requires energy: make neurotransmitter, release the proteins
electrical synapses
chemical synapses of axon terminals
voltage-gated calcium channels
vesicles maintaining neurotransmitter
ligand gated ion channels
fate of neurotransmitters
vesicles maintaining neurotransmitter of chemical synapses of axon terminals
spherical sac
contains protein (neurotransmitter)
exocytosis of chemical synapses of axon terminals
terminal end manufactured protein
vesicle migrate to surface and fuse with all membrane
what is inside cell moved out (exocytosis)
golgi apparatus packaging neurotransmitter into vesicles
vesicles now in synaptic cleft
ligand gated ion channels of chemical synapses of axon terminals
calcium: allows for neurotransmitter to release, the right amount enters to release the right amount of neurotransmitters- facilitated diffusion
neurotransmitter bind to ligand gated channel
change post synaptic cell permeability
fate of neurotransmitters of chemical synapses of axon terminals
enzymatically destroyed
reuptake into axon terminal by transport proteins
both are either or- if enzyme is available- will destroy- no reuptake
fate of neurotransmitters- enzymatically destroyed
enzyme in space
chemically/ enzymatically destroys neurotransmitter
fate of neurotransmitters- reuptake into axon terminal by transport proteins
go back into presynaptic cell after job done (endocytosis)
get repackaged and used again
less manufacturing- less energy
reuptake: no enzyme to wipe out for neurotransmitter