Exam 2 Flashcards
bone classification by shape
- long bones
- short bones
- sesamoid (round) bones (sometimes considered a type of short bone)
- flat bones
- irregular bones
long bones
femur, finger, toes
one axis is longer than other axis
short bones
ankles, wrist
axes are all about the same length
sesamoid (round) bones (sometimes considered a type of short bone)
completely embedded in connective tissue
flat bones
broad surface, relatively thin
irregular bones
everything else
facial bones, vertebrae
gross anatomy of long bones
only appendages
all bones with names are organs
bone is type of connective tissue
widely spread
intracellular matrix
- epiphyses (singular=epiphysis) and diaphysis
- articular (hyaline) cartilage
- medullary cavity
- compact (cortical) bone and cancellous (spongy, trabecular) bone
- endosteum and periosteum
- red marrow and yellow marrow
epiphyses (singular=epiphysis) and diaphysis
distal and proximal
only long bones
goes between the epiphyses
articular (hyaline) cartilage
all bones with synovial joints
form union with another bone
medullary cavity
lined with endosteum
only long bones
compact (cortical) bone and cancellous (spongy, trabecular) bone
spongy- inside
spongy- mass without the weight, porous, blood vessels wind way through open spaces
all bones have
endosteum and periosteum
inside bone
inside medullary cavity
only long bones have endosteum
all bones have periosteum
goes around the bone
dense fibrous connective tissue
collagen protein- primary
red marrow and yellow marrow
red marrow
all bones
found in spongy
makes all blood cells
yellow marrow
only long bones
in medullary cavity
fatty substance, store calories
microscopic structure of bone
- compact (cortical) bone
- cancellous (spongy, trabecular) bone
compact (cortical) bone
- osteons present
- osteocytes, lacunae, canaliculi
- matrix of collagen and inorganic salts
- central canal, lamellae, osteons
- perforating canals
osteocytes, lacunae, canaliculili
osteocytes look like spiders
central canals, lamellae, osteons
all rings make osteons
osteons with central canal in middle
contain blood vessels
rings of tissue around central canal called lamellae
blood vessels only in central canal
rely on diffusion to get nutrients
osteons about same size due to limit of diffusion
perforating canals
90 degree angles to central canal
how blood gets from blood vessels in medullary cavity out to central canals
cancellous (spongy, trabecular) bone
1.all bone tissue have canaliculi and lacunae but compact arranged around central canal
2. osteocytes, lacunae, canaliculi
3. matrix of collagen and inorganic salts
4. trabeculae, lamellae
osteocytes, lacunae, canaliculi
lacunae- white space around cells
canaliculi- space around extensions where bone cells meet (gap junctions)
exchange nutrients well
trabeculae, lamellae
trabeculae- bony plate
lamellae- arranged in circular rings- no central canal. blood supply isn’t in center- all around due to gap junctions
cells are connected by gap junctions
things unique to long bone
medullary cavity
yellow marrow
things all bones have
articular (hyaline) cartilage
compact bone
spongy bone
red marrow
cancellous (spongy, Trabecular) bone
trabeculae present
all bond tissues have canaliculi and lacunae but compact arranged around central canal
- osteocytes, lacunae, canaliculi
- Matrix of collagen and inorganic salts
- trabeculae, lamellae
osteocytes, lacunae, canaliculi
lacunae- White space around cells
canaliculi- space around extensions where bone cells meet (gap junctions) - exchange nutrients well
trabeculae, lamellae
bony plate
arranged in circular rings- no central canal
blood supply isnt in center- all around due to gap junctions
hyaline cartilage
- chondroblasts, chondrocytes, and lacunae
- Very fine collagen fibers in matrix
- ground substance = protein polysaccharide plus water
chondroblasts, chondrocytes, and lacunae
many bones start out as hyaline cartilage- long bones
lacunae- chamber cell is in
chondro- cartilage
extracellular matrix- firm jello like substance w/ collagen fibers- ex) nose
not good Blood supply so it doesn’t heal well
bone development
- intramembranous ossification
- endochondral ossification
Intramembranous ossification
- Baby cranium, starts in membrane as soft spots
- Layers of primitive mesenchyme
- mesenchymal cells differentiate into osteoblasts
- Dense vascular supply
- Osteocytes soon isolated in Lacunae
- . periosteaum Forms from mesenchyme
- Compact bone deposited over spongy bone
Layers of primitive mesenchyme
Collagen connective tissue-is not in adults
Hasnt specialized
Progenitor cell is not specialized
Will become connective tissue cell
gene expression activates progenitor cell
mesenchymal cells differentiate into osteoblasts
bone forming cell
Osteocytes soon isolated in Lacunae
become osteocyte when form lacunae around
transport nutrients and waste products
periosteaum Forms from mesenchyme
progenitor cell specializes to become fibroblast
Compact bone deposited over spongy bone
fibroblasts form from progenitor cell on the outside or surface of periosteum
form spongy bone thin surface gaps filled with compact bone
spongy bone forms first due to less stuff having to be made- less mass
spongy bone is more prevalent
endochondral ossification
- hyaline cartilage model
- matrix degenerates, periosteum forms
- matrix degenerates, periosteum forms
- Spongy bone forms
- Osteopaths isolated in lacunae
- Compact bone deposited over spongy bone
- ossification centers
hyaline cartilage model
Collagen connective tissue-is not in adults
Hasnt specialized
Progenitor cell is not specialized
Will become connective tissue cell
matrix degenerates, periosteum forms
Cartilage dying from calcification
Has mold to fill
. periosteum develops
accumulates calcium- cartilage is dying
Blood vessels invade; osteoblasts differentiate under periosteum
Move into tissue with osteoblasts and develop with periosteum
Primary ossification center fill with bone
Remove volume in the form of cartilage
Blood invades epiphysis
epiphysis starts to ossify- secondary ossification center
ossification centers
trapped leftover cartilaginous model- epiphyseal plate where bone grows-articular cartilage is also left over
similarities between intramembranous and endochondral ossification
both are development
both starting material is different than end material
differences between intramembranous and endochondral ossification
mensenchyme- we dont have anymore
progenitor cells- specializes
good blood supply-always there
hyaline cartilage- still have
calcium cells- have to die
bad blood supply- invade later
growth of epiphyseal plate
- layers of cartilaginous cells
- phagocytic osteoclasts
- invasion of osteoblasts
- bone increases in length and thickness
- formation of medullary cavity
layers of cartilaginous cells
- resting cells
- mitotic cells
- enlarging, calcified cells
- dead cells, calcified matrix
resting cells
zone of resting cartilage
cartilage isn’t actively dividing
anchoring to epiphysis
mitotic cells
zone of proliferating cartilage
rapid cell division of chondrocytes
enlarging calcified cells
zone of hypertrophic cartilage
excessive growth
makes plate thicker
dead cells, calcified matrix
zone of calcified cartilage
cartilage dies and is removed and replaced by bone tissue
osteoblasts come from medullary cavity to replace cartilage with bone tissue
phagocytic osteoclasts
hollow out medullary cavity
invasion of osteoblasts
fills the spot of cleared out dead cartilage with bone tissue
bone increases in length and thickness
cartilage lengthens and thickens
bone tissue then fills
formation of medullary cavity
osteoclasts hollow out medullary cavity
was a macrophage
degrade bone tissue
bone homeostasis
- nutritional status (especially vitamins)
- regulation of blood calcium
- parathyroid hormone and osteoclasts
nutritional status (especially vitamins)
vitamins A, C, D
chemicals that enzymes need to do their job
cant do job without
A: osteoblasts, osteoclasts, chemical reactions
C: synthesize collagen
D: help absorb calcium
regulation of blood calcium
nerves and muscles do job
calcitonin of blood calcium
too high of blood calcium
thyroid- receptor
release calcitonin- control center
stimulate osteoblasts- effector (take calcium)
parathyroid hormone and osteoclasts
too low of blood calcium
parathyroid gland- receptor
release parathyroid hormone- control center
stimulate osteoclasts- effector (releases calcium)
Classification of joints by degree of movement
- synarthrotic
- amphiarthrotic
- diarthrotic
No movement
Everything in the face except the jaw
Little movement
Limited motion
Pubic symphysis, vertebral disks
Freely moving
elbow, wrist, finger, shoulder
Classification of joints by anatomy
- fibrous joints
Fibrous connective tissue, dens connective tissue, collagen- synarthrotic or amphiarthrotic - cartilaginous joints
Cartilage- synarthrotic or amphiarthrotic - synovial joints
Fibrous joints
- syndesmosis
- suture
interosseous ligament (between bone)
dense connective tissue and collage
Joint in the skull except the jaw
Connected by collagen
Holding tooth and socket
Dense connective tissue and collagen
periodontal ligament (around tooth)
Cartilaginous joints
- synchondrosis
2.symphysis with fibrocartilage
First rib to sternum
hyaline cartilage
symphysis with fibrocartilage
Pubic synthesis, vertebral disks, meniscus in the knee
Fibrocartilage (takes more stress) (ground substance has more collagen) (absorb shock)
synovial joints
- articular (hyaline) cartilage
- Joint capsule enclosing cavity
- Joint cavity containing synovial fluid
Joint capsule enclosing cavity
Keeps fluid from escaping
Dense fibrous connective tissue
Lined with synovial membrane
Joint cavity containing synovial fluid
Fluid filled space
Gives wider range of motion
special features of some (larger) synovial joints
- Fibrocartilage (articular) disks (ex=menisci of knee)
- bursae (singular=bursa)
Fibrocartilage (articular) disks (ex=menisci of knee)
pad of fibrocartilage
Additional shock absorption
knee, jaw
bursae (singular=bursa)
Sack that is fluid filled
Under Tendon
Helps cushion
Knee, shoulder, hip, elbow
Types of joint movement
- Flexion, extension
- adduction, Abduction
3.Circumduction - Rotation
- supination, pronation
- eversion, inversion; dorsiflexion, plantar flexion
- Protraction, retraction
- Elevation, depression
Flexion, extension
Bend, straighten
Joint angle smaller, joint angle larger
Hyperextension: going beyond normal anatomical position
adduction, Abduction
Goes back to line, takes away from line
Has a fixed point
distal end goes in circle
Central Axis
like a wheel
supination, pronation
Type of rotation
Palm up, palm down
eversion, inversion; dorsiflexion, plantar flexion
Turn soles laterally, turn soles immediately
point toes toward back, point toes toward bottom of feet (for the foot
Protraction, retraction
move forward, move back
ex) pigeon heads
Elevation, depression
raising body part, lower/bring body part back down
shrug shoulders
types of synovial joints
- Ball and socket (multiaxial or triaxial)
- codylar (ellipsoid) joint (biaxial)
- plane (gliding) joint (multiaxial) (or nonaxial)
- hinge joint (uniaxial)
- pivot joint (uniaxial)
- saddle joint (biaxial)
Ball and socket (multiaxial or triaxial)
hip and shoulder
cup shaped depression
round structure that tucks into depression
codylar (ellipsoid) joint (biaxial)
rounded structure is more elliptical than round
cant rotate
fingers that connect to hand
plane (gliding) joint (multiaxial) (or nonaxial)
between short bones
bones of hand or feet
cant go far but can move (slide)
some say that the singular joint cant move
most common joint in body
vertebrae above and below and with rib
hinge joint (uniaxial)
only flew and extend
toes and fingers
pivot joint (uniaxial)
lower arm
cervical vertebrae
saddle joint (biaxial)
some don’t recognize, some identify a lot
at bone of thumb
flex and extend
abduct and adduct
Active transport
Requires ATP
Against concentration gradient
Puts where it already has a lot of substance
Carrier protein required
ATP hydrolyzed releasing energy
Split water
Take off one phosphate to make ADP
Breaking ATP apart means allowing to move against gradient
Sodium potassium pump
Facilitated diffusion
acts to maintain gradient
higher [Na+] outside cell
higher [K+] inside cell
Ratio Na+ to K+ transported is three to two
Every time three Na+ moves out of cell
everytime move 2 K+ into cell
Significant energy expenditure by cell (around fifty percent)
Moving ions around
pump: Moves against gradient, changes shape, when open to inside cell Na+ binds and K+ leaves, When open to outside cell Na+ leave and K+ attach
leak channels
Don’t have a gate
Sodium potassium leeks with concentration gradient
always open
Gated channels
Requires ATP
Particular conditions when open
Mostly closed
outweigh leak channels
the membrane potential
potential: create situation for whats necessary in future. difference of concentration of ions inside and out. energy to do work
resting: Not contracting/ sending impulse
1. cell membrane compartmentalizes ions
2. concentration gradients established
3. ions passively move through selective, gated channels
4. relative concentrations constant
5. difference in charge between two areas creates potential energy
cell membrane compartmentalizes ions
make barriers
cant go in or out without channel
relative concentrations constant
[Na+] always higher outside cell
[K+] always higher inside cell
quantity of ions moving a tiny fraction of total ions present
if 15 seconds to leave classroom those closer to door/back of room will be able to leave, rest of people wont
difference in charge between two areas creates potential energy
- measure of cell’s ability to do work-energy
- resting membrane potential for neurons typically -70 mV
- ions moving, steady state, net flux=0
- Na+ and K+ leak channels (K+ permeability higher)
measure of cell’s ability to do work-energy
charge difference creates potential energy
membranes separates charges
resting membrane potential for neurons typically -70 mV
typical for neurons
KNOW THIS NUMBER: 70 charges less
when send impulse- becomes positive for a second
less positive inside than outside
always compared inside to outside
Relative:reference point. ions inside cell don’t move- are negative
ions moving, steady state, net flux=0
at rest, ions moving across membrane. movement in=movement out
Na+ and K+ leak channels (K+ permeability higher)
K+ permeability > Na+ permeability
all ions are + charges
why 3Na when K leak is so much better?
inside of cell relatively negative, attracts positive ions like Na+
symport carrier proteins Transports in glucose and sodium tags along
Na changes places in cell with H out of cell. may be necessary to control pH
neuron anatomy
controls skeletal muscles- in spinal cord
- cell body
- dendrites with ligan-gated and voltage-gated ion channels
- axon arises from axon hillock (also called trigger zone), many voltage-gated Na+ channels
- myelination
- form connections (synapses) with target cells
cell body
most cell of nucleus
dendrites with ligan-gated and voltage-gated ion channels
info enters/picked up
receive info
axon arises from axon hillock (also called trigger zone), many voltage-gated Na+ channels
only 1
carries impulse to next cell
goes to muscle it controls from spinal cord
trigger zone
has to achieve threshold
when threshold is reached, behavior change
a point at which change behavior
gated channels
allows for ions to diffuse
change ion distribution
can close
change in charge
for neuron cells: -70 will open, at -55 is the threshold. -60 closed, -65 closed, -55 open
when chemical attaches to gate it opens
schwann cells
independent cells
layered around axon-myelin
of membrane
polar ions cant leak out
allows impulses to travel faster
environment of neuron
outside/around: higher Na+; inside high in K+
synaptic potentials
- Communication between axon (sends message) and dendrite (receives message)
- graded potentials versus action potentials
- depolarization
- repolarization
- hyperpolarization
- excitatory post synaptic potential
- inhibitory post synaptic potential
- response can be very localized
- response can be additive
- cell body integrates all postsynaptic potentials
Communication between axon (sends message) and dendrite (receives message)
Neuro transmitter opens the gates (voltage) for Na+
presynaptic- chemically gated
post-voltage gated
axon terminal-where axon ends
synaptic knob- very end of axon, carry info to cell body
presynaptic to postsynaptic neuron- cells never touch (synaptic cleft)
graded potentials versus action potentials
stimulus small=response small
vice versa
on postsynaptic cell
lessen change difference
go back to starting point
making change difference even greater/ more pronounced
excitatory post synaptic potential
toward threshold
more likely to send impulse/contract
inhibitory post synaptic potential
less likely to send impulse/contract
away from threshold
if inhibitory doest work causes tremor disorders
response can be very localized
ions dont travel very far from entry point
get trigger zone to threshold
response can be additive
lots of sgnals-both inhibitory and excitatory signals add up
temporal summation
stimulus close to second
run together
rapid succession
adding together
bigger change
spatial summation
stimulations at multiple places on cell at same time
if didn’t have multiple wouldn’t reach threshold
if didn’t have multiple wouldn’t reach threshold
cell body integrates all postsynaptic potentials
suprathreshold and all the subthreshold
below threshold
suprathreshold and all the all or none principle
all or none
action potential
above threshold