Exam 3 Flashcards
Fred Griffith infected mice with what?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
What was the result of the experiment by Griffith in terms of strain combination?
Dead S + Live R = Kills mice
conclusion of the Griffith experiment
Living R has been TRANSFORMED to living
Is a mouse essential to the Griffith experiment?
No, it can be done in a dish
What did the Transformation experiment by Griffith set the stage for?
Fractionation experiments
what was the conclusion of the experiment by Avery, Macleod, and McCarty?
They concluded that DNA was hereditary material instead of protein
R cells + purified S cell polysaccharide ->
R colonies
R cells + purified s cel protein ->
R colonies
R cells + purified S cell RNA ->
R colonies
R cells + purified S cell DNA ->
S colonies
S cell extract + protease + R cells ->
S colonies
S cell extract + RNase + R cells ->
S colonies
Objection to Avery experiment by Harriet Taylor showed what result?
R DNA transforms ER to R; Exposure of these R to S DNA transforms to S; and S DNA transforms Er to S
What did Hotchkiss do?
Isolated penicillin resistant and streptomycin resistant S. Pneumoniae
In the Hotchkiss experiment, DNA from both the penicillin resistant and the streptomycin resistant strands can be used to transform what type of strains?
Conclusion of the Hershey and Chase experiement
DNA had the genetic info for synthesis of both viral components (coat protein with 32P DNA and 35S protein in coat)
DNA that is transferred to recipient
Genome of recipient
Recipient cell that is partially diploid as result of transfer process