Exam 3 Flashcards
A type of communal cult centered around rituals performed to worship or please a kin group’s ancestors.
ancestral cults
Qualities that make objects, actions, or language more beautiful or pleasurable,
according to culturally relative and variable standards.
Multinationality countries created by external powers; usually applied to former colonies.
artificial countries
Subfield whose practitioners use anthropological methods, theories, and concepts to solve practical, real-world problems; practitioners are often
employed by a governmental agency or private organization.
applied anthropology
Artificial artistic enhancement or beautification of the human body by painting, tattooing, scarification, or other means.
body arts
System of stratification in which membership in a stratum can theoretically be altered and intermarriage between strata is allowed.
Belief in spiritual beings.
Cults in which the members of a group cooperate to perform rituals intended to benefit all.
communal cults
Form of society in which there is little inequality in access to culturally valued rewards.
egalitarian society
Highly organized cults in which a full-time priesthood performs rituals believed to benefit believers or the whole society, usually in large buildings dedicated to religious purposes or deities; found in complex societies.
ecclesiastical cults
The creation of a new ethnic group.
The degree to which males and females are unequal in dimensions such as status, power or influence, access to valued resources, eligibility for social positions, and ability to make decisions about their own lives.
gender stratification
The process of integrating the world’s peoples economically, socially, politically, and culturally into a single world system or community.
A geographical region over which a particular ethnic group feels it has exclusive rights.
Culturally distinct peoples who have occupied a region longer than peoples who have colonized or immigrated to the region.
indigenous peoples
Cults based on personal relationships between specific individuals and specific supernatural powers.
individualistic cults
A kind of religious specialist, often full-time, who officiates at rituals.
The notion that the emotional or affective satisfactions people gain from religion are primary.
psychological approach
Forms of art such as music, percussion, song, dance, and theater/drama that involve sound and/or stylized body movements.
performance arts
Society that has a limited number of high-ranking social positions that grant authority; groups are ranked relative to one another, with the highest rank bringing the highest rewards in prestige, power, and sometimes wealth.
ranked society
A centralized, multilevel political unit characterized by the presence of a bureaucracy that acts on behalf of the ruling elite.
Society with marked and largely or partly heritable differences in access to wealth, power, and prestige; inequality is based mainly on unequal access to productive and valued resources.
stratified society
Cults in which certain individuals (shamans) have relationships with supernatural powers that ordinary people lack.
shamanistic cults
Part-time religious specialist who uses his special relationship to supernatural powers for curing members of his group and harming members of other groups.
The effects of religion on maintaining the institutions of society as a whole by instilling common values, creating solidarity, controlling behavior, and so forth.
sociological approach
Mechanisms by which behavior is constrained and directed into acceptable channels, thus maintaining conformity.
social control
A dependent subgroup within a larger nationality that lacks the concept of a
separate homeland and makes no claim to any inherent right to political autonomy and self-determination.
Definitions of sexual identities beyond the female and male duality, including third and fourth genders such as man–woman or woman–man.
multiple gender identities
An autonomous political unit encompassing a number of distinct, geographically dispersed communities held together by sodalities.
A form of communal cult in which all members of a kin group have mystical relationships with one or more natural objects.
The use of psychic powers to harm others by supernatural means.
Arts produced in a material or tangible form, including basketry, pottery, textiles, paintings, drawings, sculptures, masks, carvings, and the like.
visual arts
Physical differences based on genetic differences between females and males.
sexual dimorphism