Exam 2: Urine Concentration and Dilution I & II Flashcards
Define the main organ that regulates water balance and why
- Kindeys
- For the bodies water balance!
- Water Intake = Water Output
- For the bodies water balance!

Describe how urine osmolality and urine output can vary
and then calculate how this plays a role with the amount of Osmoles excreted/day
- Urine Osmolality
- Normal diet
- kidneys excrete ~ 600 mOsmol/day of solute
- *** Osmoles excreted/day = Uosm x V of Urine output/day ***
- 600 mOsmol/day = Uosm x V of Urine output/day
- If osm inc/dec, then volume has to inc/dec so excreted remains constant!
- Normal diet
Urine Output
V = Cosm + CH2O
- CH2O = free-water clearance (mL/min)
- V = urine flow rate (mL/min)
- Cosm = osmolar clearance ((UosmV)/Posm) (mL/min)
- The wide range of CH2O represents the kidneys’ attempt to stabilize the osmolality of the ECF in the face of changing loads of solutes and water
- CH2O can be as high as + 18 L/Day under maximally diluting conditions
- CH2O can be as little as - 1.5 L/Day under maximally concentrating conditions
V = Cosm + CH2O
Calculate urine output based on urine clearance and water clearance
Free Water Clearance (means how much water is being lost)
- Estimate the ability to concentrate or dilute urine
- Negative CH20 = kidney removes water; concentrated urine
- Positive CH20 = kidney generates water; dilute urine
- Estimate the ability to concentrate or dilute urine
*** CH2O = V – Cosm ***
- CH2O = free-water clearance (mL/min)
- V = urine flow rate (mL/min)
- Cosm = osmolar clearance ((UosmV)/Posm) (mL/min)
Calculate and understand Isosmotic urine
Isosmotic Urine
- Osmolality of the urine and plasma are the same
- Uosm = Posm
- CH2O = 0
- Osmolality of the urine and plasma are the same
Calculate and understand Hyposmotic** urine
Hyposmotic (Dilute) Urine
- V > Cosm
- CH2O is positive; free water movement
- Uosm < Posm
- Circulating ADH levels are LOW
- high water intake
Central diabetes
- low levels of ADH
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
- ADH is ineffective
Calculate and understand Hyperosmotic** urine
Hyperosmotic (Concentrated) urine
- V < Cosm
- CH2O is negative
- Uosm > Posm
- Circulating ADH levels are high
- Water deprivation
- Volume depletion
- kidney removes water
Differentiate how the kidney generates dilute urine versus concentrated urine
- Kidneys will dilute or concentrate urine as needed to regulate water balance
Increase urine volume
- decrease urine osmolality
Decrease urine volume
- increase urine osmolality
- If you don’t see these in opposite then something is going on!
Increase urine volume
- Renal failure reduces both the concentrating and diluting ability
Describe the three components involved urine output
Adequate glomerular filtration
- Needed to deliver NaCl and water to the loop of Henle
Na+ reabsorption without water reabsorption in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle
- Dilutes tubular fluid
- Creates the hypertonic medullary interstitial fluid
Water permeability in the collecting duct
- Controlled by ADH
Water Deprivation overview
- Water Deprivation
- Increases Posm
- Stimulates osmoreceptors in anterior hypothalamus
Increases secretion of ADH from posterior pituitary
Increases water permeability of late distal tubule and collecting duct
- Increases water reabsorption
Increases water permeability of late distal tubule and collecting duct
Increases secretion of ADH from posterior pituitary
Increases Uosm and decreases Vurine
- Decreases Posm toward normal
How is urine concentrated by location
Increased levels of ADH
- Proximal tubule: no change in osm
Loop of Henle:
hypotonic to plasma
- by the end of the thick ascending limb (diluting segment)
hypotonic to plasma
- increase in ADH
increase in water permeability
- increases osm
- CCT: No change
osm increases because of
- hyperosmolality of the medullary interstitium
- and ADH that raises the water permeability
osm increases because of

Describe the three components involved in the generation of the hyperosmotic medulla
Loop of Henle
- Remove NaCl and deposit in interstitium of renal medulla
- Salt reabsorption increases the osmolality of the interstitium and decreases osmolality of the fluid within the lumen
- Because NaCl is pumped out of the rather water-impermpeable loop of Henle, the tubule fluid at the end is hypo-osmotic in both antidiuresis and water diuresis
- Countercurrent system can enhance the osmotic gradient
- ADH augments NaCl reabsorption in the thick ascending limb
Urea concentration contributes to the high osmolality of the medullary interstitium
- Augmented by ADH
Vasa recta
- Maintains the osmotic gradient
- Excrete 15% of filtered urea
- IMCD reabsorbs 55% of urea into the medullary interstitium
- Vasa Recta and Loop of Henle reabsorb solute from the medullary interstitium

Describe the clinical outcomes when:
Low urea levels
Low urea levels
- Low protein intake
- Children < 1 yo
- Reduced capacity to concentrate their urine
Countercurrent Multiplier of the Loop of Henle
- Countercurrent arrangement of the loop of Henle magnifies the osmotic work that a single ascending limb can perform
- At any level, osmolality in the lumen of the ascending limb is lower than it is in the interstitium
- Depends on NaCl reabsorption in the thick ascending limb and countercurrent flow in the descending and ascending limbs of the loop of Henle
Augmented by ADH
- Presence of ADH increases the size of the corticopapillary osmotic gradient
Vasa Recta
- Countercurrent configuration that traps solutes in the medulla
- Only 5-10% of total renal plasma flow
- Passive exchange of water and solutes
- Descending vasa recta to gain solute and lose water
Ascending to lose solute and gain water
- Descending and ascending vessels exchange solutes and water at the expense of the medullary interstitium
- Medullary blood flow increases in states of low ADH

Water Intake overview
- Water Intake
- Decreases Posm
- Inhibits osmoreceptors in anterior hypothalamus
Decreases secretion of ADH from posterior pituitary
Decreases water permeability of late distal tubule and collecting duct
- Decreases water reabsorption
Decreases water permeability of late distal tubule and collecting duct
Decreases secretion of ADH from posterior pituitary
Decreases Uosm and increases Vurine
- Increases Posm toward normal
How is urine diluted by location
water diuresis
Decreased levels of ADH
- Proximal tubule: no change in osm
Loop of Henle:
hypotonic to plasma
- by the end of the thick ascending limb (diluting segment)
hypotonic to plasma
- decrease in ADH
limited water permeability
- pumping salt out of tubule
- pumping salt out of tubule
- pumping salt out of tubule

Describe the clinical outcomes for:
Primary polydipsia
- Excessive fluid intake in the absence of physiological stimuli to drink
- Serum ADH = Decreased
- Serum Osm = Decreased
- Urine Osm = Hyposmotic
- Urine flow rate = High
- CH2O = Positive
Describe the clinical outcomes for:
Central diabetes Insipidus
- Failure of ADH secretion
- Serum ADH = Decreased
- Serum Osm = Increased (too much H2O excretion)
- Urine Osm = Hyposmotic
- Urine flow rate = High
- CH2O = Positive
Describe the clinical outcomes for:
Nephrogenic diabetes Insipidus
- Kidneys don’t respond to ADH
- Serum ADH = Increased
- Serum Osm = Increased (too much H2O excretion)
- Urine Osm = Hyposmotic
- Urine flow rate = High
- CH2O = Positive
Describe the clinical outcomes for:
Water deprivation
- No water intake
- Serum ADH = Increased
- Serum Osm = High - normal
- Urine Osm = Hyperosmotic
- Urine flow rate = Low
- CH2O = Negative
Describe the clinical outcomes for:
(Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion)
Secrete high levels of ADH
- Increases water reabsorption by the collecting ducts
- Serum ADH = Super Increased
- Serum Osm = Decreased- reabsorption of too much H2O
- Urine Osm = Hyperosmotic
- Urine flow rate = Low
- CH2O = Negative
Oat Cell carcinomas of the lung may secrete ADH that is unregulated.
- As a result, blood levels of ADH can become extraordinarily high.
Diabetes Insipidus:
Central DI vs. Nephrogenic DI
Central DI
- Failure of ADH secretion
- Administer ADH
- Rapidly increases urine osmolarity more than 50%
Nephrogenic DI
- Kidneys respond inadequately to ADH (receptors!)
- Administer ADH
- Less of an increase in urine osmolarity compared to central DI