Exam 2: Renal acid / base regulation and disorders I Flashcards
Define acid, base, strong acid, strong base
- molecules containing hydrogen atoms that can release H+ in solutions
- ion or molecule that can accept an H+
Strong acid
- rapidly dissociates and releases large amounts of H+ in solution
Strong base
- reacts rapidly and strongly with H+ to form water
Define the normal plasma H+ levels
- Normal H+ concentration is 40nM
Describe factors that alter H+ plasma levels
Factors that alter H+ plasma levels:
- Metabolism of ingested food
- Secretions of the GI tract
- De novo generation of acids and bases from metabolism of stored fat and glycogen
- Changes in the production of CO2
Describe 3 systems that regulate H+ concentration
Buffer system; prevent changes in H+ concentration
- Acts within seconds
Respiratory center; regulates removal of CO2 and therefore H2CO3
- Acts within minutes
Kidneys; excrete either acid or alkaline urine and readjust the extracellular H+ fluid concentration
- Acts within hours to days
Know the buffer systems and where they are located
Bicarbonate buffer system
- major extracellular HCO3-
Phosphate buffer system
- important urinary buffer and intracellular buffer
Proteins and organic phosphates
- intracellular buffers

Respiratory Regulation of Acid-Base
- Control of extracellular CO2 concentration
Increase ventilation
- decreases CO2 concentration
- reduces H+ concentration
Decreased ventilation
- increases CO2
- increases H+ concentration

Renal transport of acids and bases:
3 main mechanisms of regulation
- Regulate secretion of H+
- Regulate reabsorption of filtered HCO3-
- Regulate production of new HCO3-
H+ secretion and HCO3- reabsorption
- Most occur** in the **proximal tubule
- occur in all parts except** the descending and ascending **thin limbs of the loop of Henle

Explain how the kidneys secretes H+<span> </span>:
1) Proximal tubule, Thick ascending loop, Early distal tubule
- Mechanism: Sodium hydrogen counter-transport
2) Late distal tubule, Collecting tubules
- Mechanism: Hydrogen ATPase

Explain how the kidneys secretes H+<span> </span>:
In the Proximal tubule, Thick ascending loop, Early distal tubule
Proximal tubule, Thick ascending loop, Early distal tubule
- Mechanism: Sodium hydrogen counter-transport
- Begins with CO2
- CO2 either diffuses into the tubular cells or is formed by cellular metabolism
- CO2 + H2O (carbonic anhydrase) form H2CO3 that dissociates into HCO3- and H+
H+ secreted by the Na-hydrogen exchanger
- Allows bicarb in lumen to come back into cells
- Does not require energy and takes no ATP
- Sodium gradient into the cell drives H+ against its gradient
- The sodium gradient is established by the Na-K pump in the basolateral membrane
Does NOT establish a high H+ concentration in the tubular fluid (not very acidic)
- Only becomes acidic in the collecting tubules and collecting duct
- Begins with CO2

Explain how the kidneys secretes H+<span> </span>:
Late distal tubule, Collecting tubules
Late distal tubule, Collecting tubules
- Mechanism: Hydrogen ATPase
- For each H+ secreted
- a HCO3- reabsorbed via Cl- / HCO3- exchange
- H+ secretion is achieved via primary active transport in intercalated cells
- For each H+ secreted
- H+ is titrated with HCO3- which leads to reabsorption of one HCO3- for each H+ secreted
- When H+ is secreted in excess of the HCO3-
- Kidneys will reabsorb all filtered HCO3-
- H+ will combine with buffers in the tubular fluid
- Phosphate buffer, Ammonia buffer, Urate and citate (weak buffer system)
- The excess H+ that combines with buffers other than HCO3- will generate new HCO3-
- When H+ is secreted in excess of the HCO3-
- Secretion of H+ results in a huge effect on H+ concentration and pH
- Tubular fluid can decrease to a pH of approximately 4.5
- The secretion of H+ in the late distal tubules and collecting tubules is important in forming acidic urine

Explain how the kidneys reabsorbs HCO3-<span> </span>:
Proximal tubule, Thick ascending loop, Early distal tubule
- Mechanism: Na- / HCO3- co-transport
- H+ combines with HCO3- in the lumen to form carbonic acid
- Carbonic acid dissociates to form CO2 and H2O
- CO2 travels into the cell to combine with H2O and eventually HCO3-
- Moves downhill across the basolateral membrane into the interstitial fluid and capillary blood
- For every H+ secreted into the tubular lumen, a HCO3- enters the blood

Why such a convoluted way to reabsorb HCO3-?
Proximal tubule, Thick ascending loop, Early distal tubule
- Mechanism: Na- / HCO3- co-transport
- Why such a convoluted way to reabsorb HCO3-?
- Bicarbonate ions cannot permeate the renal tubular cells
- Normal conditions:
- 4400mEq/L H+ secreted
- 4320mEq/l HCO3- filtered
- Slight excess of H+ combines with urinary buffers to be excreted in the urine
Metabolic Alkalosis
Metabolic Acidosis
- Metabolic Alkalosis
- Excess HCO3- relative to H+
- Excess of HCO3- is not reabsorbed
- HCO3- excreted in the urine to correct metabolic alkalosis
- Metabolic Acidosis
- Excess of H+ relative to HCO3-
- Complete reabsorption of HCO3-
- Excess H+ passes via urine
Describe the phosphate buffer system.
- Composed of HPO4- and H2PO4-
- As long as there is HCO3- in the tubular fluid, H+ will combine with HCO3-
When all the HCO3- is reabsorbed and no longer available, excess H+ will combine with phosphate buffer to be excreted as a sodium salt
- H+ combines with NaHPO4- to form NaH2PO4-
- The combination of H+ with phosphate buffer results in net gain of HCO3- to the blood

Describe the ammonia buffer system.
Two parts to the ammonia buffer system which involves NH3 and NH4+ (ion)
Ammonium ion synthesized from glutamine makes 2 new HCO3-
* Glutamine derived from metabolism of amino acids in the liver
* Proximal tubules, thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, and distal tubule
Ammonium ion synthesized from glutamine makes 2 new HCO3-
NH3 present in the lumen combines with secreted H+ to form NH4+ and makes 1 new HCO3-
* Collecting tubules
NH3 present in the lumen combines with secreted H+ to form NH4+ and makes 1 new HCO3-
- Ammonia buffer system accounts for:
- 50% of acid excretion
- 50% of new HCO3- generation
- With chronic acidosis, the dominant mechanism by which acid is eliminated is excretion of NH4+
2 new bicarbs from break down of glutamine plus another 1 new bicarb from the ammonia buffer in lumen
- Vs. phosphate buffer which only creats 1 new bicarb

Ammonia buffer system: Differentiate the mechanisms between the
Proximal tubular cells
from the
Collecting tubular cells
Ammonia buffer system
- mechanisms of proximal tubular cells
- Glutamine metabolized in the cell yielding 2NH4+ and 2HCO3-
- NH4+ secreted into the tubular lumen by the sodium-NH4+ exchanger
- HCO3- transported across the basolateral membrane along with reabsorbed sodium
- Each molecule of glutamine metabolized, 2 NH4+ secreted into urine and 2 HCO3- reabsorbed into the blood
- mechanisms of collecting tubular cells
- Ammonia diffuses into the tubular lumen
- Ammonia reacts with H+to form NH4+ which is then excreted
- For each NH4+ excreted, 1 new HCO3- is formed and returned to the blood
- Nets 3 new bicarbs!