exam 2 study guide Flashcards
mastery values
the idea that educated people using rational, knowledge and technology should rule others and nature
the supposed extrasensory power of an individual, that is, the power to see or feel objects or events that could not be perceived by the senses or measured objectively
theory connecting the size and shape of the brain with human behavior and the individual’s personality
an exact science of the functional relations of dependency between body and mind
Developed by Gustav T. Fechner
what does structural psych focus on?
structuralism states that the nature of psychological phenomena in mental elements
second psychology
The psychological study of experiences that are incarnated in the brain and the nervous system and appear in the form of myths, fairy tales, and beliefs
a belief that the living could correspond with the deceased through special channels of communication
view that explains the creation of the universe and of all living organisms as an act of God
theory proposing to improve society by improving people’s hereditary features
mary caulkin’s role
-mary calling believed that both structural and functional approaches could coexist and complement each other
- Developed a branch called “self-psychology that had 3 founding concepts
recapitulation theory
maintains that a child goes through stages and critical periods of development With adolescence characterized by rapid mood changes, inner conflicts, and behavioral turmoil
In a way, adolescence is a new birth.
social engineering
a general concept to describe the use of science by the government or other social institutions to improve society through policies.
binet, simon-binet
created IQ and intelligence scale
- a test to measure the mental abilities of 15 year olds/teenagers
what is lewis terman known for?
he standardized the scale used in the Simon–Binet using a large American sample, hence currently known as Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
hugo munsterberg’s contribution
made a contribution to psychology as a specialist in work efficiency