Exam 2 Study Guide Flashcards
painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints.
Anorexia nervosa
eating disorder that causes people to obsess about their weight and the food they eat
binges on food or has regular episodes of overeating and feels a loss of control. The person then uses different methods – such as vomiting or abusing laxatives – to prevent weight gain
Care of Alzheimers
a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.
Causes of Alzheimer’s
Genetics. Dementia. Loss of brain cells.
Causes of cognitive impairment
dementia. stress. paranoia. *Causes- Depression; Anxiety; suspicious, delusions, paranoia, schizophrenia; mental retardation; dementia; closed head injuries; aneurysm
Causes of suicide among teens
depression, bullying, grief of loss,
causes of temporary confusion and disorientation
Changes in CV system
heart muscle becomes less efficient, cardiac output decreases, blood vessels narrow and become less elastic, blood flow decreases, blood pressure decrease or increase
7 year old characteristics
5-12 lbs weight gain a year. muscle reflexes better
physical activities and playing
mental/ emotional development
Non verbal communication
gestures, facial expressions, body language, appearance
verbal communication
fluency, word choice, speed, clarity, tone
Communication barriers
culture, ethnicity, hearing loss, impaired vision, speech impairments
Communication feedback
listening, correct answers, tones, open questions
substitution of one goal for another goal to achieve success
confidential care
growth and development
measurable physical changes in humans and changes in intellectual, mental, emotional, social
any care that results in harm
can lead to irreversible memory loss, deterioration of intellectual functions, disorientation, speech, and gait problems
exchange of info: the exchange of info between people
designation of POA or health care surrogate
Document that permits an individual to appoint an another person to make any decisions about health care if the principle should become unable to make choices
Infancy Characteristics
birth to one year
dramatic rapid changes
physical development
Early childhood characteristics
1-6 years
physical development
average weight 45
muscle and reflexes
Late childhood
6-12 years
physical development
5-12 lbs
better muscles and reflexes
physical development
girls are almost permanently developed
prime child bearing years
early adulthood
physical development
prime child bearing years
Middle adulthood
ages 40-65
grey hair, wrinkles, glasses
weight gain, flabby skin
Late adulthood
most PR
65% of all health care costs
Diagnosis of alzheimers
not one true form, tests
medical condition: condition in humans, plants, or animals that results in pathological symptoms and is not direct result of physical injury
Transferring feelings about one person to someone else
do not resuscitate
Domestic Violence
attempting or threatening harm to any household member
painful urination. infection
difficulty swallowing less saliva leads to slower gag reflex
Factors of communication
perceptions, clarifying, attentive listening, changing subjects, open-ended questions, close ended questions
Five stages of death
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
vascular, mixed, dementia and Lewy bodies,
intraocular pressure of the eye increases and interferes with vision
Grasp reflex
infants can grasp objects placed in hands
pathological or compulsive keeping of objects
hospice function
care that provides comfort and support
allows patient to die in dignity
inability to control urine
Independence vs dependence
being able to be safe and make choice on your own vs not being able to
Infant physical development
developing muscles and coordination
teeth change
levels of communication
verbal, nonverbal, intrapersonal, interpersonal, public, mass
Living will
document that allows individual to state what measures should or shouldnt be taken to prolong life
Loneliness in elderly
can be especially debilitating to older adults and may predict serious health problems and even death
death of spouse, knowledge of future death
Loss of adipose tissue in elderly
production of new skin cells decrease
sebaceous and sudoriferous glands become less active
avoid smelling lotion
melanin patches
natural skin pigmentation spot
moro reflex
involuntary reflex to stimulation of newborns
needs for safety and security
feel secure in environments
free from fear and anxiety
needs of humans
physicological, safety, love, and affection, esteem, self acualization
nonverbal behaviors
gestures, mannerisms, expressions, body language
specially trained person who acts and advocate for others to improve care conditions
bones become porous and brittle because of lack of calcium and phosphorous
bone inflammation produced by a pathogenic organism
organisms cause formation of abscesses within the bone and an accumulation of pus in the medullary canal
nervous or anxious
patient adovate
makes decisions for the patient
patients rights
made clear in the patients bill of rights
percent of people in long term care
placing the blame for ones own actions to others
stealing of possessions
psychological care of dying
give them control
allow them to talk how they wanty
acknowledge difficult requests
fears are dying alone and with pain
Psychological barriers of communication
prejudice, attitude, personality, judging, preaching, moralizing, lecturing, overreacting, arguing, advising,
period of growth and development where secondary sexual characteristics begin
defense mechanism involving the use of reasonable excuses as behavior explanations
reality orientation
activities to help promote awareness of time, place, person
can cause emotional distress
right to die
a patient should be able to choose if they would like to die or not
rooting reflex
a touch on the cheek can cause opening of mouth and turn of the head in newborns
self actualization
obtaining full potiental, confidence,self secure
sexual needs of elderly
completely normal does not cease due to age
signs of abuse
unexplained bruises fractures burns poor hygiene
signs of suicide
appetite changes
alcohol and drug abuse
loss of interest in activities
poor hygiene
social development of 2 year old
still dont play with others
sharing is a problem
need routines
social skills of children
still dont play with others
sharing is a problem
interactions with people
stages of dying
1 denial- refuses to believe
- anger- no longer able to deny but unreasonable doing so
- bargaining- accepts deaths, but wants more time
- depression- realizes death will soon come
sucking reflex
slight touch to the lips triggersit
people with dementia who “sundown” get confused and agitated as the sun goes down
aware of unacceptable thoughts but refuses to deal with them
blood clot
a transient ischemic attack is when blood flow to a part of the brain stops for a brief period of time
trust vs mistrust
stage occurs between birth and approximately 18 months of age. according to erikson, the trust stage is the most important period in a persons life
vascular degneration
deteriotation of blood vessels
individual ceases to communicate or physically removes self from situations