Exam 2 Questions Flashcards
The taxonomic system of naming organisms was created by
In a phenetic taxonomy, humans are in the Family of Hominidae because
They are habitual bipeds
What two species share the genus Pan?
Chimpanzees and Bonobos
Which of the following is a classification system based on order of evolutionary branching?
The most primitive primates that have a moist naked outer nose are called
Most primates share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT
Relatively short periods of postnatal dependency
Of all land mammals, the primates have the largest relative
Which of the following primates is least social?
Humans, Bonobos, Gorillas, or Orangutans
The suborder Anthropoidea includes all of the following except…
(Lemurs, Monkeys, Apes, Humans)
Which of the following is NOT one of the four species collectively known as the great apes?
(Orangutans, Chimpanzees, Baboons, Bonobos)
The primate that has a flat face, no prehensile feet but the most dextrous hands are called
Which primate has the longest period of postnatal dependency?
Humans experience estrus when they are most fertile.
Phenetic classification is based on the order of evolutionary branching.
True depth perception is also called stereoscopic vision which is an evolutionary adaptation to living in the trees.
The Old World catarrhine primates consist of monkeys, apes, and humans
The notochord is the evolutionary precursor to the vertebral column
Traits that allow members of the superfamily Hominidea to climb and hang from branches include a flexible shoulder joint and a stronger collar bone.
Primates do not have highly developed senses of auditory and olfactory senses as other animals.
Bipedalism is a trait common to almost all primates.
New World and Old World monkeys are distinguished by their nostrils.
The human primate has the largest brain absolutely and relatively.
Shared derived characteristics are also known as
Which of the following would be considered the most dominant in a baboon social hierarchy? • A large aggressive adult male • A large aggressive adult female • The most fertile female • The male with the most offspring
A large aggressive male
Which of the following primates has been seen to hunt cooperatively and kill small pigs, antelopes, and monkeys?
(Baboons, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Bonobos)
Which of the following primates has been seen to use sex as a means of social group cohesion?
(Baboons, Orangutans, Bonobos, Chimpanzees)
Ethology is the study of animals…
Under natural conditions
Baboon groups range in size from…
20 to 200 individuals
Which of the following is a real example of tool usage among primates? • Termite sticks • Stone tools • Leaves as rain hats • All of the above
Much of that we know about chimp behavior comes from the studies of
Jane Goodall
Scientists have observed all of the following chimp behavior except…
• Rudimentary attempts at writing
• Males attacking and killing other chimps
• Social interactions such as kissing, hugging, and bowing
• Males helping their brothers in competitions for dominance
Rudimentary attempts at writing
Bonobos... • Often hunt together • Walk upright more often than chimps • Use tools but not to acquire food • Are more war-like than chimps
Use tools but not to acquire food
Bonobos are found…
In the Congo
Human behavior is the result of mostly genetics with little to no modifications from culture.
The behavior of Baboons hints that early human behavior was characterized by social cooperation and organization.
Chimps and Bonobos are out best analogies to himan behavior because they are our closest primate relatives.
Chimpanzee society is marked by cooperation and mutual concern, which is seen mostly within the family unit of siblings.
Fruit is the one food that chimps will share.
Group cooperative behavior is an example of a homology between humans and chimpanzees.
Bonobo society is more peaceful than that of chimpanzees.
Bonobos exhibit sexual behavior only when a female can conceive an offspring.
Physical differences between the sexes of a species, not related to reproductive features, are referred to as
Sexual dimorphism
Besides the pelvis, which of the following is the best feature for identifying the sex of a human skeleton?
Humans, as a species, are labeled ______ with respect to their diet.
The study of disease and nutritional deficiency in prehistoric populations is called
If something turns to stone, it is said to be
The deeper a layer of strata is the older it is defines the idea of
A dating method that indicates the age of one item in comparison to another
Radiocarbon dating can establish the age of fossils back to about
50,000 years
Which of the following is NOT a condition conducive to the preservation of organic remains?
• Extreme dryness
• Cold and dry conditions at high altitudes
• Lack of oxygen around the remains
• Heavy accumulation of fallen leaves each autumn
Heavy accumulation of fallen leaves each autumn
In the 1960’s, researchers Vincent Sarich and Alan Wilson calculated that chimps and himans branched a mere ______, much more recently than was previously thought.
5 mya
A fossil is considered scientifically useless unless it has a known provenance.
Age of death can be determined from skeletal remains.
Trephination is a surgical procedure that involves cutting a hole in the skull.
The dating method that indicates the age of one item in comparison to another is called absolute dating technique.
Radiocarbon dating is an example of relative dating technique
Potassium-argon dates organic remains to about 50,000 years.
The study of how a fossil becomes part of the paleontological record is called taphonomy
It is common for a living creature to become fossilized upon death.
Humans and chimpanzees are more than 98% identical at the nucleotide level
Due to a mutation humans have a reduction in muscle fibers and some of the jaw muscles compared to other primates.
About when do undisputed primates appear in the fossil record?
55 mya
An important evolutionary shift that marked the origin of the anthropoids included what change?
Less leaping and more climbing through the trees with all fours
The biggest primate ever, Gigantopithecus, is estimated to have stood
10 to 12 feet tall
Starting around ______, we find more fossils of ground dweling, open-country apes whose larger back teeth with thicker enamel point to an increased mixed vegetable diet that included harder foods such as nuts.
12 mya
The “Taung baby” looks like a young ape except for a couple of important differences. One of those differences is
The location of the foramen magnum
Which of the following is NOT considered to be a potential adaptive reason for bipedalism?
It takes more metabolic energy to run somewhere than to walk
Which of the following genera is NOT extinct?
The sagittal crest is
A ridge bone, running from back to front along the top of the skull
The purpose of the sagittal crest
Muscles attach to it to aid in chewing
The ape like trait of the jutting forward of the lower face and jaws is called
Savanna adapted early hominins are classified in genus
What is robust about the so called robust early hominins?
Chewing areas
Orrorin is thought by some to be a hominin because of its
Competitive exclusion is
When one species competes with others for the resources of a particular area and wins
Aegyptipithecus existed 34 mya in the Fayum region of what is today Egypt.
One theory about the evolution of New World monkeys is that they originated in South America.
Early species of hominid lived in ecotones that were a mix of forest and open areas
The skeleton known as “Lucy” is one of the species Australopithecus afarensis
According to the author, bipedalism evolved only once and only in the evolutionary chain leading to Homo sapiens.
Genus Paranthropus is characterized by robust chewing muscles and teeth with a chimp-sized brain
Salehanthropus tchadensis was found in the Sahel region of Africa and is thought to have a mosaic of ape and hominid characteristics.
All the species of the genus Australopithecine are known to walk bipedally and make stone tools.
According to the author, some of the early hominin fossils may have been bipedal apes
Ardipithecus ramidus supports the idea that bipedalism evolved first on the savannah