Exam 2: Head And Neck Flashcards
Elongated tube, dull retracted & white tympanic membrane, sensorineural hearing loss.
Normal aging process
Chronic inflammatory lesion turns to an ulcer (biopsy to rule out carcinoma) (Add pic)
Chondrodermatitis Helicis
Deposit of uric acid crystals (characteristic of chronic gout) (add pic)
Hole in eardrum with thin transparent membranes covering the perforation. Indication of chronic infection
Perforation of tympanic membrane

Scarring process of the middle ear from otitis media

Caused by bacterial infection (S. pneumonia or H. influenzae). Symptoms: earache, fever, or hearing loss. Eardrum reddens, loses its landmarks, and bulges laterally. Erythematous bulging tympanic membrane w/ yellow mucoid effusion & absent light reflex, may have diminished movement.
Acute Otitis Media (AOM)

Caused by viral upper respiratory infection (otitis media w/ serous effusion) or sudden changes in atomspheric pressure (flying or diving). Amber fluid behind the eardrum is characteristic. Fullness and popping sensation in the ear.
Serous effusion

Swollen, narrow, moist, pale and tender canal (may be reddened)
Acute Otitis Externa (AOE) or swimmer’s ear

AAP recommends screening for?
All children under 4. Hearing screening also at birth.
Pneumatic Scope
if tympanic membrane fails to move- likely a middle ear effusion.
Preauricular anomalies (tag or pit). check for what?

Renal issues
painful hemorrhagic vessels on tympanic membrane and/or ear canal. Blood tinged discharge & conductive hearing loss. Caused by mycoplasma, viral & bacterial otitis media
Bullous Myringitis

When nasal mucosa is pale, bluish, and boggy
Allergic rhinitis

When nasal mucusa is red and swollen.
Viral rhinitis

pale sac-like growths that can obstruct air passages. seen in allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, asthma, and CF