Exam 2 - Elbow, Wrist and Hand Flashcards
What are the three bones in the elbow and forearm?
Humerus, Radius, Ulna
What are the four articulations in the elbow and forearm?
Humeroradial Joint, Humeroulnar Joint, Proximal radioulnar joint, distal radioulnar joint
What is the elbow joint technically considered and why?
Trochogingylmoid Joint since it is a hinge and pivot joint
What two parts of the distal humerus articulate with the radius?
Capitellum and Radial Fossa
What parts of the distal humerus articulates with the ulna?
Trochlea, Coronoid Fossa, Olecranon Fossa
What part of the radius articulates with the humerus?
Radial head and fovea
What is different about the articulation of the radius with the humerus?
Both parts are concave
What parts of the radius articulates with the ulna?
Radial head, ulnar notch and styloid process
What parts of the ulna articulates with the humerus?
Trochlear Notch, Olecranon Process, Coronoid Process
What parts of the ulna articulate with the radius?
Radial Notch, Ulnar Head, Styloid Process
In the humeroradial joint, which surface is concave?
Radial head
In the humeroradial joint, which surface is convex?
Capitellum of humerus
Which surface moves in the humeroradial joint?
Concave radial head
Which direction does the radial head roll and slide during open chain flexion at the humeroradial joint?
Which direction does the radial head roll and slide during open chain extension at the humeroradial joint?
Which direction does the radial head spin during open chain supination at the humeroradial joint?
What direction does the radial head spin during open chain pronation of the humeroradial joint?
Which surface is concave in the humeroulnar joint?
Trochlear notch
Which surface is convex in the humeroulnar joint?
Which surface moves in the humeroulnar joint?
Concave trochlear notch
Which direction does the trochlear notch roll and slide during open chain flexion or the humeroulnar joint?
Which direction does the trochlear notch roll and slide during open chain extension of the humeroulnar joint?
Which surface is concave in the proximal radioulnar joint?
Radial notch
Which surface is convex in the proximal radioulnar joint?
Medial portion of the radial head
Which surface moves in the proximal radioulnar joint?
Convex medial portion of the radial head
Which direction does the medial portion of the radial head roll during open chain supination?
Which direction does the medial portion of the radial head roll during open chain pronation?
Which surface is concave in the distal radioulnar joint?
Ulnar notch of radius
Which surface is convex in the distal radioulnar joint?
Ulnar head
Which surface moves in the distal radioulnar joint?
Concave ulnar notch
Which direction does the concave ulnar notch roll and slide during open chain supination at the distal radioulnar joint?
Which direction does the ulnar notch of the radius roll and slide during open chain pronation at the distal radioulnar joint?
What muscles flex the elbow?
Biceps Brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Pronator Teres
What nerve innervates the Biceps Brachii muscle?
Musculocutaneous Nerve
What elbow flexor crosses two joints?
Biceps Brachii
What nerve innervates the brachialis?
Musculocutaneous Nerve
What nerve innervates the brachioradialis?
Radial nerve
What muscle innervates the pronator teres?
Median nerve
What muscles extend the elbow?
Triceps Brachii, Anconeus
What nerve innervates the elbow extensors?
Radial nerve