Exam 2: Bone marrow indications, leukocytes, leukograms Flashcards
When do you do a bone marrow evaluation?
Used to evaluate hematologic abnormalities that cannot be explained by PE, chemistry, CBC, history (neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, abnormal cell morphologies or cell populations/reactions.. etc)
define leukogram
Numeric data + morphologic abnormalities = leukogram
How do you distinguish between bands and neutrophils?
the end of bands are roughly parallel to each other.
What is the most numerous cell in most all species?
When would you expect to see more monos than metas on a blood slide?
during inflammation
Do lymphocytes participate in the peripherl blood inflammatory response?
No, they traffic and proliferate to the lymphoid tissues.
What is pyknosis? What does it indicate?
The nuclear shrinks. It represents death.
What does degeneration of nucleus look like? what does it indicate?
unwound. it getting used up.
what does hypersegmentation of a neutrophil mean?
It is getting old.
Define and describe “left shift”
When do you see left shift? what is it usually accompanied with?
Increased concentration of immature neutrophils in the blood (usually band neutrophils, may include metamyelocytes).
Left shifts can occur with neutrophilia, normal concentration of neutrophils, or neutropenia. If with neutropenia, it is a more severe inflammatory response.
When can you see fibrinogenemia?
seen during inflammation (especially in large animals)
What should you expect to see in a stress response?
with stress response EXPECT TO SEE LYMPHOPENIA. You MAY OR MAY NOT see neutrophilia. See monocytosis even less. EOSINOPHILS ALSO VERY SENSITIVE. If neutrophilia is present but no lymphopenia – NOT stress response.
what is gammopathy?
high (gamma?) globulins
What is the “doctor” word for decreased neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils?
includes neutropenia, lymphopenia, monocytopenia, eosinopenia
what is the “doctor” word for increased neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils?
“philia” or “cytosis”
neutrophilia, lymphocytosis, monocytosis, eosinophilia, (basophilia)
Bone Marrow Indcations Lecture
How do you prepare a proper bone marrow slide?
15‐18ga 1‐2 inch bone marrow aspiration needle (Jamshidi,etc.)
10‐12mL syringe
clean slides
2‐3% EDTA/saline sterile solution (optional – If not putting marrow into EDTA, slides made w/in 30 seconds!)
Sites: Illiac crest, Tronchanter Fossa of Proximal Femur, Proximal humerus, Rib, Sternum
Making slides:
Direct and squash preps
Flow cytometry, PCR, ICC, Cytochemistry – call your diagnostic lab
avoid hemodilution
Bone Marrow Indcations Lecture
Myeloid to Erythroid ratios normal and not
normal 1:1 or 2:1
can have myeloid hyper (3:1) or hypoplasia (1:3). Can have erythroid hyper (1:3) or hypoplasia.
When basophils are high on a leukogram, what could this be pointing to?
a parasitic infection
Segsare high, lyphs are low, what kind of leukogram is this?
You see that segs are low on a leukogram, can you immediately rule out inflammation?
no, segs can be working in the tissues, marginated, or being destroyed/or not produced…
everything is normal or should be pointing to stress but lymphs are high… what should you be worried about?
Hypoadrenocorticism, steroids are not being made to lower lymphocytes
A cat comes in with a hacking cough, despite being stressed, it has lymphocytosis… why?
Excited cats can present with lymphocytosis