Exam 2 Flashcards
Theory of Mind
Begins age 4, understanding that other people have different beliefs and thoughts
Childhood egocentricism
Contemplating the world from a personal perspective, not selfish (Buying glazed donuts for a class because you think glazed donuts are the best, getting someone a present you would like)
Common language errors
Overregularization: Extending common grammatical rules to exceptions, (Thinking the plural of deer is deers, “I knowed that”), a good sign in language development
Vygotsky’s theory of early childhood cognitive development
Higher mental processes depend on lang development including controlled attention, memorization and recall, categorization, planning, problem solving, self-reflection
Make-believe play (acting out roles, social skills)
Private speech turns into silent speech
Fast mapping
Results in a rapid growth in vocab, making connections between different words
Piaget Concrete-operational phase
(7-11 years) Logical, flexible, organized thinking
Theory of mind: more empathetic, leaving egocentric phase, metacognition (thinking about thinking)
Piaget Pre-operational phase
Egocentric, don’t yet grasp conservation, object permanence
Salmon & Reese: Elaborative Reminiscence
Parents discussing the past in a collaborative way; teaches about emotions, fosters language development, improves narrative skills
Olson: Prepubescent Transgender Children
Dominant view: with proper psychopathology, transgender kids’ gender would come to align with their natal sex but in actuality transgender persists
Deter/ Decard: Executive Function
Parents influence their children’s level of executive function with both genetics and the environment
Umana-Taylor: Psychological effects of discrimination
Discrimination has negative psychological effects for children and adolescents, developing an ethic/racial can prevent the psychological damages
Psychological consequences: depression, anxiety, low self esteem, increased sexual behaviors, out group favoritism
Piaget’s theory of early childhood cognitive development
Preoperational stage: symbolic thinking/reasoning, egocentric, can’t conserve or heirarchical classification
Executive function
effortful control: regulation of emotions, planning ahead, focusing attention, juggling multiple tasks, remember instructions
Language development in multilingual children
Will get the languages confused, best time to learn a second language, will fade unless immersed
Benefits of reminiscing
Elaborative reminiscence involves retelling events in a collaborative way, improves narrative skills, helps kids regulate emotions, helps theory of mind develop faster