Chapter 3: Prenatal Development, Birth, and the Newborn Baby Flashcards
7-9th day after conception, the blastocyst burrows deep into the uterine lining
A membrane that encloses the developing organism in amniotic fluid (helps keep the temp of the prenatal world constant and cushion the mom’s movement)
Surrounds the amnion where tiny blood vessels emerge
Brings the mother’s blood and the embryos blood closer together to permit food and oxygen to read the organism and waste products to be carried away
Umbilical cord
Contains a large vein that delivers blood with nutrients to 2 arteries that remove waste products
Lasts from implantation through the 8th week of pregnancy (groundwork is laid for body structures and organs)
Neural tube
Primitive spinal cord
9th week, end of pregnancy “growth and finishing” phase, the organism increases rapidly in size
3 equal timeperiods denoting prenatal development
white cheeslike fluid that prevents the fetuses skin from chapping in amniotic fluid
white, downy hair that appears over body and helps vernix stick to skin
Age of viability
Point where the baby can first survive (22-26 wks)
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Encompasses range of physical mental and prenatal outcomes caused by alcohol exposure
- FAS (slow physical growth, facial abnormalities, brain injury)
- partial-FAS (2/3 facial abnormalities, brain injury)
- Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (3 areas of mental functioning are impaired)
Rh factor incompatibility
When woman is Rh-neg and man is Rh-pos, baby is Rh-pos. But woman’s body makes antibodies foreign to Rh-pos proteins destroying baby’s blood cells
hard drugs, alcohol, caffeine, infections, scooping cat litter, garden dirt (toxoplasmosis), risky food and water, spouts, sushi, malnutrition, excessive excercise
An inborn automatic response to a form of stimulation
States of arousal
degrees of sleep and wakefulness
REM sleep
brain-wave activity is similar to waking state, heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate are uneven
NREM sleep
Body is almost motionless, heart rate, breathing and brain wave activity is even
Visual activity
Fineness of discrimination
Sudden infant death syndrome
unexpected death during night (less than 1 year old) unexplainable