Exam 2 Flashcards
The administration of a funeral service enterprise, the activities of which encompass marketing, office, personnel, and financial management
Funeral Service Management
The achievement of economical, orderly, and adequate distribution of products and services
Marketing Management
Planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling of office work
Office Management
A field of management concerned with the obtaining and maintaining of a satisfactory and satisfied work force
Personnel Management
The efficient utilization of adequate regulation of all revenue, expenditures, and capital rights
Financial Management
The funeral director as a care taking professional involves _____ basic areas
What are the 3 basic areas involved in the funeral director as a care taking professional
With clients, the families he serves
With the community public, the consumer at large
With professional associates, peers, both inter and intra professional
A distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling performed to accomplish established objectives
What are the four functions of management?
The methodology in thinking out acts and/or purposes prior to the actual implementation
How many parking spaces do you need per viewing room?
Broad statements about what an organization wants to achieve; broad general terms with not set time period
Specific statements of ends, the achievement of which is to be completed in a specific time period
_____ of people die under hospice care
To arrange or constitute in interdependent parts, each having a specific function or relation with respect to the whole
To incite to action, to initiate a process
To exercise restraint of or direction over
To exercise restraint of or direction over
The primary objective of funeral service management is
Fulfilling the needs of clients and the community public incurred by death
The secondary objective of funeral service management is
Insuring that funds are available for meeting expenses, for providing a reasonable return on investment and for capital improvements
The net value of an owner’s financial interest in a business enterprise
A business firm that obtains income through the buying and selling of goods and services
Commercial Enterprise
Funeral service management deals with what kind of relationship?
Funeral service and management and practice support the contemporary management concept of __________
Caveat Venditor
Caveat Venditor means
Let the seller beware
Caveat Emptor means
Let the buyer beware
Funeral service management views the role of its practitioners with its consumers as more
Personal, advisory, and confidential
Due to the nature of funeral service practice, the responsibility of this is greater than that of other managerial persons
Educating the consumer
The responsibility of the funeral service manager often includes serving the ___________
Total community
The art of informing the public of the services or commodities offered for sale by a corporation, partnership, or individual
To create consumer demand for an individual class or products and or services - that is the funeral itself or elements thereof
Selective Demand Advertising
To create consumer demand for an individual class or products and or services - that is the funeral itself or elements thereof
Selective Demand Advertising
Motivating people in organizations to develop teamwork that effectively fulfills their needs and achieves organizational objectives
Human Relations
Human relations is important for what?
Attaining objectives of the firm
Effective public relations through all funeral service personnel
The philosophy of the firm should include what?
Code of ethics
NFDA code of professional practice
Philosophy specific to the owner
The philosophy of the firm should include what?
Code of ethics
NFDA code of professional practice
Philosophy specific to the owner
List the priority of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Physiological Security Belongingness and love Esteem Self Actualization
What is recommended to be included in the manual for personnel?
History of the firm Tour of the facilities Personnel Practices Organization of the firm Responsibilities of personnel Professional responsibilities of the new employees
The classical theory of motivational behavior is?
Money is the most important motivator on the job
What are the physiological needs?
Air, water, food, sex
What are the security needs?
Safety, order, freedon from fear or threat
What are the belongingness and love (social) needs?
Need for love, affection, feelings of belonging and social contact
What are the esteem needs?
Self respect self esteem, achievement and respect from others
What are the self-actualization needs?
Need to grow, feel fulfilled, to realize one’s potential
What are the implications of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Basic needs must be satisfied before incentives designed to provide employees with esteem
Who had theory x and y views of human?
The average person dislikes work and will avoid it at all possible
Theory X
According to Theory X, because of the dislike of work, how would management get workers to perform efficiently?
Coersion, controlling, directing, and threatening with punishment
According to theory X, the average person lacks _____________