exam Flashcards
A 42-year-old male patient develops severe pain in the metatarsal phalangeal joint of his right big toe. Monosodium urate crystals are detected in fluid obtained from this joint . This patient’s pain is caused by the overproduction of the end product of which of the following metabolic pathways?
A. De novo pyrimidine biosynthesis B. Pyrimidine degradation
C. De novo purine biosynthesis
D. Purine salvage
E. Purine degradation
E. Purine degradation
- Choose the correct statement about calcium and its regulation.
A. Albumin-bound calcium is the physiologically active form.
B. Calcitriol increases calcium deposition in bone tissue.
C. Calcitonin reduces plasma calcium levels.
D. Bone metastases cause a decrease in plasma calcium
E. Serum total calcium levels increase in hypoalbuminemic patients.
C. Calcitonin reduces plasma calcium levels.
- Which one of the following statements about amino acid metabolism is correct?
A. Free amino acids are taken into the enterocytes by passive diffusion. B. In healthy, fed individuals, the output of amino acids exceeds the input. C. Liver uses ammonia to buffer protons.
D. Muscle-derived alanine is metabolized in liver to ammonia
plus the gluconeogenic precursor pyruvate.
E. The toxic ammonia generated from the nitrogen of amino acids is transported through blood as arginine.
D. Muscle-derived alanine is metabolized in liver to ammonia
plus the gluconeogenic precursor pyruvate.
Which of the following amino acids is the source of homocysteine ?
A. Serine
B. Tryptophan C. Histidine D. Methionine E. Arginine
D. Methionine
- Which is the precursor of serotonin?
A. Histidine
B. Cholesterol C. Phospholipids
D. Serine
E. Tryptophan
E. Tryptophan
- Which of the following enzymes is a gastric protease?
A. Elastase
B. Aminopeptidase
C. Pepsin
D. Trypsin
E. Chymotrypsin
C. Pepsin
Which of the following statements about the digestion of carbohydrates is correct?
A. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the stomach with gastric α-amylase.
B.Final products of carbohydrate digestion are sucrose, maltose and lactose.
C.Digested carbohydrates are taken into the enterocyte by passive transport.
D.Passage of undigested carbohydrate into the large intestine causes osmotic diarrhea.
E.Age-dependent loss of lactase activity is a rare condition.
D.Passage of undigested carbohydrate into the large intestine causes osmotic diarrhea.
- Which one of the following is elevated in plasma during the absorptive (fed) period as compared with the postabsorptive (fasted) state?
A. Acetoacetate
B. Chylomicrons
C. Free fatty acids D. Glucagon
E. Acetone
B. Chylomicrons
- For a 70-kg man, in which one of the periods listed below do ketone bodies supply the major portion of the caloric needs of brain?§
A. Absorptive period B. Overnight fast
C. Three-day fast
D. Four-week fast
E. Six-month fast
D. Four-week fast
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. An inverse relationship exists between blood TG and HDL levels
B. Chylomicrons transport triacylglycerols from the liver to the extrahepatic tissues.
C. Low plasma levels of Lp(a) are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart
D. The highest activity of lipoprotein lipase is in the liver.
E. The primary function of LDL is to transport cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver.
A. An inverse relationship exists between blood TG and HDL levels
- Which of the following increases in iron deficiency? A. Transferrin
B. Ferritin
C. Serum iron level
D. Hemosiderin
E. Hemoglobin
A. Transferrin
Which of the following best describes the reason behind the fact that smokers often require higher doses of some drugs than non-smokers to achieve the same therapeutic effect?
A. P450 induction
B. P450 inhibition
C. Increased glutathione activity
D. Decreased methylation
E. Increased UDP glucuronyl transferase activity
A. P450 induction
- Choose the correct statement.
A. Cholestyramine and dietary fiber inhibit the excretion of bile acids and cholesterol. B. Chenodeoxycholic and cholic acid are formed in the duodenum.
C. Daily bile secretion from the liver is less than one gram.
D. Bile pH is acidic due to the presence of bile acids.
E. Increases in the amount of cholesterol in the bile cause gallstone disease.
E. Increases in the amount of cholesterol in the bile cause gallstone disease.
Which of the following statements about acid-base disorders is correct?
A. Central nervous system activity is depressed in alkalosis.
B. Bicarbonate buffer system is predominantly intracellular.
C. Chemical buffers can tie up excess acids or bases and eliminate them from the body. D. Hypokalemia is associated with acidosis.
E. Respiratory acidosis is the most common cause of acid-base imbalance.
E. Respiratory acidosis is the most common cause of acid-base imbalance.
How would you interpret the following arterial blood gas values? pH: 7.29, CO2: 42 mm Hg, HCO3- 17 mEq/L.
A. Metabolic acidosis
B. Respiratory acidosis
C. Metabolic alkalosis D. Respiratory alkalosis E. Normal
A. Metabolic acidosis
Which of the following statements is true?
A. Over 85% of all heme synthesis occurs in the liver.
B. Heme proteins have a low turnover rate .
C. Excessive amounts of porphobilinogen (PBG) cause a reddish color in urine.
D. Iron deficiency causes Zn-protoporphyrin (ZPP) formation.
E. Overproduction of the porphyrin precursors such as ALA and PBG causes photosensitivity.
E. Overproduction of the porphyrin precursors such as ALA and PBG causes photosensitivity.
Which of the following lipoprotein particles are responsible for the milky appearance of the plasma?
A. Chylomicron remnants
B. Chylomicrons
C. Intermediate-density lipoproteins D. Low-density-lipoproteins
E. Very-low-density lipoproteins
B. Chylomicrons
Which of the following statements about minerals is true?
A. Sodium is the major cation of the intracellular fluid.
B. Severe hypomagnesemia induces hypocalcemia
C. Aldosterone excess causes increased potassium levels in blood.
D. Among the minerals, copper deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the
E. Cobalt is necessary for superoxide dismutase activity.
B. Severe hypomagnesemia induces hypocalcemia
Which of the following statements about detoxification reactions is true?
A. They aim to convert toxins to more lipophilic forms.
B. Pollutants in the air are endobiotics.
C. Glucuronidation is the most common form of drug conjugation.
D. Lungs are the major detoxification organs in our body.
E. Monamine oxidases are the main Phase 1 detoxification enzymes.
C. Glucuronidation is the most common form of drug conjugation.
Space of Disse is found in?
Answer: Liver
Space of Mall:
between stroma and /hepatocyte/
Portal triad made of:
Answer: Bile duct, portal vein and hepatic artery
Goblet cells most abundant in?
small and LARGE intestine
Structures crossed by the root of mesentery
Abdominal aorta:
Inferior vena cava:
Right ureter:
Right kidney:
Ovarian vessels (in females):
Psoas major muscle:
WOF is no tpart of abdominal wall:
NOT related to anterior abdominal wall:
Ascending part (4th) of Duodenum Held in its place by?
Suspensory muscle of the diaphragm “ligament of Treitz” attch to
Right Crus
Taste Sensation of the Ant. 2/3 of tongue?
facial nerve
Taste Sensation of the post. 1/3 of tongue?
Glossopharyngeal n.
What is the effect of leptin on insulin sensitivity?
Leptin increase insulin sensitivity
Which one of the following isn’t a branch of the superior mesenteric artery?
Dwarfism is caused by?
growth hormone
Ghrelin level?
High before a meal and low after a meal
Which one of the following isn’t a ligament of greater Omentum?
these are: Gastrocolic ligament .
Gastrosplenic ligament
Gastrophrenic ligament
Splenorenal (Lienorenal) ligament –
Ca reabsorption is influenced by?
Vitamin D. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH). Calcitonin
Which one of the following is right about amino acids?
glucose and alanine cycle
Which one of the following is right about acid-base problems?
Most common respiratory cause– resp. acidosis
Which of the following is related to external oblique muscle?
Answer: Inguinal ligament
Which of the following is related to the head of pancreas?
All Soft palatine muscles are innervated by the pharyngeal plexus except?
Tensor veli palatini - mandibular nerve (V3),
24.Which nerve is responsible for the taste sensation of the facial
anterior 2/3 of the tongue, the Facial nerve
23.Which one of the following innervates external sphincter anal muscle?
Pudendal nerve
25.Which nerve is responsible for the taste sensation of post1/3?
Left Vagus n. course
26.Thoracolumbar fascia lat. side, not behind
Psaos major m. **
32.Visceral layer of peritoneum(Pain is felt by pressure
not by sensory
ParaSymp. inner. of submandibular and sublingual glands?
Facial Nerve (Chorda Tympani)
35.What is in the middle of hepatic lobule?
central vein, Portal Triads,
Liver ligaments
Hepatoduodenal Ligament, Hepatogastric Ligament , Triangular Ligaments, Coronary Ligament, Falciform Ligament
where Right Vagus n. course
Which Cranial nerve does not innervate the tongue ?
accessory. but Hypoglossal nerve, Vagus nerve, Glossopharyngeal nerve, facial nerve do
Which is not related to portal system
Right Suprarenal Vein. renal vein, femoral vein, or pulmonary veins
WOF is branch of renal artery in order?
(Segmental → Interlobar → Arcuate → Interlobular → Afferent arterioles)
41.All carry taste buds except ?
Filiform papillae
Left suprarenal vein drains into
✅ Left suprarenal vein → Left renal vein → Inferior vena cava (IVC)
Arteries of the tongue
external carotid artery. Lingual Artery. Tonsillar branch of the facial artery . Ascending pharyngeal artery
43.Which is an artery of the Circle of Willis :
Anterior cerebral artery (left and right)
- Anterior communicating artery
- Internal carotid artery (left and right)
- Posterior cerebral artery (left and right)
- Posterior communicating artery (left and right)
Most powerful flexor of thigh
Psoas major +Iliacus = iliopsoas mm.
Parasym. Inn. Of submandibular gland
Facial nerve. Chorda Tympani. lingual nerve
46.Aorta bifurcate at
.and IVC bifurcate at
48.Left gonadal vein passes to IVC through
Left Renal Vein
Cataracts in diabetic
sorbitol. Hyperglycemia. osmotic stress
Cataracts in newborn babies
Answer: (Apo a-1)
Chylomicrons. ligand for binding
WOF hormone or peptide released by ANS relaxes the smooth muscle
Nitric Oxide
Receives both sympathetic and Parasymp.
Salivary glands
Auerbach’s (Myenteric) plexus:
muscularis externa layer of GIT
like leptin which is decrease appetite
Peptide Y decrease appetite directly on …
hypothalamus or indirectly by inhibition ghrelin
Meissner’s plexus:
Submucosa of GIT
Which hormone slow the gastric liquid emptying and relaxes sphincter of
Cholecystokinin CCK
Somatostatin inhibiting role
inhibit GH. nhibits the secretion of all gastrointestinal
hormones and gastric acid secretion
ileum absorbed
B12. nutrients, bile salts
Acid secretion by(. ) ? Acetyl co A ( )gastrin (. ) histamine(. )
Acetyl-CoA- ACTH production. Gastrin G cells promotes HCL and histamine. Histamine - H2 receptors andECL