What is a hydatid?
A cyst containing watery fluid
What is a mole?
Abnormal mass of tissue in the uterus
What is a Hyaditidiform Mole?
Abnormality of the placenta resulting from faulty fertilization
What are the clinical manifestations of a Hyaditidiform Mole?
- 4th to 5th month gestation
- Size of the uterus MUCH LARGER than corresponding months
- Vaginal bleeding
What is the different between a complete and partial Hyaditidiform Mole?
Complete= fertilization of an EMPTY OVUM with one or two sperm
- Results in 46 chromosomes
Partial= OVUM is 23X, results in 69 chromosomes
How will a complete hyaditiform mole present?
Large, distended, bizarre, gelatinous mass
How does the HCG level compare between complete and partial Hyaditidiform Mole?
Complete= very very high Partial= high
What US finding is pathognomonic for a complete Hyaditidiform Mole?
Grossly, how is a Complete Hyaditidiform Mole described?
“Bunch of grapes”
How do the chorionic villi appear in a Complete Hyaditidiform Mole?
Large avascular villi
How do the chorionic villi for partial and complete Hyaditidiform Mole compare?
Partial= slight hyperplasia Complete= extensive hyperplasia
What is an Invasive Mole?
Complete Hyaditidiform Mole with penetration of villi and trophoblast into the myometrium
What are the complications of Invasive Moles?
1) Uterine rupture
2) Embolization of villi to lungs
After D/C for complete Hyaditidiform Mole, what should you be concerned about if B-HCG remains elevated?
Invasive Mole
What is a Chroiocarcinoma?
- Highly malignant neoplasm of trophoblastic cells
- Fleshy, hemorrhagic tumor with cytotrophoplast and syncytiotrophoblasts