What are the top three leading causes of death for women?
1) Heart Disease
2) Lung cancer
3) CVA
What is the leading cause of disability for women?
What are the two leading causes of death during childbirth?
1) Pre-existing conditions
2) Severe bleeding
*Note that 800 women die daily from preventable issues related to pregnancy and childbirth
Why has there been a recent increase in pregnancy related deaths?
Multiple births
Geographically, what is the correlation between access to contraception and maternal mortality?
Africa= lowest contraceptive prevalence AND highest maternal mortality ratio (1:15)
What are the etiologies of maternal mortality in developing countries?
1) Maternal blood loss
2) Infection
3) HTN
4) Unsafe abortion
What are the obstacles to providing skilled OB/GYN care to all women?
1) Poverty
2) Distance
3) Lack of education
4) Inadequate services
5) Cultural practices
What is mortality in cervical cancer directly related to?
Access to health care i.e. pap-smears
What are the four focuses/components of well woman care?
1) Health maintenance
2) Preventative services
3) Early disease detection
4) Continuity of care
What are the specific concerns in history taking for the 13-18 y/o woman?
1) Risk-taking behavior
2) Sexual practice
3) Driving
4) Drugs and alcohol
5) Eating disorders
What are the specific concerns in history taking for the 19-39 y/o woman?
1) Nutrition
2) Physical activity
3) Sexual practices
4) Pregnancy desires
5) Drugs/alcohol
6) Intimate partner violence
7) Breast cancer risk
What are the specific concerns in history taking for the 40-64 y/o woman?
1) Menopause
2) Sexual function
3) Incontinence
What are the specific concerns in history taking for the 65+ y/o woman?
1) Nutrition
2) ADLs
3) Fall prevention
4) Abuse/neglect
What is ACOG guideline on an annual pelvic exam?
Shared decision between patient and provider
When is Chlamydia screening recommended?
Sexually active females under 25 y/o