What is adrenarche?
Secretion of sex steroids from the zona reticularis in the adrenal gland
*Occurs between 6-8
What is gonadarche?
Pulsatile GnRH secretion from hypothalamus
*Occurs around age 8
What is thelarche?
Breast bud development; first phenotypic sign of puberty
*Comes from estrogen
What is pubarche?
Onset of pubic hair growth
- Accompanied by axillary hair growth
- Androgen induced
When does normal menarche occur?
12-13 y/o
*Note that this can be irregular at first, which is normal
What hormone is specifically increased by FSH?
Estrogen secretion from the ovaries
What hormones are specifically increased by LH?
Progesterone and androgen secretion from the ovaries
What pre-pubertal morphological changes occur in girls?
1) Increased ovary size
2) Vaginal lengthening
3) Uterine:cervix ratio increases
What hormone does estrogen have a positive feedback on?
What hormone does estrogen have negative feedback on?
When is the growth peak in girls?
- Roughly 2 years after breast budding
- 1 year prior to menarche
What is the major determinant for the timing of puberty?
What are the minor determinants for the timing of puberty?
1) Nutritional status
2) General health
3) Geography
What is precocious puberty/ how is it defined?
- Breast development before 7
- Pubic hair before 8
- Menstruation before 10
What causes true precocious puberty?
Early GnRH activation