Exam 1 Study--Adrenergic Drugs Flashcards
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Epinephrine
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); alpha at high dose, beta at low dose; positive ionotropic and chronotropic beta1; beta1 effect on kidney causes renin relase; increase SBP, slight decrease DBP; treats bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, cardiac arrest, adjunct anesthetic (1:100,000 parts)
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Norepinephrine
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); alpha; vasoconstriction in peripheral tissue, increase SDBP, bradycardia through baroreceptor reflex (vagal stimulation); treats shock
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Dopamine
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); alpha1 at high dose and beta1 at low dose; found in basal ganglia; increase renal blood flow through D1 and D2 (presynpatic) activation; treats cardiogenic and septic shock as well as hypotension and severe congestive heart failure (beta1 increases CO and alpha1 increases peripheral resistance)
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Isoproterenol
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); beta1 and beta2; intense stimulation of heart, slight increase in SBP, great decrease in DBP, increase blood sugar and lipolysis; treats AV block or cardiac arrest
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Fenoldopam
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); alpha2 (moderate) and D1; treats hypertension (rapid-acting) by causing vasodilation through D1 receptor activation
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Dobutamine
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); beta1; treats acute congestive heart failure by increasing CO
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Oxymetazoline
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); alpha1 and alpha2; treats red eye and nasal decongestion (spray)
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Phenylephrine
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); alpha1; mydriasis and nasal decongestion
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Clonidine
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); alpha2; treats essential hypertension (lowered BP due to alpha2 activation, decreases NE release presynaptically); treats withdrawal from opiates, tobacco, benzodiazepines; abrupt withdrawal leads to rebound hypertension; acts centrally to decrease sympathetic outflow to periphery
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Metaproterenol
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); similar to isoproterenol, not used often due to more selective beta2 agonists
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Albuterol
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); beta2;bronchodilation, short-acting (duration <3 hours)
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Terbutaline
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); beta2;bronchodilation, short-acting (duration <3 hours)
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Salmeterol
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); beta2; bronchodilation, long-acting (duration >12 hours)
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Formoterol
Adrenergic agonist (direct-acting); beta2; bronchodilation, long-acting (duration >12 hours)
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Amphetamine
Adrenergic agonist (indirect-acting); blocks NE reuptake and causes release of stored catecholamines; treat hyperactivity in children
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Tyramine
Adrenergic agonist (indirect-acting); found in fermented foods such as Chianti wine and aged cheese; displaces stored NE
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Cocaine
Adrenergic agonist (indirect-acting); blocks ATPase pump for NE reuptake
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Ephedrine
Adrenergic agonist (mixed-action); alpha and beta; bronchodilation, mild CNS stimulation; raises systolic and diastolic BP; nasal and sinus decongestant
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Pseudoephedrine
Adrenergic agonist (mixed-action); alpha and beta; has been illegally converted to methamphetamine
True or false: alpha blockers decrease heart rate.
False; they lower BP, which induces a reflex tachycardia
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Phenoxybenzamine
Adrenergic antagonist; alpha1 and alpha2; irreversible/noncompetitive; treats pheochromocytoma
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Phentolamine
Adrenergic antagonist; alpha1 and alpha2; competitive; treats hypertensive crisis due to clonidine withdrawal or ingesting tyramine-containing foods in MOAI patients; can be used for impotence
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Prazosin
Adrenergic antagonist; alpha1; competitive; treat hypertension; first dose can cause orthostatic hypotensive response (minimized by first dose adjusted to 1/3 or 1/4, giving drug at bedtime)
Name the type of drug, what type of receptor it stimualtes (if applicable), its primary use(s) and/or actions, and anything else significant about it: Terazosin
Adrenergic antagonist; alpha1; competitive; treat hypertension; first dose can cause orthostatic hypotensive response (minimized by first dose adjusted to 1/3 or 1/4, giving drug at bedtime)